Chapter 11

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"Would you idiots quit hanging over the railing," Pince called out to Brian and Lance who were shirtless, soaked in sweat. "It's so hot," Brian groaned. Everyone was doing their best to beat the heat. Muris laid in the shadow of the mast wearing only a pair of shorts. Dio was at the wheel of the ship, a layer of ice covering his skin, Scarlet was in a bikini under an umbrella, Lux laying on the mast post enjoying the little breeze they had, and Pince was sticking his head in the freezer every now and then. Dio noticed a ship headed for them. "Heads up, we got company," he called out. "That's the last the thing we need," Lance groaned as he turned to see the ship. They had a pirate flag waving on their mast. The Jolly Roger had flowers around the skull. "That's not one I recognize," Muris said as he stood up. Lux moved his hat from his head to see the ship, "I don't either." he climbed down and joined the rest of his crew, except Scarlet who stayed in her chair under her umbrella with her book. 

As the ship got closer, they were able to hear music and loud laughter. It seemed they were partying. "Hello Shadow Pirates," one of the members slurred out cheerfully. "It's entirely unhealthy to drink alcohol in these heat conditions," Lance the man. "How unhealthy," another slurred. "It can kill you," Lance told him. Another scoffed, "What are you? A doctor." Lance pushed his glasses up, "Yes actually, I am." They blinked at him. "Oh," the first said. 

"Who are you guys," Lux asked them. "We're the Party Pirates," One said with a bow, causing himself to sway, nearly falling over board. "We bring the party every where we go," the second told them. "Who is your Captain," Lux asked them next. "The Great Captain Tanser," they said in unison while moving to gesture to the man behind them, past out drunk with his ass stuck in a barrel, his pink hat crooked on his head, bottle hanging from his fingers. "That's your Captain," Lance asked, not really believing them. "You're joking right?" They looked offended, "He's the best Captain in the world." "He'll show the world at the Pirate Festival," one of them declared. "Pirate Festival," Muris asked them. "It's a festival where all the pirates gather on an island in the heart of the Forbidden Lands," one of them explained. "There's a catch though," Scarlet said from the stairs that lead to the upper deck. All eyes went to and the three drunk pirates gave her wolf whistles. "The only way to get into the festival is if you have at least three crew members who have bounties. It doesn't matter how much your bounty is, but the higher it is, you're least likely to get ridiculed. My brothers gather there every year. There are contests and such to prove who is stronger. Swords men have duels to see who is the best. The shipwrights brag about their ship building abilities. It's a large, who's dick is bigger contest. We'll have to stop at the next civilized island to get our most updated posters to prove we can get in." 

"Why have the Marines never put a stop to the festival," Pince asked her. "Because the pirates will entirely out number them," Lux explained to them. "Even the Royal Pirates gather there, and the Marines would never dare go to a place where so many of them are gathered. My father would leave me with one of his fleet ships, while his main crew would go to the Festival." Dio smirked, "Sounds like fun." "Indeed it does," Lux said with a nod. "Set sail for the closest island." Scarlet noticed the guys on the Party Pirate's ship were still staring at her, drooling. She smirked and blew them a kiss before Pince, Brian, and Lance threw buckets of water on them while yelling in unison, "Quit staring at her!" 

Soon they were off and making plans. "How long till we get to the next island," Pince asked Dio. "Two days," Dio told him. "When is the festival," Dio asked Lux. "At the end of the month," Lux replied. "Think we'll be given the chance to raise our bounties first," Brian asked out of curiosity. "Only if we run into some Marines," Muris answered. "I think our bounties are just fine," Lance told them.  "Aren't you even curious to see if you have a bounty," Brian asked him. "Not really," Lance said honestly. 

"If we play our cards right at the festival, we could make a real good impression," Pince said. "We have to make a good impression," Dio corrected. "Lux and Scarlet will have family there, watching and waiting to see what they and their crew can do." The Festival could make or break their dreams if they're not careful. 

"During the next two days, I'll do the rest of your tattoos," Lux said. They all agreed and then went back to suffering in the heat. 

Lance was in his office, looking over some of his medical books when Lux knocked on his door before poking his head in to the office. Lance smiled, "What's up?" Lux showed him the tattoo kit, "It's your turn." He had already finished Brian and Pince. Brian's was tattooed on his left hand, because he wanted people to see it when he flipped them off, and Pince had his tattooed on his back. "Know where you want it," Lux asked him. Lance nodded, "The under side of my right arm." Lux nodded as he began to get to work. "You scared about the festival," Lux asked him as he worked. "I'll admit, the concept  of being surrounded by nothing but pirates who are known for being incredibly dangerous, is enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life," Lance told him, causing him to chuckle. "But I know I won't be alone," Lance added in. Lux nodded, "No you won't." Lux worked on his tattoo for a while until it was late. Lance laid in his hammock and looked at the mark he was proud to have on his arm. He fell asleep with a small smile on his face. 

When they got  to the island it was early and Dio had to wake everyone up. When Brian saw Scarlet his jaw dropped when he saw her tattoo. It was on the right side of her stomach, starting level with her belly button, and the end disappearing just below the hem of her pants. "Close your mouth Brian," Dio told him. "Her brothers are gonna kill Lux," Brian told him. "I think they'd kill him if they found out I straddled his lap to tattoo his chest," Scarlet said with a smirk. Lux and her shared a look, both smirking. Brian wiped away a fake tear, "It was nice knowing you Captain." Scarlet rolled her eyes as she left the ship, Lance following behind her. 

They went to the circle of the town on the island and saw they had a large board where they put the bounties. Scarlet pointed at Lance's, "Hey Poison Doctor, it looks like someone at that town where you and Brian faced the Marines got a picture of you." It was the moment Lance clapped his hands together and the green smoke left his palms. He had a fierce look on his face as he was staring down the marines. He took it down, "Oh goody." It was very unenthusiastic. "One million five hundred thousand jewels isn't bad for first starting out," Pince said as he looked over Lance's shoulder. "Looks like one of those Marines got a new picture of Scarlet," Dio said as he took down Scarlet's. It was when they faced the Marines on the ships before getting to the Forbidden Lands. She looked pretty fierce standing on the helm of the Marine ship, blade wings out , swords in hand, wearing her father's hat, smirking in delight. 

"They got a good one of Lux too," Scarlet said as she took down his. Lux was standing on the helm of the Marine ship, hands in his pockets smirking. It was right before he knocked the Vice Admiral over board. "I think they got good ones of all of us," Lux said as he looked at Brian's, Pince's, Muris', and Dio's. Pince was in the crows nest, sniper rifle at the ready. Brian stood strong at the wheel, staring down the Marines. And Muris had half his body and face covered in armor, looking deadly. "I think we have more than enough bounties to get in to the festival," Lux said with a smirk. None of them were under a million jewels which was impressive. He had the highest which was now twenty five million. Under him was Dio with a new bounty of eighteen million. Then Pince with a bounty of fourteen million five hundred thousand. Next was Muris with a bounty of thirteen million. Brian was next at nine million. Scarlet's raised to five million, and then last was Lance. 

They took their bounties and decided to do some shopping and supplies gathering. They had a couple of weeks before they would be able to prove themselves to all of the pirates around the world. 

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