Chapter 13: Oh Fuck, I Love Her

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A/N : Hello everyone! So this was going to be one huge chapter, which I have meticulously edited to trim it down - make it crisp and then broke into into two, because it seemed better to have one small chapter dedicated to just the realization - Love is that special, right? :)

So, I know again things are very intense in the last two chapters, and I promise you a little breather in this and the next chapter; so hold on and happy reading! :)

But most importantly, I would like to share a very critical piece of information with you here, this story has moved up by 100+ ranks in the 'Mental Health' category which has about 27K stories! Now it ranks #531 :D :D This is only possible because of you guys who's kept the buzz alive with every chapter! :D

I feel, all my hard work has payed of if I have been able to help the cause of 'Mental Health' in however small and trivial a way! So, no amount of thank you is enough for you guys! I will try to show my gratitude towards you with my writing!

On that note, Happy Reading!

Much love,



Anurag was pacing up and down his room, he was breathing fire, no he had had enough; He wasn't going to knock sense into Prerna, she was on a different trip altogether and he was done hoping that she'd see sense – that's the problem with her, this woman had no human angle to her at all, it was all logic and argument for her – to be honest Prerna wasn't a lawyer; she was a lawyer named Prerna, yes her ideologies came before her – and no matter how hard he tried, her self-righteousness wouldn't just let her be.

"Bhai, regarding the engagement, dad said were going to talk to the SSP and ensure press restraints; is it done?" asked Nivi as she walked into Anurag's room. Her engagement was due the next Sunday, and she had just four more days left to check for arrangements – on that, Anupam instead of helping her out with the preps, had decided to vacation in Goa with Pri and his other friends to celebrate his bachelors – it was apparently some unbreakable vow they had.

"Huh, no. No, I didn't speak to him as yet, will do. Don't worry" replied Anurag, but Nivi noticed he was pre occupied elsewhere, he seemed bothered.

"What happened, bhai?" Nivi asked as she gently tapped his shoulder; Anurag turned around and seemed to come out of his reverie; one moment he was calm and next moment livid.

"You, why can't you control your fiancé? What's with the Goa plan? Why did they have to go??" he asked her angrily, Nivi laughed in surprise.

"And that is your concern because?" she asked amused.

"Because?" Anurag asked making a face and shoved his phone towards her. Nivi took it from his hand and stared at the screen, it was an IG post made by Anupam sometime back, they were at the beach drinking beer and chilling.

"...aaand you're stalking my fiancé, because?" asked Nivi genuinely confused.

Anurag stomped his foot in annoyance, "Why will I stalk him? Look at her, she is having the time of her life; six men in trunks and her in a two piece. Perfect" he hissed.

"Well, one of them is" Nivi smirked.

"Fine, five men and an Anupam, in trunks, and Prerna in a bikini! Happy? I mean, one day she decided we are nothing more than friends, and in the next couple of days she's in Goa skinny dipping with random men?"

"So you're pissed that your 'friend' didn't invite you to the Goa trip?" Nivi pushed further, barely able to hold her laughter.

"What the hell will I do in their bachelors Nivi, don't be stupid; but Prerna seriously? You'd imagine she'd at least take one girl more, or wear something more covered? But of course, those raging hormones, how can they ever stop" he spat.

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