Chapter 12

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They docked at the island, festival music and laughter can be heard from the ship. From the ship, they could see many pirates wearing flashy attire, trying to make a statement. The Festival was going to go on for an entire week. They had their bounties ready as they left the ship, a man waiting to verify their bounties. "Shadow Pirates," he said, writing down their name before taking their names and bounty values. He hesitated when he went to write down Scarlet's. "I thought a female pirate was just a rumor," he said. "I get that a lot," she told him. "If you would be so kind as to hurry up." He looked over her attire. Like many of the pirates, she dressed festively in a long black skirt with a split up the side, knee high black boots, and a black halter top that showed off her stomach and Shadow Pirate tattoo. Her swords hung proudly on hip.  He quickly wrote down her bounty and name. "With your permission, I can submit your bounty papers to be added in to the best bounty photo contest." "Right off the bat, we loose to Scarlet, this festival is off to a great start," Brian laughed. They all gave permission before leaving the dock. 

"I smell something amazing," Brian said. "Lead the way," Pince said with a gesture as he laughed. Lux chuckled and shook his head. The whole crew wore black, to represent shadows. Pince wore a black vest and black pants, a black bandanna on his head, covering his short platinum hair. Brian wore a black muscle shirt, black pants with holes in the knees, and black cuffs on his wrists. Lance looked more sophisticated in his black slacks, black button up shirt with the sleeve rolled up, and a black vest over it. He looked like he belonged at a high class party, but it fit their doctor rather well. Muris wore a simple black shirt, black pants, and boots, fingerless gloves on his hands. Dio wore a black shirt under a black blazer, and black pants with his black sandals. Lux wore a black shirt that was opened, showing his defined abs. He wore a long black coat, black pants, and black boots. His black hat on his head completed the look. 

"I think we're the only ones not dressed like a Christmas tree," Dio said as he looked around. "That's the point," Muris told him. "We'll stick out better." Lance nodded in agreement, "He has a point." Lance then looked around and noticed many were staring at them, mostly eyeing Scarlet. "Come on, I'm starving," Brian said. "When are you not," Pince asked him. "Let's not fight here," Dio told them with a sigh. 

Scarlet noticed a board of contests that started tomorrow and it was the only day to sign up. Her eyes landed on the sword fighting contest. She walked over to the board. "Scarlet, don't wander off," Lance said as he followed after her, worried someone would over step their boundaries. Scarlet picked up the pen and wrote her name on the list. "You going to sign up for anything," she asked him. He looked over the board, "I think I'm good." He then saw the poisons contest. "You should do it," Muris told him as he himself signed up for the arm wrestling contest. "You'd win that one hands down," Scarlet encouraged. "See, abilities are allowed to be used, so you don't have to worry about being defenseless." He sighed and grabbed the pen and signed up for it. The others then signed up for other contests. 

They then went to go get something to eat. 

Romeo walked through the Festival, hearing whispers his sister has already arrived. "I guess it's gonna get really lively this year," Cliff said while meeting up with his brother. "Have you guys spotted her yet," Paxton asked as he met up with them. "Not yet," Cliff told him. They looked about and saw Tiger and Stephen walking towards them. "She's already signed up for the sword fighting contest," Stephen commented. Tiger chuckled, "That didn't take long."  "I'm surprised she even got invited to join a crew," Cliff muttered while Romeo nodded. "The pirate life is no place for her," Romeo said while crossing his arms. "You have tried telling her that for her entire life, and not once has she listened to you," Paxton told him. "I say, let's see what she can do. She may just surprise us," Tiger said with a shrug. "Now let's go find her." 

They walked about until they saw her sitting in the window of one of the restaurants with her crew. They went in and all heads turned towards them when they went in. Whispers instantly started. Scarlet stood up, "I was wondering how long it was gonna take before you boys sought me out." She stood before them proudly. Her brothers looked at her outfit and she saw their eyes twitch. "What are you wearing," Romeo asked calmly. "Clothes," She told him. "Clothes are meant to cover you," Cliff told her. She looked down at herself before looking back up at them, "The important bits are covered. I don't see what the problem is." They looked at her crew. "You let her leave the ship like this," Stephen asked them. "In our defense," Lance told them. "Your sister is very scary." Brian and Pince nodded in agreement with him. "She never listens to us," Brian told them. "If it means anything, we don't let her go anywhere alone," Pince added in. Tiger sighed, "We should've expected this. She never listened to us back home." "Which one of you did her tattoo," Paxton asked next. "It was nice knowing you Captain," Dio whispered to Lux. 

"I chose where it went," Scarlet told them. "It was either here or it'd be on top of one of my boobs." Lux, Brian, and Pince began to choke on their beers. Her brothers pinched the bridges of their noses, releasing a breath in unison. Paxton then pulled his sister in for a hug, "Good to see you're doing good Scarlet." Scarlet smiled, "I'm doing great. You guys shouldn't worry so much." "Hard not to worry when you go about dressed like this," Romeo said when he hugged her. After hugging the rest of her brothers they went off to talk while her crew sighed in relief. 

"I thought they were going to kill us," Brian muttered softly. "I think everyone here thought that," Dio said. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of them tried to take her back to Tenshi," Muris said. "We'll step in if they tried," Lux told them. "I don't give a damn if she is their sister, she is a member of our crew." They all agreed and went back to enjoying their meals. 

Scarlet spent time with her brothers till it was late and Romeo walked her back to where her ship was docked. "Your crew, they treat like a member and not some trophy right," he asked her, hands in his pockets. She nodded, "Yeah. They don't see my gender, they see me. We faced Vice Admiral Gastrine and his fleet right before we came to the Forbidden Lands. They didn't make me stay on the ship where it was safe. Instead they let me face a good number of his ships alone, while Lux took care of the Vice Admiral and Muris and Dio went to the other ships. Brian, Pince, and Lance stayed on the ship though. Pince was support with his rifle, Brian made sure our ship didn't crash, and Lance simply waited for us to return." "Why was he waiting," he asked her. "He's our doctor," she told him. "He can't really fight, but he helps where it really matters most. I also guess you could say he is the most sane one in the crew. He's also our voice of reason. While we're all quick to dive head first into danger, he is quick to tell us that it is dangerous and that we shouldn't. Of course we go ahead with it anyways, but just know someone on my crew has common sense." 

He nodded, "Have you had sex with any of them?" "Romeo!" He held up his hands in defense, "I just need to know who to kill." She rolled her eyes, "No I haven't had sex with any of them. I haven't had sex since I left the island." "With who," Romeo asked her, becoming tense. "That doesn't matter," She told him. "I think from here, I'll go home and see how mom and dad are doing," he said while she glared at him. When they got to the ship he eyed the ship, "Where do you sleep?" "In my own room, while the guys are all in hammocks below deck," she told him. "Our shipwright built me my own room because he didn't want you guys to kill them." He nodded, "Smart man." She snickered, "I'll be sure to tell him you said that." He chuckled, "Good luck tomorrow sis." He then turned and left while she got on the ship. Lux was waiting for her.

"You didn't have to wait up," she said to him. "Just wanted to make sure you made it back safe," Lux said to her with a nod, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Goodnight Scarlet," he said before heading below deck. "Goodnight Lux." 

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