Chapter Seven

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*4 months later*

Tulisa is lying on the sofa 35 weeks pregnant. The doctors are suprised she's made it this far. Fazer walks in and smiles at her. "Hello babe. How are you feeling?" He asks. Tulisa rubs her bump and smiles weakly. "I'm actually really sore. The babies aren't kicking as much either." Tulisa replies. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asks. Tulisa nods her head and slowly gets up off the sofa. Suddenly she feels water gush down her legs. "Fuck Faze my waters have just broken!" Tulisa cries. "Oh shit can you manage to the bedroom to get dressed?" He asks. Tulisa nods her head and slowly goes into the bedroom. She changes into clean underwear and a pair of Fazer's trackies. She comes back out and sees Fazer sitting on the sofa with her hospital bag. "Babe I've ordered a taxi, it'll be like 5 minutes." Fazer says. Tulisa groans in pain and sits down beside Fazer. He moves himself so Tulisa's sitting inbetween his legs and begins rubbing her back. "It won't be long babe." He says. Tulisa breathes deeply and leans her head back on Fazer. He carries on rubbing her back. "I'm gonna be sick!" Tulisa shouts before throwing up all over the floor. Fazer moves over and stands up. He goes into the kitchen and gets a cloth before cleaning the floor. He walks over to Tulisa who's sitting on the sofa in tears. "I'm so done with this Faze. I want these babies out now!" Tulisa cries. "I know baby, I know. Let's go the taxi's here." He says helping Tulisa off the sofa. He helps her out to the taxi and they get dropped off at the hospital. They get Tulisa checked in and settled in a bed. She's lying with her Gas and Air breathing in deeply. A few hours later and the nurse tells Tulisa its time to start pushing. After 10 minutes of pushing their first little girl is born. Another 20 minutes later and their little boy is born. "Okay a few more pushes and that should be it." The nurse says. After a few more pushes Tulisa has gave birth to all 3 babies. They've all been rushed away to get checked over by doctors. Tulisa falls asleep within a few minutes of the nurses leaving and Fazer later gets told their 3 babies are healthy.

A few hours later Tulisa is lying in bed fast asleep. Fazer is sat by her side holding their baby boy in his arms. He sees Tulisa's eyes flicker open. She looks over at him and smiles. "Hello babe." He whispers. "Hey." She replies sitting up a bit. "We have 3 beautiful, healthy babies T." He says. "Can I see them?" She asks. "Of course. Here you hold Lucas." Fazer replies handing Lucas. over to her. She holds him in her arms as a tear falls down her cheek. "Hello baby boy. I'm your mummy." She whispers. Fazer pushes over the other two plastic cots. Inside are two tiny little girs covered in pink blankets. "What are we gonna call them?" Tulisa asks peering into the cots. "I don't know babe, I quite like the name Bailey." Fazer replies. "I like Brodie." Tulisa says. "Brodie, Bailey and Lucas. That doesn't go though." Fazer replies. "Hmm I also like Peyton though." Tulisa says. "So what we gonna do?" Fazer asks. "What about Bailey, Peyton and Lucas." Tulisa replies. "Yeah that sounds good." Fazer says. "Can we give them both our surnames?" Tulisa asks. "Of course. If that's what you want." Fazer replies. "So we've got Lucas James Rawson-Contostavlos, Peyton something Rawson-Contostavlos and Bailey something Rawson-Contostavlos." Tulisa says. "How about Peyton Louise ?" Fazer asks. "Yeah that's cute, what about Bailey May?" Tulisa replies. "Yeah." Fazer says smiling. "How much did they weigh?" Tulisa asks. "Lucas was 6lb exactly. Bailey was 5lb 8oz and Peyton was the smallest at 5lb exactly." Fazer replies. Tulisa smiles and someone knocks on the door. The door slowly opens and Dappy peeks his head in. "Is it alright if I come in?" He asks. "Of course Daps!" Tulisa says cheerfully. Dappy walks in and over to Tulisa who has handed Lucas over to Fazer. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly. "Congrats mummy!" He says. "Thank you Dappy." She replies. Dappy let's go of her and sits down on a chair. "So what've you called them?" He asks. "Lucas, Peyton and Bailey." Tulisa replies. "Aww that's cute." Dappy says. "Would you like to hold Lucas?" Fazer asks. Dappy nods his head and smiles as Fazer passes Lucas over to him. "So how you feeling?" Dappy asks. "A bit sore but other than that alright." Tulisa replies. Fazer gently picks Peyton up and passes her to Tulisa. She cradles her in her arms while Fazer picks up Bailey. The 3 of them sit cradling the babies when a nurse walks in. "Miss Contostavlos, if you wish you can take your babies home in the next hour. I know we said you might need to stay overnight but the babies are healthy enough to go home." She says. "Are you sure?" Tulisa asks. "Yes, I'll get you the forms you need to sign then you can go home." The nurse replies. "Oh okay." Tulisa says before turning to face Fazer. "Babe you need to go back to the flat and get the prams and stuff." She says. Fazer nods his head and places Bailey in Tulisa's arm so she's holding Bailey and Peyton. "I'll be like 20 minutes babe." He says kissing Tulisa's forehead. Fazer goes home and comes back half an hour later with the double travel system and single travel system. He brings a bag with 3 little outfits and blankets for the triplets and clean clothes for Tulisa. When he gets back Tulisa has signed all the forms and Dappy is holding Lucas and Bailey. "Babe I brought you clean clothes." He says passing her the bag. She takes out her clothes and stands up while passing Peyton to Fazer. "Thanks." She says going into the bathroom to get changed. While she's in the bathroom Fazer begins to get Peyton dressed and Dappy dresses Bailey. By the time Tulisa is dressed Fazer has finished dressing Peyton and is now dressing Lucas, Dappy is finding it hard to dress Bailey. "Struggling there Dappy?" Tulisa asks laughing. "Just a bit." Dappy replies. Tulisa helps Dappy finish dressing Bailey then they get them strapped in the prams. Peyton and Bailey go in the double pram and Lucas in the single one. They get the bus back to the flat and get settled in. "Well I'm gonna leave yous to it." Dappy says. "Aww do you have to?" Tulisa asks. "Yeah I promised my mum I'd be back for dinner." Dappy replies hugging Tulisa. "Okay then. I'll see you later." Tulisa replies and hugs him back. Dappy leaves and Tulisa gets the babies settled in their cot. She's just finished covering them with blankets when Fazer wraps his arms around her waist and looks over her shoulder. "Can you believe they're ours. We're a proper family now T." He whispers. "I know baby." Tulisa replies turning round to face Fazer. "Let's go into the living room and watch a movie." Fazer says taking Tulisa's hand. He leads her out to the living room and puts a dvd on. They sit on the sofa and begin to watch the dvd. About half way through the movie Fazer wraps his arm around Tulisa's waist and pulls her onto his knee. "What are you doing mister?" Tulisa asks laughing. "Having a proper cuddle. Is that a problem." Fazer replies. "Of course not." Tulisa says cuddling into him.

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