Chapter 6

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Scarlet checked off the list of supplies Pince had given her so she could make sure they had everything they needed to set sail. "We're all good here," she called out. "Good here too," Dio called out after checking the sails. Lux nodded, "Off to the Frobidden Lands." He sat at the helm as they set off. Scarlet looked at the map as Dio navigated the ship. They called it the Forbidden Lands because all kinds of Forbidden Acts happen there and only the most powerful of Marines are there to try and put a stop to it. Many greats have been arrested by the Marines there, improving their statuses. Getting arrested in the Forbidden Lands was an instant Death Sentence. Over the years everyone has seen a televised execution, hoping that it would make others hesitant at becoming pirates. 

Her father has proven that if you're strong enough, then you can best the Marines there and really increase your bounty. You could also find the best treasure and relics there. "Which entrance is he wanting us to take," she asked him. There were three ways into the Forbidden Lands. You can go through the fort the Marines had set up to try and block on coming pirate ships. You could go through the under surface tunnel system where countless ships get lost in, never to return again. Or you could go up the reverse current that shoots you up the face of the mountains that surround the large expanse of islands that are widely spread apart. However, once you reach the top of the current, it launches you into the air, and if there isn't a good air current to catch your sails to help you land safely, you'll hit the jagged rocks at the bottoms. 

"The reverse current," Dio replied. "If there isn't a wind current, I can either make us a slide of ice, or Brian can give us a good blast of wind." She nodded, "I'd rather have the slide to be completely sure we don't fall to our deaths." He chuckled, "He reinforced the ship to ensure it could handle it." "At least we're not going through the Marines," Pince said as he brought them lunch. "This is true," Dio said with a nod. "It'd be better if we had a doctor in our crew before getting to the Forbidden Lands though," Pince added in. "We'll be stopping at some of the islands on the way so maybe we'll find one on the way," Dio told him, though they all doubted that would be the case. There weren't many doctors insane enough to join a pirate crew. Many doctors were part of a crew against their will. Lux wasn't into forcing people to join his crew. 

Scarlet then got comfortable in a chair on the upper deck, in a bikini to tan while reading one of the books she bought. Brian tried standing on a box on the lower deck, trying to look at her. Pince shot him with a sling shot from the window in the kitchen. The pellet hit him in the head, causing him to fall off the box. Dio chuckled and shook his head. He looked up the mast where Lux laid, sleeping lazily legs hanging on either side of the sail to help him balance. Muris was in the crows nest keeping an eye out for enemy ships. 

"What the hell was that for," Brian snapped at Pince as he got up. "Just trying to keep you from being a hypocrit," Pince said with a smirk before turning back to the stove. "What the hell does that mean," Brian asked as he kicked open the kitchen door. "You wouldn't want guys staring at your little sister like that, so don't stare at someone else's little sister like that," Pince told him. "Like I said, keeping you from being a hypocrite." "I'll show you a fucking hypocrite," Brian said as he charged at Pince. 

Dio sighed while Muris chuckled. "Those two will never grow up," Dio grumbled as there was a sound of a pot hitting the kitchen floor. "Damn it you bastard, that water so for the noodles for dinner tonight," Pince snapped at Brian. "No use in crying over spilled water you big ass baby," Brian commented. "I'll show you a baby," Pince said before shoving Brian, who tripped backwards, falling through the opened kitchen doorway.  Scarlet looked over the upper deck railing at the two idiots. "It is incredibly hard to read with you idiots fighting," She told them, giving them a glare. 

"Sorry," they said in unison. Pince then shut the kitchen door and went back to preparing dinner while Brian went below deck to his work area. Scarlet shook her head and went back to her chair. "That's one way to end their bickering," Dio said with a smirk. 

