Chapter 23

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At the island everyone unboarded the subs. Scarlet stretched, "God it feels so good to be in the sun. I was beginning to feel like we were in a metal underwater coffin." Lux chuckled softly. They looked around and saw many families who belonged to the pirates that had been arrested greeting their loved ones happily. 

Soon a woman in a pair of dark jeans, a red blouse, and brown leather boots with her silver hair pinned up was standing staring down the Bri children and Black Smoke. "You seven have some explaining to do," she snapped at them. Black Smoke scratched the back of his head, "Hi honey." She glared and grabbed him by the ear, "Don't you, hi honey, me Mathers Bri. I read countless papers, claiming my sons and husband were arrested, and that my only daughter was dead. Then out of no where I see our dead daughter giving the Marines all kinds of hell. And before you ask, I got here by stowing away on the ship that was delivering supplies to this island." As she spoke Black Smoke was repeatedly saying ow due to the harsh grip she had on his ear. 

Tiger then pulled the momma's boy charm, "We're sorry mommy." She sighed and released her husband's ear before tears filled her eyes and she was hugging her family. "You idiots had me so worried." She then glared at them, "Do it again, I'm going to force you kids to come home, and you Mathers Bri will be sleeping on the floor." 

"Yes ma'am," they all said in unison. She then smiled, "Now lets get you and your crews settled in." 

Scarlet showed them to the five bedroom cabin she had put all of their things. "How long till we're up and sailing again," Lux asked Brian. "Let me draw up the designs and see what I got to work with and then I'll let you know," Brian told him. Lux nodded, "Good. Until then, we need to get back into the swing of things and get back to training. The Marines will counter against us, and I want to ensure we can hit back harder this time." They all nodded in agreement. "Plus after this attack, Scarlet is going to get one huge ass bounty. We can't let her leave us in the dust," Pince said while crossing his arms. 

Scarlet smirked, "It's going to be really interesting to see how high it raises." They all then laughed and talked about how high it was possibly going to go. She will definitely become a target after this. "I think it also smart to grow our crew," Lux told them. "We have heavy hitters, but we can easily get over whelmed. If things were still how they had been before all this craziness then it would be easy for us to take them on, but the Marines aren't so easy to fight like they once were. Of course they have to meet my requirements. Luckily, our Sword Dancer here took out all of the Marines' ships to buy us some time to get our ship made and get us sailing. Any complaints?" 

No one complained. Brian smirked, "Who knows, maybe there are even more beautiful women to join our crew." Scarlet rolled her eyes as Pince chuckled. "Where should be search," Dio asked Lux. "We won't be searching actively. We'll find them along the way. After all, we still have a vacation planned that is very much needed." Everyone was very glad to hear that the plans were still on the table to go on their vacation. 

Later that night Lux was on the beach looking out over the waves. "Mind some company," A voice said. Lux looked over his shoulder and saw his father with both of Scarlet's parents. "Not at all," Lux said with a nod before looking back at the water. "So what are your plans from here," his father asked him. "Brian is going to get our ship built then we'll be off. As we continue on with the plans we had decided on before all this shit happened, we're going to try and pick up more crew members along the way." "And your plans for our daughter," her mother said with a knowing smile. A small smile pulled on the corners of his lips, "We're still very much healing from the recent events, but one day I'd like to marry her. That is, if I have your blessing." "It was clear that when you thought she was dead, it broke you," her father said to him. "Anyone could see that with a single glance at you." "You may have only sailed with her for a little while, but love is funny like that," her mother said with a smile. 

"When she woke up after our doctor healed her, the first thing she said, was that she had to know if you were alive," Black Smoke said to him. "She was still sore, and could have ripped open her stitches, but she was determined to fly to the closest island for an update on whether or not you had been captured dead or alive. Of course I didn't let her, but it was clear that she loved you just as much as you love her." Black Smoke then nodded, "You have our blessing boy. Don't make me regret it." Lux nodded, "That will never happen." 

Luis DeFlore then clasped his son on the shoulder, "Congratulations son." Lux never thought he'd get his father's approval for anything. Lux nodded and the three of them walked away talking. Lux made his way back to the house and chuckled softly when he saw Pince and Brian arguing. Dio was reading a book in a chair in the corner, Scarlet on the couch painting her nails, while Lance and Muris were in the kitchen talking as they enjoyed their preferred poison. 

Lux was happy to see that some things never changed. Lux went over to the couch and laid out behind Scarlet, moving his hat to cover his face while his other arm snaked around her waist, not disturbing her painting. Dio smiled as he took it all in. He was relieved that this chapter of their adventure was over, but he was scared to see what happened next. It was only a matter of time before the Marines retaliated. He prayed they would be ready for it this time around.  

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