Chapter 18

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At the next island the guys went off to the shops while Scarlet decided to wander around the island to see what it had to offer. She found a news paper from the other day ago and picked it up. The front page had her feeling a little worried. 

                                                                       NEW MOVEMENT BY MARINES

In a recent interview with Fleet Admiral Crane Muree he declared the Marines have begun a new movement. All pirates, both current and retired, are being rounded up and brought to Hell's Gate. They're looking for every pirate crew, and any retired pirate with a bounty. Once they're gathered they plan to televise a mass execution to prove the strength of the Marines and to discourage anyone else from becoming a pirate. So far they have already captured ten pirate crews, and have rounded up six retired pirates. One of them is the famous Slicer, Black Smoke's first mate. He had been captured at his home on Celestial Island. 

They have also put out new laws.

* Anyone caught selling or buying anything from a pirate will be seen as one and arrested and will be sent to Hell's Gate for execution that is on hold until they finish rounding everyone up.

*Anyone caught assisting a retired pirate will be arrested and sent to Hell's Gate for execution. 

*If a pirate ship has docked at your island, you must report it to the Marines immediately. If you report a pirate ship and they're captured, the person who called it in, will receive an award. 

The goal of the new laws is to speed up the Pirate Round Up. The Fleet Admiral believes that it will only take two months to round them all up. Yesterday he has sent out his best and every Marine ship available out to get the job done. They missed an opportunity to capture them at the Festival that was held two months, but he believes they'll make up for it. Listed below is the contact information you need in order to report anything pirate related to the Marines. 

Scarlet walked back to the ship on numb legs. When she got to the ship, she sat on the deck, and waited for her crew to return. When they did they were instantly concerned. "What's wrong Scarlet," Lux asked her. She began to read the article and when she finished they were all quiet and tense. "Let's set sail, quickly," Lux told the crew. They moved quickly to get the ship moving. None of them knew if any Marines were nearby, alerted by the people of the island. 

"What are we going to do," Brian asked Lux. "I'm thinking," Lux told him. "The Marines are desperate, that much is obvious." "There goes our vacation plans," Pince said with a sigh. "Screw the vacation," Dio said. "They could go after our families back home." "Hell's Gate can't really be big enough for every pirate can it," Lance asked. Muris nodded, "It is. It has many levels below ground and they can easily dig more if they need to." "It's going to cause a war," Scarlet said. "And I have a really bad feeling about the outcome." 

"As do I," Dio said with a nod. "The more crews that get captured, more of the Marines will be able to team up and hit each crew harder than the last," Muris said. Scarlet looked up at Lux, "So what do you say we do Captain?" Lux smirked and stuck his closed fist out, "I say we continue to live to the fullest and when the Marines show up, we give them hell to the end." "Sounds like a plan to me," Brian said, putting his fist out. "It'll give me chance to put my new skills to use," Pince said as he put his fist out. "They're going to come after me no matter what so might as well enjoy it," Lance said as he put his fist out. "I told you from the beginning, Captain, I'll follow you anywhere, even if it's to my death," Dio said while putting his fist in. "I was never a fan of the Marines, this is a good chance to knock them down a peg or two," Muris said while sticking out his fist. "My adventure has only started, and I'm not in the mood to see it end anytime soon," Scarlet said while putting out her fist. 

No matter what comes their way, they'll do whatever it takes to keep the adventure going. 

That night Scarlet sat on her bed, staring down at the article, her tears blurring some of the words. Lux knocked on the door before going in. He shut the door softly before going to sit next to her. He pulled her into his arms. "Slicer is my family," she whispered as she cried while clutching the paper to her chest. "He gave me my first set of swords and trained me to use them." She sniffled, "And when the Marines come for my father, he will surrender to them. He doesn't have the strength to fight them, and he'll do it to protect the people of Tenshi." And it would be a trap to go back for him. Marines are most likely surrounding the Forbidden Lands. They'd get blown to hell if they even attempted it. 

He kissed the top of her head as he held her till she got a hold of herself. She wiped her tears away and sniffled. She tilted her head up to look at him, "I'm yours till the end." "And I'm yours," he said before kissing her deeply. 

Lance sat in his office, putting away some of the medical supplies he had gotten while on the island when Muris came in. "You okay," Muris asked him. Lance ran a hand through his hair, "Not really." Lance sighed, his shoulders dropping, "My dad and my brothers will be coming after me." He teared up, "And when they do, it will be me that takes them on." "You don't have to," Muris told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Lance removed his glasses to wipe his eyes, "I have too Muris. They're my family." Lance had always known it was a chance that he would have to fight his family, but he knew it was inevitable now. "Say the word, and you will have my support in your fight," Muris told him. 

Lance gave him a soft smile, "I didn't spend these last two months training for nothing." Muris chuckled softly, "Training wasn't the only thing you and I did the last two months." Lance's cheeks reddened, "I remember every moment of those times very vividly." Vividly enough that he has trouble looking at the man without getting a hard on. 

Muris ran a hand through his hair, "I now understand Lux's frustration regarding the thin walls of the ship." Lance's cheeks became even redder and Muris couldn't help his smile as he looked down at Lance. He gave Lance a quick kiss, "I have night shift tonight. Don't stay up too late, you need to get some rest." Lance nodded, "Okay." Muris left his office and Lance looked out of the window out at the sea. How much time did we have, he asked himself? 

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