Chapter 20

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Scarlet sat on the railing of the ship, looking over the island. She had chosen to stay on the ship instead of make camp on the ground with the men since both her brothers had large crews. She also enjoyed the privacy her room offered. Her crew made camp on the beach outside of the ship to ensure she stayed safe. Lux came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder, but neither of them said anything. They watched as many of the men either trained, drank, relaxed, and worked on the repairs needed for Tiger's ship. The Shadow Pirates were all sitting around their camp talking among each other. 

Lux let go of Scarlet when she moved to step down from the railing, to get ready to fly to the nearest civilized island to get a paper that showed updates regarding the pirate capture movement. She wore what she called her islander clothes and made sure she had plenty of money on her. "Be careful," Lux said to her. She nodded and kissed him before leaping into the air. The closest island was a week away by boat, but she cut it down to a couple of hours by flight. 

She landed on a deserted beach and made her way through alley ways till she blended in with the crowd. She bought a newspaper and saw she was on the front page with an increased bounty. It spoke of how she wiped out a fleet alone with special ability swords. However, because she now was in possession of her swords, the marines knew exactly where she had gotten them, and arrested her teacher. He had taught both marines as well, but because he has taught many pirates, including her, he was seen as an enemy and arrested. There was still no word on Black Smoke and his crew, and that made her feel a little better. But not by much. 

"A lady shouldn't be readying garbage like that," a man said, catching her attention. She recognized him from the Thunder Tidal crew. "How else am I gonna stay up to date on the fireworks," She asked him as she walked over to him. He threw his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the alley, putting on a show for on lookers. "I'll show you baby," he said with a smirk. 

When they got deep into an alley, away from watching eyes, he removed his arm and stepped away from her. "Where is your crew," he asked her. "Safe," she told him. "And yours?" "Same," he said with a nod. "For now at any rate. Anytime a fleet catches a crew, they split to join other fleets, to increase that fleet's size and power. There aren't many of us left. We've joined a couple of crews to try and do the same method. We're wanting the Sinister Six to join." She shook her head, "Tiger and Rogue are currently treating their wounded, and I don't know where my other brothers are." "Their wounded," he asked shocked. She nodded and showed him the paper, "They weren't after my crew when this happened. They had attacked Rogue and Tiger's crew joined in. I flew without my crew to assist, since my crew was too far to sail there in time. Rogue's ship was sunk, so he was sailing with Tiger till he can get a new ship, but that's not gonna happen unless we can put a stop to the marines. The marines aren't pulling back any punches. They are capturing as many pirates alive as possible, but that's not gonna stop them from using deadly force. In all honesty, they don't care if we die in the fight, less for them to deal with." 

He crossed his arms with a sigh, "I see." He glanced at the watch on his wrist. "The marines are making stops at each island, interrogating the islanders for those who have sold goods to pirates. It's only a matter of time before they hit this island up. Your best bet is going to an island they've already hit up and left. They haven't back tracked unless new information is given." She nodded, "Thanks for the tip." He nodded, "Stay safe." 

She nodded, "You as well." She then walked off to go to the blind spot that allows her to fly off without being seen. She was flying until she saw a ship wreckage. It was clear the marines had already captured the pirates and sailed off. She landed on a part of the ship that was still above water. She reached into the water and pulled up the jolly roger. The skull on the tombstone told her it was the Graveyard Souls. She sighed and released it before jumping into the air and flying off. 

"How did it go," Lux asked her when she landed on the beach. She handed him the paper, "I saw a member from the Thunder Tidal crew. Apparently they and a couple of others had teamed up to try and counter the marine numbers and they wanted the Sinister Six to join in, but I informed him there was no way. He also told me the marines are island hoping to find anyone who has sold to pirates." She ran a hand through her hair, "On my way back I saw the wreckage of the Graveyard Souls' ship. No marines in sight though." 

He nodded, and began to read over the paper as Rogue and Tiger came over. "Anything new," Rogue asked her. She told them what she told Lux. "It's getting too dangerous for you to keep going to the islands for information. We're just gonna have to hunker down and pray for the best," Lux told her as her brothers agreed. "Is it safe to be so in the dark," she asked them. "No, but we don't want to risk someone following you back. We understand you fly too fast for a ship to keep up with, but all they have to do is see what direction you're going in," Tiger told her. 

He had a point, she thought. They agreed she wouldn't fly off anymore and they split up. She went over to the fire that Bryce got started since the sun was going down. She sat beside Lance on the blanket and stretched her legs out in front of her. Pince handed her a plate of food. "Thank you," she said as she took it from him. "What do we do if the marines attack us," Dio asked Lux once he joined them for dinner. "I do what I can as you guys get on the ship," Lux told them. "Scarlet and Bryce, get a breeze going to give you enough speed and run like hell." "We're not leaving you behind," Dio told him. "I am this crew's captain, and I refuse to watch you guys get captured," Lux told them. "Damn it Lux," Bryce said. "What happened to Shadow Pirates never turn tail and run?" "That was before this capture the fucking pirates movement happened," Lux snapped. "You guys aren't just my crew, you're my family. I'd rather it be me, than all of us." 

"It's fucking suicide," Pince told him. "And it's pointless if they're just gonna come after us anyways," Lance added in. "We all have bounties that put us on their most wanted list. They're not gonna rest until they have us all." Muris nodded, "Plus we already gave you our word that we're in this till the end." 

Lux loved and hated how loyal his crew was. Till the end then, he thought. 

When Scarlet went to bed, Lux followed her. She didn't say anything over his order, and he knew he was in for it. Once the door was closed she spun and slapped him, "Did you really think I'd leave you?!" "I don't want anything to happen to you or any of the others," he told her. "It's not like it's one of two ships that we just happen to stumble upon like it used to be. These bastards are actively hunting us." Her eyes filled with tears, "I would rather die with you than go on without you." After her confession he pulled her to him, lips on hers. He lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist. His tongue tangled with her's as he laid her down on the bed. 

He trailed kisses down her neck, not caring if he left marks down the side of her neck. When the shirt blocked his path he removed it and continued his journey, exploring her body with his mouth. She arched her back as his mouth found one of her nipples as his hand teased the other. He then trailed kisses between her breasts till his mouth found her other nipple as his hand teased the other. When he finished teasing her breasts he trailed kisses down her stomach till he got to her pants. He removed them, before kissing her thighs, getting closer and closer to his goal.

She gave a moan of frustration as he only gave her aching core some teasing licks. "So impatient," he teased huskily before giving her what she craved. Her back arched off the bed a loud moan echoing in the room. He watched her as he pushed two fingers into her, his tongue massaging her swollen clit. She came, her walls clenching around his fingers. He continued to enjoy her, pulling a couple more orgasms from her until she shook from them. He removed his clothes before positioning himself between her legs. He kissed her as he entered her. He groaned into the kiss at how good she felt. His thrusts were rough as her nails dug into his back. When she came her walls clamped around him, setting off his own orgasm. 

He pulled out of her slowly before laying next to her, pulling her to him. She placed a kiss to his chest, "I love you." He kissed the top of her head, "I love you too."  

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