Epilogue: Her Mister, His Missus

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A/N : Firstly, thank you for riding with me in this journey! As promised, I am delivering a small Epilogue of just AnuPre just how you like it!

I have lots to call out and say, I will keep that in a separate note that will come out later today! I haven't been able to respond to your lovely appreciations and comments for the last chapter yet - I am in bit if a rush, once I am off the clock today, I will reply to each one like I always have! :D

Until then, one last time, HAPPY READING!

Much love,



There was sunlight falling on her face, who had drawn the curtain early in the morning? Anurag – how'd he ever wake up before her? Uff, now her Sunday sleep was spoilt – as it is after last night's venture they were so excited and happy that they were in business almost all night – now this?

"Anurag!!" she called out for him, when she saw the other side of her bed empty – but he didn't respond; she sat up, there was a text message on his phone – it was from Anurag.

[If you are up before I reach home, go back to sleep and pretend that you didn't wake up. I will be back soon – got late, needed to wake up earlier – but of course, you had so many demands last night! ;)]

Prerna blushed thinking about the last night – yes she was demanding, and he had complied to her every whim, every demand – last night they made love, his touch was passionate, her kisses were divine – it truly was so much more than sex, it felt like they merged into one in the romantic movie sense – she laughed – there the hopeless romantic Prerna was back – about time she thought as she rolled back to the bed.


Prerna woke up again, judging by the light outside, it was around 11AM, she turned to see him sleeping next to her, so he was back; he had a smile playing his lip as he slept – he was at peace – she gently caressed his jawline when her eyes fell on her finger – her ring finger to be precise – there was a platinum band, she gasped and brought her finger closer to her – it was a simple band with a tiny stone on it – it wasn't diamond, looked like it was an onyx – the only precious stone that didn't shine – he remembered, she smiled. While fiddling with it, she saw an engraving on the inner side of the ring – it had an infinity sign with two numbers carved on each side – their Roulette numbers from last night. No. 13 in memory of Route no. 13 where their story really begun and No.6 Nivi's birth date, when destiny truly introduced them. She was overwhelmed; she literally jumped on him and hugged him.

"Owww" he groaned as he woke up rubbing his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" she squealed.

"Hmm" he muttered in his sleep

"Oi, aren't you forgetting something?" she called out

"Hmm" he replied lazily, as he drew his hand towards the bedside table and withdrew a yellow tulip, he gave that to her, and she blushed crimson.

"What else?" she whispered

"No, no more sex before I eat or drink something, Prerna you're the devil" he moaned.

"Ufff, not that" she coaxed.

"Then?" he asked surprised.

"You don't have to say something?" she asked shyly.

"Like what?" he asked bewildered.

"Uff Anurag, you're hopeless! I said I love you to you yesterday; did you say it? Even once?" she asked exasperated.

"Oho Madam, we are so NOT that couple; babu, shona, what not" he muttered as he turned back to sleep.

"Acha? So you won't say it?" she asked.

"I thought you didn't like 'naming' 'things'" he air quoted laughing.

"Fine" she snapped

"Fine" he snapped back

"But just checking, you know right, that I do?" he asked turning around looking at her with his sleepy adorable eyes.

"Wait, I'm just checking if Rishabh Bajaj has boarded the flight back to Mumbai or I have time to change my mind"

"I love you" he replied immediately sitting up; Prerna fell back laughing.

"Yaar Prerna, don't talk about that man, I could kill him yesterday" spoke Anurag grumpily.

"Acha, kill him? He was saying so many things; I was shouting back, even Nivi and Anupam spoke! Where was your voice? Lurking in the meadows? Now that he is not here, bada aya kill him" she laughed at him.

"That's the point nah Prerna, it is to do with your kink for older men  - I still don't know what you saw in him – I love you, I love you – you kept saying – tell me how did you love him? When I look at him, I see my dad's friend – I can't even argue with him – he's like an uncle!!" Anurag laughed.

"Come on Anurag, don't be mean" Prerna laughed.

"Okay then let me sleep" he mumbled and rolled on the bed. But Prerna stared at him.

"Anurag?" he called uncertainly.

"I so know that voice – now my sleep is successfully busted. Say" he said sitting up.

"This ring, I mean I love it – but are we like engaged about to be married soon or something? Because, I mean I love you, but we just truly found each other and.." she sounded a bit flushed.

"Prerna, don't use words like marriage it softens my morning wood in anxiety" he said seriously as Prerna burst out laughing.

"But on a serious note, it's a promise ring, that I will be your partner forever – it is for the world to know you are mine – in whichever way you are comfortable – girl friend, partner, wife, 'thing'" he winked.

"So no marriage story for now right?" she clarified relieved.

"Let Anupam and Nivi get married first – they have been our testers for life!" laughed Anurag.

"But eventually maybe someday? If we want to have a family?" Prerna asked softly.

Anurag looked at her face, he smiled to reassure her as he cupped her cheeks and spoke.

"Ms. Prerna Sharma – we are together in this and forever; and we will do what you find happiness in – as I said, I am happy to be your boyfriend, partner, husband, baby daddy or even untitled thing, my end game is I want to be with you, I want to love you like last night – every single day – I want to know I have a home in you and I want to come back to that every single day – for me that's all that matters – and maybe a little sleep right now – I feel deprived" he chuckled at the end.

Prerna smiled, as he turned around and finally dozed off to sleep – so this is how 'happily ever after' looked like in real life.

*~*THE END*~*


Word Count : 1044

Please do write back, vote and and let me know if you are finally happy and satisfied with this journey of AnuPre, I am more than excited to hear your final takes on this!

Love always,

Signing off!


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