Later that night Scarlet was in the crows nest, her turn to take the night watch shift. She leaned against the post as she looked about with her binoculars. She saw a ship off in the distance, it's sails drawn up. Muris was at the wheel, following Dio's instructions on staying in the direction they were going. "What do you see," he asked her. "A ship with it's sails drawn up," she told him. "They're probably all sleeping, not wanting the wind to get them off course," he suggested. She studied it closer, "No, they're moving way too fast. I think they're stuck in a current." She then saw a flare shoot in the air, asking for help. 

Muris eyed the flare, "Could be a trap." She tried focusing in more and saw a man, bleeding from a wound in his shoudler, waving his good arm. "There is someone injured on the ship," she told him. "Fly over and sees what's going on," Lux said as he came on deck in his boxers, his hair a mess from sleep. She nodded and made her wings appear. She flew over to the other ship quickly. The man was short compared to most. He also had round rimmed glasses. She saw the rest of his crew had been killed. "What happened here," She asked him. "We were attacked by the Rebel Pirates. They killed my crew and took our weapons and treasure," he replied. "I was a coward and hid in my office. They didn't see me worth killing as I cried and begged for my life. Please you have to help me." "Why not help your crew," she asked him while crossing her arms. "I'm just a doctor," he told her. "They took me against my will, and used me to make their poisons and treat their wounded. I don't know how to wield a sword or fire a gun. I only accepted my fate as a crew doctor when they agreed that I'd never have to fight the enemy, that they'd always protect me. It was only recently I actually began to like these pirates. When they needed me the most, I was only able to administer a poison smoke, after my crew was already dead. You can fly East and you should see the Rebel Pirate crew. They have a Jolly Roger with red X's for eyes, but please hurry. They set the ship on the Hell Marry Current. In a few minutes the ship will be shooting down the current, and straight to the bottom of the sea." 

Scarlet had heard of the Hell Marry. She debated on what she should do. She sighed, "Grab what you need." He quickly grabbed his medical bag and poison kit. She mustered up the strength and shot into the air with him, and flew him back to her waiting crew. A couple minutes later, the ship they had previously been on, picked up major speed before disappearing. The man gave Lux the same story he had given her. "Go see if you can find the Rebel Pirate crew," Lux instructed her. She nodded and flew off. 

She soared through the air till she found the ship. Many of the pirates were coughing, having trouble catching their breath as they began to drop dead, the veins in their necks purple from the poison. She inspected the ship and found he managed to kill their entire crew. She flew back to her ship. "Well," Lux asked her. "They're all dead," she replied. "Their veins purple in their necks from the poison." She turned to the man, "How did you poison them without poisoning yourself?" "I made myself immune to most poisons," he told her. "Plus the ability they forced me to get at that Demon Island helps me." "You can't wield weapons yet you killed a beast from the island," Lux asked him. "They weakened it, but they made me give it the killing blow," the man told him. "That's a common practice for doctors pirates force on their crew," Muris said while crossing his arms. 

Dio nodded in agreement, "What's your name?" "Lance Murk," He answered. "So what ability did you get from the island," Lux asked him. "The ability to turn myself into a poison mist. If I drink a poison, I'm given instant knowledge of how to make the antidote because I'm able to decipher the ingredients that made it," he explained to him. "So what do we do with him," Brian asked Lux. "Your choice," Lux told Lance. "You can either continue to sail with my crew, or we can take you to the nearest island." "What crew is this," Lance asked them. 

"The Shadow Pirates," Lux answered proudly. "I'm Captain Lux. That's my first mate and navigator Dio. Our shipwright Brian. The muscle of our crew Muris. The best cook in the world, Pince. And the beauty of the crew, Scarlet." "You have a woman on your crew," Lance said shocked. "I thought she was just prisoner you were forcing to work for you." Scarlet rolled her eyes, "Nope. Lux isn't into forcing people to be part of his crew." "Nor does he take prisoners," Dio threw in. "He kills on sight." "They're a waste of space and food," Lux said with shrug. 

He then yawned, "I'm going back to bed. Good work Scarlet." She nodded and went back to the crows nest. Muris went back to the wheel while the others went to bed. Lance sat on the deck and began to patch himself up, trying to figure out what just happened. 

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