Chapter 2 - First Day

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I walked into my new school and checked my schedule. It read; Period 1-2, Language Arts, Room 224, Mrs. Lunic. I looked around the hall where I was directed and searched for a sign that said Mrs. Lunic or Room 224. I frantically searched until my friend came up behind me.

"Jenna, whose class are you looking for?" Margo asked.

"You scared me! I'm looking for Mrs. Lunic." I replied.

See the lady standing in front of her door? The one with the short black hair? That's her. Introduce yourself and ask for your locker number so you can get unpacked. Good luck!" she said and walked off with a reassuring smile. I walked up to the teacher, and I'm sure I looked frazzled.

"Hi! I'm Jenna, I was on vacation the past few days. You're Mrs. Lunic, right?" I said with a confident grin.

"Hi Jenna! You're correct I am Mrs. Lunic. I assume I have you first period?" she responded.

"Yep, it says right here on my schedule. I also need to know my locker number so I can put my stuff away." I answered.

"You are locker 336. See Mrs. Rodney? Your locker is three down from her door. I'll give you five extra minutes to get situated." Mrs. Lunic seemed like a fairly decent teacher. Things were actually looking up.

The class period seemed to have flown by. I walked out of class, exchanged out my books and walked to my next class, Math. I was in Honors so the course was designed to be more challenging. The teacher was Miss. Lintuch. She had long blonde hair and a very welcoming smile. I soon learned that she was a strict teacher that would definently keep us all in line.

I sat down at my assigned desk next to a bleach blonde girl. She had icy blue eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul, and had freckles that reminded me somewhat of Alabama or Texas.

"Hi. I'm the "new girl" although I've gone to his district my whole life. I'm Jenna. I was on vacation in Spain so I couldn't be here for the first few days." I explained, hoping that she might be a new friend.

"I'm Elsie. I actually am the "new girl". I moved here last year from Massachusetts. Do you wanna sit with me at lunch today?" she asked. Things were totally going well.

"Of course! I'd be happy to! I know virtually no one so that would be great." I responded. We laughed and giggled throughout the partner work that period and I couldn't wait until Math came around the next day.

My next period was Family and Consumer Science, with Mrs. Osmand. I wondered around the school for a while before he bell rang. 'Shoot!' I thought. 'This teacher is gonna kill me!' I frantically searched for someone who might know their way around the school. Eventually someone helped me to the room and luckily she didn't give me a late.

I sat down at my desk and listened to the boring lesson. That told me that this class was definently going to drag on and on and on.

Thankfully the period ended and it was time for History. My History teacher was also the Student Council director which was lucky for me since I had been absent. The teacher was Mrs. Rodrigo. She was a fun teacher and I felt like the class suited my skills very well. As soon as that period ended it was off to Science. The teacher was Mr. Uler. He was laid back and don't really mind what we did as long as it didn't involve explosions or death. As soon as that period ended it was finally lunch.

As lunch kept creeping closer, my stomach laced into knots. Who was I going to sit with? Would I be popular or a nerd? My fate left with the people. Lucky for me, I brought together a group of friends and we became inseparable.

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