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"My boy. That was really stupid of you." Poseidon scolded me.

I slumped in the chair. "Trust me. I got the memo."

"Zeus wanted you killed but I managed to talk him out of it. Gods do not like to be corrected even when we are wrong and deserve it. You are the first mortal to ever put a god in his place, much less the Big Three. I'm not excusing your behaviour but perhaps you were right. Hades never should have brought Luke back. It messes with nature. He said he didn't want to but someone talked him into it. I think we both can agree that Luke is a bad person—" he began.

"That's an understatement," I mumbled.

"Anyway, the point is, Hades agreed to take Luke's life back and put him in the Fields of Punishment. However, Piper did not die in battle so she cannot be brought back. No one has the power to do that. I am very sorry, my boy."

"I am sorry too. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I shouldn't let my emotions get in the way of work."

"You have nothing to apologise for. You were 100% right. Us gods, we are selfish and we should honour our heroes more. You are possibly the only mortal, hell, including immortals, you are the only one who was brave enough to put us in our place. I thank you for that. It was much needed. Maybe causing a hurricane in the throne room and putting all of New York through an earthquake was a bit overkill, but you made your point. We need to be better." He explained.

I stood up and looked up at my godly parent. He put his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. This was the second hug I've ever gotten from him.

"I am so proud of you Perseus. I love you and you are one of the most powerful half-bloods of all time. Everyone would be doomed without you." He took me by the shoulders as he said this.

This was possibly the biggest compliment I have ever gotten. I blinked back tears in my eyes and smiled as he turned into water particles and floated away leaving the scent of saltwater and a comfortable feeling as he left.

The Hanging Tree | PercabethWhere stories live. Discover now