Chapter 7

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For the past few days Lance sailed with the Shadow Pirates, and he was unable to figure them out. They acted more like siblings than pirates. The cook and shipwright argued and wrestled about until someone stepped in. The muscle rarely spoke. The Captain enjoyed taking naps until he is woken up by the two bickering and then joins in, giving the navigator an even bigger headache. The woman was very feminine despite the amount of savage men surrounding her. When ever she goes to say something they all stop what they're doing to listen to her, before going back to what they're doing. The muscle also enjoys drinking his alcohol, more than what Lance has ever seen someone drink without becoming falling down drunk. The only one that seems to have any sanity is the woman and the navigator. 

"So where are you guys going," Lance asked Scarlet who was tanning in a bikini on the upper deck. "To the Forbidden Lands," she told him. "Aren't you scared," he asked her. "Not in the slightest," she told him. "I've got my crew, so why should I be," she asked him. "You trust them that much," he asked her. "Of course I do," she told him. "How long have you sailed with them," he asked her curiously. "About a month, maybe just under," she told him. "The days have truly flown by as we prepared to go to the Forbidden Lands." "Only a month and you already trust them with your life," Lance asked her. Maybe she was insane for so easily trusting a group of pirates. 

"I have wanted to be a pirate my whole life," she told him. "My brothers are all pirates, and used to they would laugh at me for my dream. Lux and the others didn't. Instead they invited me to join their crew, and they're supporting me a hundred percent to reach my dream of becoming the first ever female Royal Pirate. This crew may seem strange, and unusual, but if you choose to sail with us, I promise they'll grow on you." 

Lance looked out over the upper deck railing where Brian played cards with Dio. Lux was napping on the railing, Pince in the kitchen, and Muris was leaning against the mast, arms crossed as he slept. A strange crew indeed. 

At the next island Lance nearly had a heart attack over the attire Scarlet was wearing. A white breast band covered her breasts, exposing her stomach. She wore leather pants, and knee high heeled boots. Her hair was in a side braid and she wore her hat. Her swords hung on hip. "You're going to catch flies," Brian said as he elbowed Lance. "But it's not safe dressing like that," Lance said. "Scarlet can handle herself. After all, she wouldn't be a part of our crew if she couldn't," Lux said as he began to unboard. "But I can't handle myself and you invited me to keep sailing," Lance said as he followed Lux. "That is because I see hidden potential in you," Lux told him, causing Lance to pause as Lux continued to keep going. 

Lance walked on the island, hands in his pockets. He couldn't have been talking to me, Lance thought with a soft shake of his head. No one had ever seen potential in him as he grew up. His parents declared him a failure for becoming a doctor instead of a Marine. His fiance left him for being too kind hearted, offering his services without making his patients pay for it. It was payment enough knowing he was able to help them when they needed it. While sailing with the crew he had been forced to join, he was allowed to help those on the various islands he had visited. He was also filled with pride when he was able to make poisons the Marines couldn't make antidotes to. He thought back to what Scarlet told him about supporting her dream. The Shadow Pirates were  a strange crew, he thought with a shake of his head. 

He stumbled when he heard a gunshot and screams. Adrenaline had him running towards the sound of the gun fire. Standing in the middle of a street was a group of Marines, Brian wounded by a graze in his arm as he protected a family. "You damn Marines," Brian snapped. "Fucking pay attention to the innocents around you." "Very funny coming from a criminal," one of the Marines said to him. They cocked their guns and Lance ran out without second guessing himself. "Get the fuck out of the way," the Marine said to him. "I'm the Poison Doctor, member of the Shadow Pirates," Lance told them before clasping his hands together, a fast wave of green smoke released from his palms. The Marines eyes rolled to the back of their head and they collapsed. "Are you crazy," Scarlet snapped as she landed, swords ready. "You could have killed a lot of people with a stunt like that." "They're just asleep. They'll wake up in a few hours," Lance told her, cowering from her wrath. She calmed down instantly and put her swords away. "Good work," she said with a smile. Lance's heart slammed in his chest. She's scary, he thought. No wonder they listen to her. 

Lance then turned his attention to civilians Brian had been protecting. "Are any of you guys hurt?" They shook their heads and he turned his attention to Brian. "It's just a scratch," Brian said with a smirk. "Slap on a band aid, and I'll be good to go."  "It can get infected if I just slap a band aid on it," Lance told him, looking at him like he's insane. "That's what you're here for doc," Brian said and Lance sighed. 

"Let's get top the ship before more Marines show up," Scarlet said before leaping into the air and flying off. "So what made you decide to join us," Brian asked Lance as they began to make their way back. "When I was with my other crew, they let me help people on other islands. Of course I had someone watching over me, to make sure I couldn't run, but I didn't care, I was helping people," Lance explained. "My whole life, what I did was never good enough. I come from a family of Marines. My father is a retired Vice Admiral, my older and younger brothers are also Marines. I wanted to become a doctor, which to my family, was the biggest crime in the world. When I got my license to practice medicine, my fiance left me because I refused to make money off of helping people." Brian clapped him on the shoulder, "You'll make a great Shadow Pirate. Now let's hurry." 

Once they set sail, Lance cleaned and bandaged Brian's arm. "Welcome aboard Doc," Lux said with a smile. "See Pince, I told you I'd find us a doctor before we got to the Forbidden Lands," Lux said while looking at Pince. Pince rolled his eyes, "I think the credit should go to Scarlet since she technically found him." "She could have just left him on the ship to die with the rest of his crew," Dio threw in. "But she wouldn't have gone, had I not given the order," Lux argued. It continued like that, back and forth. Lance sighed, wondering what he just signed himself up for.  

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