Chapter Twenty.

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A few weeks later.

Tulisa is now 30 weeks pregnant, she found she's having another little girl. She's spoke with Fazer and they've decided to name her Aubrey Kayla Rawson-Contostavlos. Fazer and Tulisa aren't back together but they have started working things out for the sake of the children. They've agreed that Fazer won't be in the room when Tulisa gives birth because they aren't dating and someone has to watch the kids. Tulisa left college because it really wasn't doing her any good all she wanted to be doing was music so they're back doing N-Dubz.

Lifting Bailey up Tulisa rubs her back as she gets a sharp pain across it. Taking a deep breath she walks into the living room and places Bailey on the sofa next to Peyton and Lucas. She walks into the kitchen and picks up her phone dialling Fazer's number.

Fazer : Hello?

Tulisa : Faze, can you come watch the kids for a bit?

Fazer : Yeah of course, are you alright?

Tulisa : Not really can you just hurry up please.

Fazer : Sure I'll be right 5 minutes.

Tulisa : Okay, bye.

She hangs up the phone and places it back on the table as she gets another pain. Grabbing onto the worktop to steady herself she takes a deep breath. After a few minutes the pain goes away and she walks into the living room. She stands behind the sofa and waits for Fazer to arrive. A few minutes later he's knocking on the door. She answers it just as she gets another pain. Clutching her stomach she forces a smile and lets him in. "Can you put them down for a nap please?" She asks. "Of course. Come on you three." He replies and takes them into their room. She sits down on the sofa and takes a few deep breaths. "You okay T?" Fazer asks when he comes out the kids room. "No not really. I think I'm in labour." She replies rubbing her stomach. "But its too early T." He says. "Well tell the baby that!" She replies. "Right want me to phone Dappy and ask him to take you to the hospital?" He asks and she shakes her head. "No can you come with me and he can watch the kids." She replies. "But I thought you said." He begins to say. "I need you there Faze. I need you!" She says interrupting him. "Okay, if your sure." He replies. "Of course I'm sure." She says and he phones Dappy. Within about 10 minutes Dappy is at the house and Tulisa and Fazer are on their way to hospital. Gripping onto Fazer's hand Tulisa looks at him with tears in her eyes. "I didn't want us to split up, I love you and I always have done." She says and he reaches over and wipes her tears away. "I love you too T." He whispers. She rests her head on his shoulder and screams as she gets another contraction. About 15 minutes later they're settled in at the hospital. Tulisa's lying in bed screaming her head off when a nurse walks in. "Ok Miss Contostavlos, I need you to push now." She says after examining her. After a few pushes Tulisa's baby is born but whisked away as soon as she's born. "Where is she? I didn't hear her cry? Why didn't she cry?" She asks. "You need to calm down." The nurse replies. "Don't tell me what I need to do. I want to see my baby!" Tulisa says. "Your baby is very sick at the moment and most likely not make it through the night, when she was born she wasn't breathing. Now if you were a decent mother you would allow me to get on with looking after you while other people deal with your child okay?" The nurse replies bluntly. Tulisa looks at Fazer and bursts into tears. He wraps his arms around her and looks over at the nurse. "Do you not think that was a bit harsh?" He asks as Tulisa sobs into his shoulder. The nurse just ignores him and carries on cleaning up the room as a younger nurse enters. She sees Tulisa crying her eyes out and walks over to her. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asks placing her hand on Tulisa's shoulder. "No she's not. She basically just told her she's a bad mum and our baby won't make it through the night." Fazer replies. The young nurse turns to the other. "Okay, I'll take over here I think." She says and the nurse shrugs her shoulders. "She needs stitches but wouldn't sit at peace." She replies before walking out the door. The young nurse walks round to the other side of the bed. "Tula is it?" She asks and Tulisa nods her head. "Okay, well I do need to give you a few stitches as you did tear but once we've got that over with I'll take you to see your little girl okay?" She says and Tulisa nods her head. The nurse does Tulisa's stitches then gets wheelchair. Tulisa sits in it and the nurse pushes it while Fazer walks beside her. "So is this your first baby?" The nurse asks. "No we've got triplets." Tulisa replies. "Oh wow, how old are they?" The nurse asks. "They're coming up for 2." Tulisa replies. "Oh that's adorable." The nurse says just as the reach the NICU. Pushing Tulisa into the room she sees a tiny baby all hooked up to machines in an incubator. "This is your little princess." The nurse says as she stops outside the incubator. A tear falls down Tulisa's cheek as she looks in at her poor baby fighting for her life.

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