Chapter Twelve.

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A few days later Tulisa and Fazer are lying in bed. "Babe?" Fazer says turning to face her. "Yeah." She replies smiling. "Are you on the pill?" He asks. She shakes her head. "Nope, I've not been on it since like last month." She replies. "Oh..." Fazer says looking worried. "Why whats wrong?" She asks. "Well we didn't use anything the other night." He replies. "Oh fuck sake!" She moans sitting up. "Babe, it'll be fine. You probably won't even get pregnant from one time. Plus if you do we'll make it work." He says sitting beside her. "No it won't. We already have three kids we cannot deal with another one! We don't have space for another one. Or money for another one!" She shouts. "Hey babe, calm down." He says putting his arm around her. "No, I will not fucking calm down! You have possibly just fucked up my life for the second time so don't tell me to fucking calm down!" She screams pushing her arm off him. "Well do you know what. If you feel that way, why the hell am I here. Why the hell did you keep our babies and why the hell would you keep this one if your pregnant!" Fazer shouts back. "Because I love you and I love our children but I just don't want another baby." Tulisa says as tears begin to fall down her cheeks. "Babe, come here." Fazer says putting his arms out. Tulisa shuffles closer to Fazer. She rests her head against his chest and begins to cry her eyes out. "I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't of shouted." He says rubbing her back. "It's okay neither should I." She replies wiping her eyes. "Its fine. If you are pregnant, you could always have an abortion." He says. "No, if I am pregnant then its obviously for a reason." She replies. They stay sitting on the bed cuddling for about half an hour until they hear mumbling coming from the kids room. "I'll go." Tulisa says. She walks into the kids room and picks Lucas up out his cot. "Hello baby boy, will we go see daddy." She says carrying him into her and Fazer's bedroom. "Oi Rawson, you ain't going back to sleep. We have kids to look after remember and Christmas to start shopping for." She says placing Lucas down on the bed. "I'm not going back to sleep. Just resting." He replies. "Well Bailey and Peyton are still sleeping so how about we lie in bed with Lucas." She says and Fazer nods his head. She gets back into bed and Lucas snuggles in beside the two of them. About 15 minutes they hear more noises coming from the kids room. "Right you take Lucas downstairs and start making them breakfast and I'll get them two up?" Fazer says. "Okay." Tulisa replies placing a kiss on Fazer's lips and lifting Lucas up. She walks downstairs while Fazer goes and gets Bailey and Peyton up.

About half an hour later the kids have had their breakfast and are sitting playing on the floor. Fazer and Tulisa are snuggled together on the sofa watching them. "Maybe another baby wouldn't be so bad." Tulisa says. "Really?" Fazer asks. "Yeah, I mean it would be hard but we'd make it work wouldn't we." Tulisa replies. "Of course we would." Fazer says and kisses her forehead. She smiles up at him then looks back to the children. "Right well we need to get dressed so we can leave to go shopping." Tulisa says. "Okay, well I'll get Lucas, you get Bailey and Peyton." Fazer replies. Tulisa nods her head and takes Bailey and Peyton upstairs. About an hour and a half later everyone is dressed and the kids are in their prams. "Right are we ready to leave then?" Fazer asks. Tulisa nods her head. "Yeah, who you pushing Lucas or the girls." She replies. "I'll push the girls." He says and they leave to get the bus.

A few hours later they're back from town and the kids are having a nap. Tulisa makes her and Fazer a cup of tea and they sit down on the sofa. "Do you know something. I never thought we'd have this." Tulisa says. "Have what?" Fazer asks. "Each other, a house, a family." Tulisa replies. "Oh so you thought we wouldn't last eh?" Fazer asks. "Not that, just I don't know. I didn't think you'd want to be stuck with me the rest of your life." She replies. "Oh well I love being stuck with you." He says laughing. "And I love being stuck with you." She replies cuddling into him. "Do you want to go upstairs and get some sleep babe. I'll look after the kids if they wake up." He asks. "No, I'm not actually tired." She replies resting her head on his chest. "Can you believe its nearly Christmas?" Fazer asks. "I know I'm so excited. We need to take the kids to see santa though." She replies. "Yeah we can do that in the next few weeks." Fazer says.

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