Chapter Five.

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A few weeks later Tulisa has her first ultrasound. She picks up her phone and texts Fazer.

To Fazer :

Babe where will I meet you?xx

From Fazer :

At your house, I'll be like 5 minutes xx

To Fazer :

Okay my appointments in half an hour xx

From Fazer :

Okay start walking downstairs then babe xx

To Fazer :

Okay xx

Tulisa pulls her jumper on which is beginning to get a bit tight on her because she already has a bump. "Mum I'm leaving now." She shouts as she walks to the front door. "Okay good luck sweetie. Remember I want to see a picture!" Her mum replies. "Okay mum. Byee!" Tulisa shouts then leaves. She walks downstairs and stands outside her block of flats. She leans against the wall while waiting. After a few minutes Fazer comes walking along. He wraps his arms around Tulisa and kisses her forehead. "Right let's go see our little baby." He says placing a hand on her stomach. They get the bus to the hospital then check in. They are told to sit in the waiting area until their name is called. They sit down and Fazer notices Tulisa is shaking. "Babe what's wrong?" He asks grabbing her hand. "I'm scared Faze. What if somethings wrong with the baby?" She replies. "Don't worry babe, everythings gonna be fine." Fazer says putting his arm around Tulisa. She leans her head on his shoulder. After a few minutes a nurse calls Tulisa's name. She takes them into a room and asks Tulisa to lie down on the bed. "Ok, I'm going to ask you to roll your top up and then place your left arm on the pillow above your head." The nurse says. Tulisa does as she says and the nurse gasps. "Wow, are you sure your only 13 weeks?" She asks. Tulisa nods her head. "Yeah I should be." Tulisa replies. The nurse begins to do the scan. After about 5 minutes she stops. "Can you excuse me a minute I need to go see something." She says before walking out the door. Tulisa turns to face Fazer. "Somethings wrong Faze. I know it is!" She says as a tear falls down her cheek. "Babe let's just wait for her to come back yeah?" Fazer replies wiping the tears from Tulisa's cheek. The nurse comes back a few minutes later with another nurse close behind. She introduces herself. The second nurse begins to do the scan again. After about 10 minutes she turns to face the other nurse and nods her head. "Ok, well I don't know if this is going to be good news for you but I can tell you that your not only having one baby, your having triplets." The nurse says. "Triplets!" Tulisa says in complete shock. "We'll give you sometime. Yous can leave when your ready. Here is your pictures of the babies." The nurse says before they both leave the room. Tulisa wipes the gel off her stomach and sits up. "Fazer what are we gonna do?" She asks. Fazer looks at her and although he's in complete shock he knows he has to be strong for Tulisa. "We are gonna go home, begin sorting out our little flat. Get everything ready for these 3 little babies and be a proper family." He says. "How are we going to afford it though?" She asks. "Well I've been saving since I got my job. I'd say I have enough to buy some cots. Then we'll stick in at the studio and keep trying to make it big." Fazer replies. Tulisa nods her head and smiles slightly. "Can we go home please?" Tulisa asks. "Of course, come on." Fazer replies helping Tulisa off the bed. They go outside and turn their phones on. They each have about 30 missed calls from Dappy. "I'll phone him." Tulisa says. She dials his number and waits for him to answer when he finally does answer. She can tell he's been crying. "Dappy what's wrong... Right calm down and tell me what's happened... Oh... Omg... Please tell me your lying... Nooo!" Tulisa screams before falling to her knee's. "T, what's wrong?" Fazer asks. Tulisa begins sobbing uncontrollably and shaking. Fazer lifts her up so she's back on her feet and wraps his arms around her to hold her up. He takes her phone out her hand and places it to his ear. He can hear Dappy is crying aswell. "Dappy mate, what's happened?... Ohgod... We'll come over, is that okay?... Okay see you then." He says and hangs up the phone. He rubs Tulisa's back. "Why him... Its so unfair!" She cries wrapping her arms around Fazer's neck. "I know babe, I know." He says. Tulisa places her hand on her stomach then begins crying even more. "We'll go see Dappy yeah? He needs us T." Fazer says. Tulisa nods her head and wipes her eyes. "Yeah let's go see Dappy." Tulisa replies. She holds onto Fazer's hand and they start waiting at the bus stop. Tulisa leans against Fazer and begins to cry on his shoulder again. He puts his arm around her and hugs her tightly.

