Chapter 5 : Let's Not Talk Shop

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When Prerna woke up later in the morning, she found herself spooned to Anurag, who was now fast asleep with his head deeply buried to her back; she instinctively removed his hand that was curled around her waist and got up from bed, but not without difficulty, her whole body was sore from earlier this morning; she winced in pain when she tried joining her thighs together to stand properly. She quickly turned around to check if she has woken up Anurag, thankfully she didn't – she checked the time, she was running very late, although the Court was closed on weekends, she still had to go to the firm she worked in, but before that, she needed to collect her car from the highway.

Prerna quickly headed to the washroom to take a shower but stopped dead on the track to the vision that greeted her in the mirror – she had angry red bite marks all over her shoulders, neck, breast, waist, stomach, and even thighs; her collarbones had teeth mark all around it and both her shoulder joint were blue black; she yelped in pain as she tried touching them – she knew Anurag was very much out of control, and she willingly let him be – it was important – but not until now did she realise the extent of damage that she had brought upon her – some of these marks would take a long time to go, she sighed. But one look at his now relaxed face, and she knew, it had worked, she had successfully pulled him out of a very dark place last night – having been there she knew no one deserved it, and if she could help it, she would do whatever it takes to stop one from going there – even if the one was a complete stranger like this Anurag.

As Prerna was quickly rushing out of the door after taking a shower and getting ready with clothes which provided extra cover, she wondered if she should wake him up; but she thought against it – he was very disturbed God knows why, he could do with a little bit more of sleep.

It had been fifteen minutes since Prerna had left when Anurag's cell phone rang, and he woke up with a jerk, rubbing his eyes he tried to recollect where he was, of course, he was at Prerna's and she wasn't in bed; his thoughts were disturbed by the continuous ringing of his phone, he picked it from the side table irritably to read 'DAD' flashing on it. Of course, Dad, he was expecting this call, must've read the newspaper.

"Hi Dad, good morning"

"Good morning Anurag beta, where are you? Can you come home immediately, we need to talk" he sounded serious.

"It's okay dad, I already know about Mom" he replied sounding as casual as he could, although there was a little hint of disappointment masked somewhere.

"You know? How so?" his father asked sounding surprised.

"Newspaper" he lied.

"Of course, okay. Come home soon, Nivi doesn't yet know, we have to tell her" he replied before hanging up the call.

Anurag breathed heavily, thankfully he was feeling much better, almost in full control now, he had anticipated that today was going to be a long day and this was just the beginning. Although he needed to talk to Prerna first, thank her actually, for whatever she wanted to pull off, it worked, he did feel so much better, lighter – although it did get a tad bit awkward now, he had never been this vulnerable before anyone. What if she read too much into it? No, no. He will talk to her and clear up any confusion – but this had to wait, first he needed to go home. As Anurag walked across the tiny apartment, he realized Prerna was not at home – secretly it was a relief for him – he didn't know how to confront her just yet – would it be too nasty to be absolutely casual about it, or should he actually acknowledge that it was a first of case and wouldn't ever happen again – they'd be strictly casual if there was ever a second time after this at all.

[At Anurag's house]

He was sitting with his father waiting for Nivi to arrive home, apparently she and her friends had headed out early in the morning for a weekend getaway – now they were driving back home.  Nivi arrived in another half an hour; she was accompanied by only that strange 'Retard' who's always around her nowadays, Anupam.

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