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Jason was sprawled out on my couch in the living room propped up on his elbows. His blond hair flopped over to one side and his cheap glasses were resting on his nose. He was cute, in a dorky-weird way.

"I'm telling you, bro, I swear I know her!" I was trying to convince Jason I wasn't crazy.

He was staring at the TV and channel surfing. "You just think she's cute and you want to know her. Also, that brick thing earlier? Not funny."

"It was hysterical. Anyway, the fact she is cute has nothing to do with anything–"

"Who's cute? I hope you're talking about me," Rachel walked into the room and sat next to me on the couch, "Sally let me in."

"Hey Rach," I pulled her into my lap, "I met this girl and we were talking about her."

Rachel smirked and kissed me, "Well, don't stop for me. What was she like?"

Damn, I'm so happy that Rachel isn't like those other girls at school. She understands that I still find other girls attractive and she trusts me not to make a move. We continued talking about random things with my mom popping in every so often to check if we needed anything or to restock our blue cookies.

Knock knock knock

Jason got up and walked over to the front door, "Hey... Guys. Is Percy expecting you?"


Rachel and I shared a confused look and in walked Hazel, Frank, and Nico.

I raised an eyebrow and Nico looked into my eyes, "They were going to come alone because they were bored but I insisted they bring me. Your mom makes the best cookies and I didn't want to be alone tonight," he shrugged.

Hazel pounced on the couch right next to me and looked at me, "I'm bored! So I called Frank to drive me here."

I laughed at my ridiculous friends. Hazel and I were super close. She was the sweetest little thing and her big curly cinnamon hair accented her dark skin perfectly. Plus, she and Frank are completely perfect for each other.

Jason turned off the TV and sat on one of the extra cushions laying on the floor. "Come on, everyone. Sit in a circle. We are playing Two Truths or a Dare," He gestured for us to make a circle.

Hazel and Frank sat together (duh), Jason sat next to Hazel, then Nico, then Rachel was sitting in my lap.

Nico went first, "Hazel, two truths or a dare?"


"I dare you to curse."

Hazel turned bright red and stuttered, "R-really... I-I..."

"I'm kidding, Hazel," Nico stifled a laugh, "I dare to sit in Frank's lap

for three rounds."

Hazel sheepishly moved into Frank's lap, who almost immediately

wrapped his arms around her waist and her face flushed crimson over her dark colouring for a few moments as she was getting comfortable. I had a feeling she wouldn't be moving even after the three rounds.

The game continued, Jason ended up with freezing water down

his shirt. Nico ended up confessing his feelings for Will, and right now it was my turn.

"Jason, truths or dare?" I smirked.

"Why is everyone picking on me??" He complained. He pouted,


I laughed and tried to come up with two, "What is the most

scandalous thing you've Googled and... If you have to make out with one person in this room, who would it be?"

He smirked, "Obviously, I don't use Google. I use Bing so..." Then he

made eye contact with me, "I'd make out with my bro, Percy. But only as friends... Duh."

"Better watch out Rachel, Jason be moving in on your man," Nico

grinned sarcastically.

Rachel laughed and pulled her hair into a messy bun, "We can share."

I rolled my eyes and Rachel took her turn, "Frank, truths or dare?"

He shifted Hazel around a little, "Dare."

"I dare you to choose a dare for someone."

Frank groaned, "You always do that one!" He exclaimed.

Rachel shrugged, "I don't wanna come up with one."

Frank rolled his eyes, "Percy, I dare you to do 7 Minutes in Heaven

with Rachel."

Rachel grinned and took my hand and led me to a closet where we spent the next seven minutes together having fun. 

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