Chapter 9 : Holding On & Letting Go

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A/N : So yes, hello there, a double update day it is today! There are two reasons for it! Firstly, because you love this story so much, I feel like sharing it more. Secondly, this chapter that I am updating, is more of a transition chapter to a whole new phase in the story!

Plus I feel, if all you readers are waiting eagerly for an update each day and one day's update is just a transition chapter, I'd be letting you down! So as promised there will one hell of a new chapter tomorrow again :D

But count this as an extra cookie from me - for being so awesome!

Happy Reading!

Much love,



Anurag woke up as the bright sunlight fell on his face, slowly raised his hands to flex his muscles; from the sunlight peeping from behind the curtain, it seemed like a bright sunny day. He smiled. He was feeling good, there was something very positive about this day – but wait, where was he? He realised his head was resting on someone's lap and he was on a couch.

"Prerna" he uttered softly, as he carefully sat up on the couch. His neck felt a bit stiff, and he slowly massaged it as he turned around to look at Prerna – she was sleeping in her sitting position on the couch, her head was rolled back. Anurag stared at her, there was a small smile on his face – he was feeling content for some reason. He recollected the incident from the last night, he realised he must have dozed off while hugging her and she had sat through the night letting him sleep. He knew it must have been uncomfortable for her but she did it anyway – for him – Anurag couldn't help feel warm at this, the assurance that someone truly has your back can be really overwhelming – and today if there was one thing he knew for sure, it was this – no matter what Prerna will be there for him and he would be there for her.

He wanted to be there for her, that's why he had come last night, and he did manage to throttle her demons last night – but he was curious –Prerna hadn't really been able to say much about her past but he needed to know – if only he could pull it out of her, she'd be free too, like him, how he was feeling right now – after such a long time, a euphoric morning. But he knew he couldn't bring it up before Prerna again, he saw the consequences last night – maybe Nivi? Did she know something from Anupam? Well he had made himself very clear the night before that he didn't approve Anupam, why would he help him now? Plus Nivi and Anupam didn't even know about his and Prerna's 'thing' – but he wasn't sure, not after what Nivi had said last night.


Anurag was talking to Prerna on the phone and explaining how Anupam didn't deserve Nivi, they were having a spat and Prerna had hung up on him; Anurag was livid, how did Prerna not get what he was saying, and maybe he did cross the line with the 'why are you not married and happy' bit but he did apologise, why was she over reacting? Anurag tossed the phone onto his bed in frustration as he ran his hand through his hair and turned around. That's it, he wasn't going to talk to Prerna till she comes around, he had said out loud in anger.

"I don't think you should have said that to her bhai" Anurag looked up to see Nivi standing at the door to his room.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I came here to talk to you about Anupam, I wanted you to give him a chance. But then I accidentally overheard your and Prerna's conversation. It's good in a way, I now know exactly how strongly you feel against Anupam – but that can wait. I meant you shouldn't have commented about Prerna's love-life that way – you have no idea how big a deal it is for her – she has taken years to overcome her past" spoke Nivi firmly, Anurag looked further perplexed, although his anger was subsiding now, curiosity got the better of him.

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