Chapter 5 - I Just Need Time

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Justin POV

The sun was so hot today. I didn't even want to get out of my bed. I've finally got ready and took up my bag to leave.

My mom was sleeping so I kissed her on the cheeks. I just hope that the housekeeper can get here soon so she can tidy up this mess and keep an eye on her.

My mom has been living with cancer for over a month now. The news broke me but I have to live with it. As for my father, he was never around. It's similar to Jasmine situation with her dad. The reason I knew this was because we were close.

Actually, we've always been close, even  shared secrets with one another. She's the only one I can confide, and that's because I trust her and she trusts me.

I've left the house and drove off in my Ferrari. I've pulled up to school with tons of people checking out my car as usual. I put my bag around my shoulders and start walking through those halls. Suddenly, I saw her along with her friends in front of the lockers.

🤤🤩She looked so damn beautiful. She was wearing a red strapless dress. Her skin was flawless. It was so tight on her body that I saw her curves. I heard the whistles from guys as they stare on her ass. Her cleavage was out for the world to see. Yes, she was sexy but that wasn't my main focus on her.

I overheard the conversations with her friends. They were talking about her ex-bf.

"I don't know what to do. I'm just so scared to have my heart broken again" said Jasmine

"Base on what you're telling us, I would think he is a change man. He seems to really wants your heart" said Keesha

Lucy just rolls her eyes at her comment.

"I think you should give him a chance " said Karlie

Jasmine stared out of space while they all spoke then instantly sets her gaze at me. I got lost in her eyes until I heard a shout in my ears.

"Dude!" I turned around to find Alec watching me. "She's got you whipped. You're so into her."

He didn't stop there. He kept making remarks about my big crush on her.

The bell rang so we all left for our classes. Today was Friday which meant I have Psychology with Jasmine. The class was packed but there were seats at the back so I took one.

Jasmine came inside at the same time and a smirk appeared on her face when she realised she's going to have to sit across from me.

"Goodmorning beautiful" I said and she answers back the same.

The teacher begins the class with a special activity. He wanted the class to pair up for an activity. He went from row to row while pointing out the activities that were suppose to be demonstrate. He finally reached our row and pointed on the words 'Show Verbal Abuse '

Jasmine and I stared at each other at the same time. We both knew each other well but never in a million years thought that we would do this. We made up a plan for the presentation. I was actually happy she wanted to create a scene of us being together.

Time passed by as we watched everyone did their presentation. Some classes were even finishing up to leave.
The bell was going to ring in less than ten minutes.

Jasmine was distracted on her phone while I couldn't help myself but stare at her. Her eyes didn't leave the screen. What was so intriguing on that phone? I couldn't help but to peek at her phone.

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