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 I was texting Piper while eating another cafe brownie while I was waiting for Rachel.

Was Leo acting weird at lunch?

You mean when he was flirting with the waitress?

No... That's normal. I meant every time he smiled it never reached his eyes. Is he okay?

I'm sure he's fine, Piper. You are overthinking this.

Yeah... You're probably right.

Someone knocked a rhythmic beat on the door of my small loft. A redhead poked her head in, "You wanted to speak with me, Counsellor?" She said in a British accent, "Sorry I was late, I got caught up in a game of Two Truths or a Dare."

"It's all good. What I wanted to ask you, there was this guy I met... I swear I've seen him, but I can't figure out where. He is going to be my guide at Goode tomorrow when I start." I explained everything about him so far.

"I'll walk with you to school, maybe I'll recognise him and can tell you where. If he is a half-blood like you think, I'll know it. Kinda my whole job at camp." Rachel smiled as I served her some leftover chicken I had in my fridge.

The next day at school Rachel was showing me where the office was. When I walked inside I saw Percy waiting for me.

"That's him," I whispered in Rachel's ear.

She looked at me, shocked, "You're telling me you don't know who that is? You're not messing around or anything?" Her eyes widened.

Percy noticed us. "Hey, Rachel!" He leaned over and kissed her cheek and looked at me, "Hey, Annabeth. I didn't know you knew Rachel, what a small world." He smiled a warm smile and his hair looked messier than usual, spilling off his head. "Well... Let's get going. See you later Rachel!"

We started down the hallway to the first period, which was a big surprise, I had with Percy. What did Rachel mean? Was I supposed to know Percy from somewhere? This was all too confusing for me.

We got halfway through the day when finally, lunch came around. I sat with Percy and Rachel and their friends.

Percy introduced me to them, "This is Nico," He pointed to a kid with raven black hair like his, but that's where the similarities ended. Nico was dressed in all black, with pale skin, and he was short. I guess he was cute in a little brother kind of way. Percy moved on since Nico just looked at me and then went back to his phone. "That's Hazel and Frank," He pointed to a girl with dark skin and cinnamon hair, then to a bigger, bulky, Chinese dude. They both were obviously the cinnamon rolls of the group. They both flashed me a smile and waved, "They are dating," Percy moved on to someone who looked like a blond superman, "That's my boy, Jason. He and I go way back," Jason winked at me and Percy finished up, "And, you know Rachel. Guys? This is Annabeth, she's new so be nice." He looked directly at Nico.

"What? I'm always nice!" Nico argued.

"Nico, we know that's not true," Then Hazel looked at me, "Nico is my brother, we are working on being nicer and truthful."

Nico rolled his eyes and said, "I am the only one here who likes to have fun. They are just jealous."

Jason snorted and snickered, "Fun? Nico... It's a surprise you haven't gotten an STD with all that 'fun.'"

I must have looked confused because Jason explained to me, "Nico can't stick with one guy for more than a one night stand. He is the only one here who is a player..." His voice trailed off as if he realised something, "Unless you're a player too, he's the only one."

"No... I'm not a player. But I don't date, ever."

"So you're asexual?" Jason asked.

Hazel swatted his arm, "Don't be rude!"

"It's fine, um... No. I don't know," I shrugged and pushed my food around, "I should rephrase that, I don't date meaningless people. If I date someone they would be someone I trust with every aspect of my life."

"I still think sleeping around is fun," Nico stated.

"You could try going on a date, for once, with... What's his name?" Jason repeatedly snapped his fingers trying to remember the name, "Will! Will Solace! You like him."

"Will would never date someone like me. He's too smart for that."

"If he asked you out, would you say yes?"

Nico snorted, "Duh, of course, I would. I've liked him for years. I like him even before I liked Percy."

The whole group burst out laughing at Nico's comment. These people seemed so accepting. They made the rest of my first day pretty smooth. Piper and Leo were still going to my old school, so I guess I better get comfortable here.

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