Chapter Ten.

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A few hours later the kids are awake and are sitting in the living room playing with their toys. Tulisa's in the kitchen making them some dinner when someone knocks on the door. "Mummy door!" Lucas shouts. "I know Lucas." She replies walking out the kitchen and shutting the baby gate behind her. She walks over to the door and opens it to see Fazer standing with a bunch of flowers. "What do you want?" She asks crossing her arms. "I'm sorry about earlier..." He replies holding the flowers out for Tulisa to take them. Tulisa takes the flowers off Fazer and smiles slightly. "The kids are awake do you want to come in?" She asks. Fazer nods his head and she moves out the way to let him in. "Daddddy!" Peyton shouts when she sees Fazer. "Hey baby girl." He replies sitting down on the floor next to them. "I'm making them some food, do you want anything?" Tulisa asks. Fazer shakes his head. "No thanks." He replies. Tulisa goes back into the kitchen to continue making the food. A few minutes later Fazer comes walking in. "Need any help?" He asks. "Erm yeah can you get their juice out the fridge please." She replies. "I really am sorry you know T." Fazer says as he gets the juice out. "Yeah you've already said." She replies. "But I do mean it. I shouldn't of done that. It came across the wrong way." He says. "Okay, gonna just go put the kids in their highchairs please." She replies. Fazer sighs and walks out the kitchen. He gets the kids strapped into their highchairs then Tulisa brings out their food and they feed them. About an hour later Tulisa and Fazer are sitting on the sofa with the kids. "Right you three bedtime!" Tulisa says standing up. She bends down and lifts Bailey up who is already fast asleep. Fazer lifts Peyton and Lucas up and they carry them to their room. They place them in their beds and say goodnight to them. They walk back out into the living room and Fazer grabs his jacket. "Well I'll leave you to it then." Fazer says walking towards the door. He walks out and shuts the door behind him. Tulisa walks into the bedroom and changes into her pyjamas then comes back and sits on the sofa. She sighs and checks the time before heading off to bed for an early night.

A few days later Tulisa is getting ready to go to a meeting with Dappy, Fazer and their tour manager Rich about their upcoming tour. She's already dropped the kids off with her mum and now just has to get herself dressed. She puts on a black pair of skinny jeans and white vest top before putting a small amount of makeup on and trying her hair back in a ponytail. She leaves the house and gets the bus to the studio where they're having the meeting. When she gets there everybody is already there. She sits down next to Dappy and they begin the meeting. They discuss everything about the tour then talk turns to Tulisa and Fazer. "So where are you two at now? Are yous alright being on a tour bus together?" Dappy asks. Fazer shrugs his shoulders. "I'm fine with it. Don't know about her though." He replies looking at Tulisa. She sighs and stands up walking out of the studio as a tear falls down her cheek. Dappy follows her and finds her leaning against the wall outside. "What's up with you?" He asks. "I can't do it. I can't pretend I'm not still in love with him." She replies. "Nobody's asking you to pretend. We just want to know if you'll be able to be on the same tour bus with him." Dappy says. "I don't know Daps. I really don't know." She replies and begins crying. "Oh come here." He says pulling her into his arms. She leans on his shoulder and begins crying her eyes out. After a few minutes Fazer comes out. "What's taking you two so long?" He asks then sees Tulisa's crying. "T what's wrong?" He asks. Tulisa lifts her head off Dappy's shoulder and wipes her eyes. "Nothing I'm fine." She replies. "Your obviously not." He says. "Look T, you need to talk to him and sort some things out if we're actually gonna make this work." Dappy says. Tulisa sighs and nods her head. "Okay then." She whispers. Dappy goes back inside and leaves Tulisa and Fazer to talk. "I don't want you to be upset and I'm sorry if I'm the one making you upset." Fazer says. Tulisa takes a deep breath and wipes her eyes. "I miss you. I miss you being around to help with the kids. I miss you being around just to give me a cuddle before we go to bed." She replies. "I miss all that aswell T. I love you. I always have and I always will." Fazer says. "I love you too." Tulisa replies. Fazer wraps his arms around her and she cuddles into him. "I'm sorry I was such a cow the other day." She says. "Its fine babe." He replies. They stay outside for a few minutes just cuddling before going back inside. "Everything good now?" Dappy asks. Tulisa nods her head and smiles up at Fazer. "Everything's perfect now." She replies.

Things were looking good for Tulisa and Fazer. They were back together, they had three beautiful children together. In a fairy tale this would be it. They'd live happily ever after. But life isn't a fairy tale and nothing is that simple in life....

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