When they finally get to Dappy's his mum opens the door. She looks exhausted and her eyes are red from crying. She smiles weakly at Tulisa and Fazer before letting them in. They see Dappy sitting on the sofa in his trackies. He's got his hood up and his head down. Tulisa rushes over and sits down beside him. "I'm sorry Dappy!" She says wrapping her arms around him. Fazer sits down on the sofa opposite Dappy and Tulisa. Dappy lifts his head up and looks at Tulisa. He moves her arms from around him so he can hug her instead. He wraps his arms around her tightly and leans his head on her shoulder. "T, can you stay here tonight?" He whispers. She nods her head. "Of course Daps. If that's what you want." She replies. He hugs her tightly before placing a hand on her stomach. "You had your scan today didn't you?" He asks. Tulisa nods her head and Dappy looks up at her face. "How's the baby?" He asks. "Well there's 3 of them for a start." Tulisa replies. Dappy looks at her in shock. "Are you kidding me on?" He asks. Tulisa shakes her head and brings a scan picture out her pocket. She hands it to Dappy and he looks at it before hugging her. "Congrats." He says. Tulisa just hugs Dappy tightly. After a few minutes Tulisa can tell Dappy's crying. She looks over at Fazer who has tears in his eyes. "Can you give us a minute." She mouths to him. He nods his head and quietly walks out the front door. "Dappy look at me." Tulisa whispers. Dappy lifts his head up and looks at Tulisa before bursting into tears. "Why him T. Why my dad." He sobs. Tulisa pulls him closer to her and hugs him tightly again. Dappy continues crying on Tulisa's shoulder while she rubs his back. After about 15 minutes he stops and sits up to look at her. "Thank you." He says almost inaudible. "For what?" Tulisa asks. "Being here." Dappy replies. "I'm here as long as you need me to be Dappy. I just need to go get some clean clothes and pj's. Then I'll be back okay." She says. Dappy nods his head. "I'll see you soon then." He replies. Tulisa hugs Dappy then walks outside. She shuts the front door and bursts into tears. Fazer rushes over to her and wraps his arms around her. "Come here babe." He says rubbing her back. "I feel so sorry for him. He was so vulnerable in there Faze." Tulisa says. "I know babe, its horrible seeing him like that we just need to help him through it." Fazer replies. Tulisa nods her head. "I'm gonna stay with him for a few nights. Just until things get a bit easier for him." Tulisa says. Fazer nods his head. "Well let's go get you some clean clothes then." He replies.

They go back to Tulisa's and she collects enough clothes for a week. Fazer then walks her back to Dappy's. Once they get there he wraps his arms around her and gently kisses her. "Babe phone me if you need anything yeah?" He says. "Yeah I'll speak to you tomorrow baby." Tulisa replies. Tulisa knocks on the front door and Dappy answers. He instantly wraps his arms around her. "I got us some chinese." Dappy says. "Oh good! I'm starving!" Tulisa replies. They eat their food then head upstairs. "You can have the bed T." Dappy says. "I think we'd both fit in it. And I'd really like a cuddle from my big cousin." Tulisa says smiling. Dappy laughs and they both lie down on the bed. Dappy wraps his arms around Tulisa. "T?" He says. "Yeah." Tulisa replies. "Are you happy with Fazer?" Dappy asks. "Yeah, yeah I am actually." Tulisa replies. "Good. Now go to sleep." He says. "Night Daps." Tulisa whispers. "Night T." Dappy replies. Within a few minutes Tulisa is asleep. Dappy slowly gets out of bed and begins to cry. He goes to walk out the bedroom door when he hears Tulisa speaking. "Dappy come here." She says quietly. Dappy looks over and sees her sitting up in bed. He walks over and sits down beside her. "Its okay to cry you know. You don't have to hide it from me." She whispers putting her arm around him. "Same goes for you T. I know you waited until you were outside earlier before you cried." He replies. A tear falls down Tulisa's cheek and Dappy wraps his arms around her and they both just sit and cry until eventually they both fall asleep.

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