Chapter 3

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"You can't wake a woman by throwing water on them," Dio hissed at Lux. "And why is that," Lux asked him, holding his bucket of water, ready to douse the sleeping members of his crew. "Because she is wearing white," Dio told him, pointing to the white sundress she was wearing. "It would become see thru." Lux looked at the bucket in his hands then at Dio, "Then what do you suggest I do?" Dio held up the pot and spoon he was holding, "Try this." Lux smiled and sat the bucket off to the side before grabbing the pot and spoon and proceeded to bang them together. They groaned and came too. Scarlet sat up and rubbed her eyes. 

"I much prefer having water thrown on us," Pince crumbled, hung over. "I don't," Muris said with a yawn. "We didn't because we didn't want to make the lady's dress see thru," Dio explained. "Thank you for that," Scarlet said as she stood to stretch. Lux picked up his bucket of water, "Man, I was really looking forward to using this." He then noticed Scarlet had moved off to the side when she went to stretch. He smirked and threw the water on Brian, Muris, and Pince. The three glared at their laughing Captain. "Let's get sailing," Lux declared. "Pince make us some breakfast. Dio, get to the wheel. The rest of you, get us ready to sail." "Aye Captain," They all said in unison. 

"Where too now," Dio asked him. "Let's go to Demonic Beasts Island,"Lux declared. "Think we'll be able to acquire our own special abilities," Muris asked him. "We'll only know once we get there," Lux told him. Only pirates going to the Forbidden Lands make a stop at the Demonic Beasts island to try and acquire a special ability that could possibly give them the upper hand when searching for the legendary relics and treasures scattered about on the various islands. Each demonic beast was special and not easy to defeat. No two beasts were the same so you will end up with an ability no one else could have. Each of the Bri Brothers had been to the islands, getting a special ability of their own. Even Scarlet's father had gotten his own ability. It's what earned him the name Black Smoke. It was rare every member of a crew got an ability. Most captains refused to let their crew onto the island, to prevent them from becoming more powerful than them, incase they tried to over throw their Captain. 

Lux was eager to see which of his crew members were willing to go on the suicide mission with him. 

"Maybe I could get an ability to help me with the ladies," Brian said dreamily. Pince rolled his eyes as he came out of the kitchen, breakfast ready, "Nothing in this world will be able to help you." Brian glared at him as he grabbed his plate, "Like you do better than me?" "Much better," Pince told him. "Can you guys not fight right now," Dio asked them. "We need to come up with a strategy for when we get to the island. Who all will be going to hunt?" All hands raised. "When we go to hunt, we need to do it smartly. Don't just go  after the first one you see. Pay attention to what that demonic beast can do, and see if it fits with the fighting style you already have," Lux explained to them. "No one has ever documented the various beasts there so who knows what could be there. For all we know, the incredibly good ones could already be gone." Muris scoffed, "I highly doubt that will be the case." 

They continued to talk until they decided to relax. They had three days of sailing ahead of them. Scarlet sat on the deck sharpening her swords, getting them ready for what awaits them. Pince brought her a glass of iced sweet tea, "Refreshment?" She smiled as she took it, "Thank's Pince." Pince sat beside her as she took a drink. "So what made you want to become a pirate," he asked out of curiosity. "Part of it was because I wanted to go on a great adventure. The other part was because I wanted to give the finger to everyone who said a woman couldn't be a pirate. Including my brothers. The only one who really believed me when I declared I would become a Pirate Queen, was my father. It was why he gave me his hat, telling me it would give me good luck," She told him. "That hat belonged to Black Smoke," Pince asked in shock as he pointed to the leather hat on her head. "Yeah," she answered with a smile. "I took out that awful feather which is probably why you couldn't recognize it. I promised to make it my royal crown some day, just like he did. So why did you become a pirate?" 

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