Chapter 3:Charlotte's backstory Part 2

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We were driving home. I was so excited for my new home.I was going to go to a new school and have a fresh new start .She parked the car and told me to get out of the car and I did as she said. I looked  at my new home. It looked beautiful. It was a white marble house with a chocolate brown wooden roof.It also had a balcony! and a garden!

"Umm.." I stuttered. I didn't know what to call her. She turned around and happily said "Call me Mum from now on!" I smiled and said  "Okay Mum!" We walked inside the house and everything looked so neat.There was a living room,a kitchen,two bedrooms and one bathroom.It was the perfect home! I  walked around the house and looked at everything in awe. I went to the balcony and looked outside. The sunset was coming down. The night is coming. I loved the view. Mum walked next to me and asked "Do you like it?"  I then replied "Yes! I love it!" Mum laughed and said "I'm glad". We both continued to look outside in silence."Umm Mum" I said breaking the silence.She hummed in response."What is your job?" She looked at me and looked back at the view "My job is being a CEO of an airline company." CEO? That probably means that she is the boss of the airline.Mum is so cool!There was silence again.Mum broke the silence and told me get changed since she had extra clothes for me and  go to bed as I start school tomorrow."Okay Mum!" I walked to my room but I stopped as I saw a picture on the coffee table.I hold the picture and it was my adopted mum and a man but when they were younger. "Mum?" I asked." Yes Charlotte what is it?"  she turned around to face me and saw me holding the picture. "Mum who is this next to you in the picture?" I innocently asked. She just smiled and said "That man was my husband. We were married 9 years ago .Unfortunately, he died  a  year ago."  I was shocked. "Sorry Mum, I shouldn't have asked you that." Mum shakes her head  "No sweetie it's fine. You don't need to be sorry." I looked at the picture again.That man looks really familiar though."Now come on, it's time to sleep. You got school tomorrow!" I nodded and said goodnight and went to my room to sleep. I lay down in bed and face the ceiling. Mum...Dad....You don't need to worry anymore. I have a new home now! I also have someone who can take care of me too! I hope you are resting well. Goodnight Mum! Goodnight Dad! 




Now I am 11 years old and today is a special day!Why do you ask?Well today is the 3rd anniversary when my adopted mother found me.Because of her, I went to a new school and met new friends!I even got the highest score in the exam because of her.Not to mention, school ended early today because one of the teachers got sick and had to be sent home.It was the perfect opportunity to get her favorite flowers:Roses!I was excited to celebrate this special day with her.I stood in front of the door and got my keys and unlocked the door slowly.I hope she doesn't see me coming inside.I step inside and turned around facing the door and quietly closed it and hoped that she didn't see me.

THUD!THUD! I hear something but couldn't figure it what it was.THUD!THUD!THUD! I heard it again.I walked into the living room but it wasn't coming from there.Where is this sound coming from?I checked every room: my bedroom,Mum's bedroom,balcony,kitchen.But the sound wasn't coming from there.Not only that,I didn't see Mum either.Is she at work? But she said she would come home before school finished.I then remembered that there was one place I haven't checked yet.The bathroom.I walked closer to the bathroom.THUD!THUD!THUD!The sound grew larger and larger every time I stepped closer.THUD!THUD!THUD!I was right in front of the bathroom door.The sound kept going.I took a big breathe and calmed myself down.Something must've fallen inside.That's what I hoped what happened.I put the bouquet of roses in my left hand and used my right hand to hold the door knob and slowly turn in clock-wise.I push the door fully open.I looked around and dropped the bouquet of roses on the floor.What I saw  was nothing I had ever imagined.

Blood was spilled everywhere in the bathroom.The walls.The ceiling.The bathtub.The mirror.Everything had blood on it.I looked down and two bodies were on the floor.A young man and woman.They weren't moving.It didn't seem like they were breathing either.Their faces were smashed completely.There was a person standing with a hammer that had blood on it.It was...MUM!I was so shocked that I froze still.I couldn't move.No way...Mum kills people?! That's not the Mum I know..right? One of the bodies started to move.I wanted to help but I just couldn't move.Mum notices the body moving and smashes the hammer on the woman's face.THUD!

"Stop it..." I whispered.THUD!"Stop it..."I whispered again in fear.THUD!"STOP IT!" I screamed.Mum stops and turned around to see me standing in a mix of fear and shocked.Her eyes widened in surprise as she didn't know I was coming home early today."M-mum...w-what are you doing?"  I stuttered being petrified of what she was going to say."Well...what  does it look like I'm doing?I'm killing them of course."She says with a no facial expressions.She always smiles but..this...this is a new side of her I'd never seen before.She drops the hammer and walks up to me.I wanted to run away but I just couldn't. She then hugs me tightly and whispers "My beautiful daughter." No...I'm..I'm not her daughter. She goes to my ear and whispers "If you try and do anything selfish, you will be next.Don't think you can do anything without me." My eyes widened.She lets go of me and puts her hand on my shoulder.I shivered."Well you can clean this up for me.There is a mop in the closet and don't-" she looked down and notice the bouquet of roses on the floor.She picked it up and smelled it."Wow you got roses for me!Thank you!" She exclaimed.She walks past me and stopped and turned around "Oh you should join me next time!" She says.I can tell she was smiling behind my back.This was too creepy.She closes the door and left me alone in this bloodshed bathroom.

After all this, I learned two things.One, the mum I knew from these past 3 years were full of lies.Secondly, I wasn't adopted...I was kidnapped.

Author's note (IMPORTANT):

Hellooo my dear readers, I hope you've been enjoying these past chapters because I've been enjoying making these :).In the next chapter, we will go back to the normal timeline (which is 4 years later when she is 15).That is all I wanted to say.I hope you keep reading.Comment,Like and Vote!

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