Chapter 20 : Prerna Is What Prerna Does

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A/N : Hello everyone! So Sorry for being late again ! I promise I wont make it a habit, and this time tiny tot had no hand to play - just a crazy week at work !!

I am sure I had a lot of non sense to prattle about before giving the update (like everyday I keep on talking! :P ) but in interest of time and a badly managed work schedule, I will zip it and let you read in peace!

Much love,



In the early hours of dawn, in the ICU

As Prerna slowly tried opening her eyes, her head felt very heavy. It was dark and she was lying on a bed, there were curtains around her and a soft murmur of people talking right outside the curtains, the place smelled like medicines, she scrunched her nose in dislike.

"Hospital" she mumbled to herself, as she tried moving, but she couldn't, someone was holding her hand she realised. She turned to her right to see the silhouette of a man sitting on a stool next to her while his head bobbed on to her bed – he was clutching her hand, he seemed to be sleeping. His face was turned the other way so she couldn't see him; how did she reach here?

It took her a few minutes to get her bearings right; wait she was in Anupam and Nivi's engagement party yesterday, where..where he arrived, Rishabh, from out of the blue; her breath hitched as she slowly recollected the incident and soon realised how she had blacked out – who got her here? Did she disrupt the function, she thought guiltily but how'd she know?

Rishabh, how did he always have such a strong impact on her? Their relationship, it never knew stability – it was always high octane. Their love was epic and hate? Their hate was catastrophic. For a fleeting second she wondered if it was Rishabh here sitting next to her, but what were the odds, he was gone, leaving her in so much pain and anguish that she couldn't keep it together anymore – she, Prerna, had failed again. She sniffed unconsciously and immediately the sleeping figure became alert. Prerna could feel his palm muscles tense up, he slowly got up and turned to her; even in the dark Prerna could tell, his face was clouded with concern.

"Anurag" she called out, not being able to mask her surprise. Anurag heard her call his name and sat up straight, was he dreaming? No, she seemed to finally wake up. He immediately brought his face close to hers to check; yes, her eyes were open, she was looking at him. A sense of relief ran through him as he answered.

"Yes Prerna, it's me. How are you feeling now?" Prerna could feel the strain in his voice, she felt guilty. It was his sisters' big day and instead of celebrating it with her, he was here taking care of her.

"I'm fine, but you? What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the engagement? Nivi and Anupam would be looking for you nah? Anurag, how'd you find me? Did you get me here?" she had many questions and as her head started clearing, she kept gunning them out at him.

"Prerna, arre! Relax baba. The doctor has asked you to not take any stress at all!" began Anurag, as he tried pacifying her.

"But Anurag..."

"Listen, the engagement is done with, its' almost dawn now Prerna – and yes I found you when I went out looking for you – you weren't there, Anupam and I got worried, so I got looking and found you..." his voice trailed off, as once again the picture of an unconscious Prerna lying on the drive way, came to his mind. He shut his eyes to block the thought; no she was fine, she was right here before him; focus Anurag, he kept telling himself.

"Anupam, he must be so worried; Anurag please can you tell him I'm fine?" Prerna pleaded.

"It's okay baba, calm down; I have got it covered; he doesn't know you're here. He thinks you have gone home after the party. We will tell him today. Okay?" he told her calmly and she finally seemed to relax a little.

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