Chapter 10 - In My Feelings

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Lucy POV

Derek wouldn't stop calling me over and over. I've rejected all of his calls so he tried to message me. I still wasn't answering him.

He wasn't over the breakup and neither was I but I needed to be strong. He has put his hands on me way too many times. I've finally learnt my mistake for going back to him.

I looked in the mirror and realised that I've lost myself. I had so much thoughts running through my mind while tears were leaving my eyes.

Who am I?

Just a girl that has lost her way.
That wishes she could undo her past, even though she has learnt so much.

These stiches still hurt from the hospital but I hope they'll heal quickly. I felt so emotional staring at these scars. I hated seeing what I enable to happened.

I shouldn't even be crying. I've cried too much to let others take advantage of me.

Look what I allowed Derek to do and all those other guys, especially my so-called brother.

He got away with it while my family stared at me with disbelief.

The truth didn't even matter, because they saw him as an angel while I saw him as the devil, that ripped my clothes off.

"Lucy!" I heard my name.

I went downstairs to find Keesha on the couch. She was grinning with new shoes from Fashion Nova.

Miss Veronica was cooking in the kitchen. It smelled so delicious and I couldn't help but wonder...

Ah! I was suddenly dragged away by Jasmine. She was too happy about trying on these shoes, but I was too distracted to even care.


I turned around but that sound didn't come from my phone.

Jasmine leaned over the couch for her phone.

I saw Justin image on the phone screen.

"Excuse me, but I have to take this call" she said.

She went up the stairs to her room.

Justin hasn't called or texted me since our last encounter. I wondered if he even thought of me.

Keesha kept showing the stuff that she bought and rambling "I bought a silver neckless to match with..." I cut her off.

"I have to use the bathroom" I lied.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to know what they were saying to each other. So, I rushed up the stairs and stopped at her door. I put my ears to the closed door and listened.

"No, I'm not in love with him. Just because I still have feelings for him, doesn't mean that I don't have for you too. "

I could barely hear Justin.

"I don't want to lose you, Justin. We've been through so much now. I share my pain with you and you..." she was completely cut off.

I heard his voice got louder.

"Dont play me for a fool!!! Yes, I care for you. Yes, I share my pain, sorrows and my darkest secrets with you but I'm not someone that will wait while you go around with your past lover."

She didn't answer. Why was she so silent!?!?

I peeked through the hole at the side. She had tears streaming down her face, while her other hand was covering her mouth. She slid down the wall and dropped to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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