Chapter 11

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Before Charlotte went to her first date a few months ago:Rose Smith/Charlotte's Mother POV (Point of view):

When I saw Charlotte's best friend Jennie come to our house to dress up Charlotte,I found it a bit weird.So when Charlotte started to watch Netflix on her laptop in the living room,I decided to check her phone.I quietly went to her room and found her phone.I already knew her passcode because I've seen her do it right in front of me a few times.I unlocked it and checked her messages with Jennie.I scrolled down to read her messages.One of the recent messages from her was "Have fun with your blind date!"

I see..She is going on a date even though I forbade her not to go on dates or go out with boys.Well I can't blame her.She is already at that age as well.She will tell me before she goes.Before Charlotte went left the house,I asked her where she was going."I'm going to hang out with my friends." I didn't expect her to lie to me.That's the first time she lied to me.I nodded and she just left the house.I called one of the guys who I work with and asked him to follow my daughter and see what he is doing.

After a couple of hours,he called me back saying Charlotte was hanging out with a guy.Anger filled inside me.Whoever that guy is hanging out with my precious daughter will pay.But for now I will give her a warning.Let's see who she chooses afterwards...




Charlotte's POV:

It was lunchtime and Me and Jennie were talking outside while sitting down on a bench.I kept admiring the ring Aiden gave to me a few months ago.Jennie noticed me admiring the ring."Hey why do you always look at your ring?Did someone special gave it to you or something?"Jennie asked."Well you aren't wrong.."I replied.She gasped and sat closer next to me."Omg who?Is it a boy?" She asked being curious.I looked around to make sure that no one was near us.I then whispered to her ear "It was Aiden." Her eyes widens."AIDEN?!" She screamed."You idiot why are you screaming for?" I loudly whispered to her."Sorry it's just I'm so happy for you!" She said apologizing."Actually there's more.." Jennie looked confused when I said that.I then explained to her that me and Aiden actually met 8 years ago when we were childhood friends but I had to move away for personal reasons and before leaving we both promised that when we do see each other again,he would put this ring on me to show our sign of friendship."Wow!That's so cute that you guys made a promise.It's such a coincidence that you two would meet each other again!" Jenny exclaimed."I know! Even after all these years of being separated,he still remembered me and looked for me."I said while looking at the ring again."Awww now that is what you call true love!" I got flustered and said "We aren't dating! We are just close childhood friends okay Sis!".Jenny just rolled her and said "Whatever you say Charlotte!" I pouted and faced away from her.Jenny just laughed at my reaction and changed the subject."By the way,don't forget about my sweet 16 birthday party tomorrow!" Jenny said being excited."Of course how could I forget?You will finally turn 16!" I said also being excited.

Lunchtime was over and we both said goodbye to each other.I headed to my next class which was science.I walked inside the classroom and went to my seat.When I sat down,I saw a small folded piece of white paper on my desk.I secretly opened it and it read Charlotte please go to the secret place in the school today after school.There is something I need to talk about with you privately.From Aiden. I looked around and saw Aiden talked to his friends before class started.I looked back to the piece of paper and smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" a voice I hated asked.I turned to the side to see the Queen Bee of this school..Bianca.She is one of the popular kids along with me of course.She is the type of girl you would see in every high school.A rich spoiled brat who is really stupid and has that annoying high pitch voice.To be honest,she sounds like a horse to me which doesn't surprise me because she looks like a horse to me anyway.I can tell she hates me only because I'm much more prettier and smarter than her, not bragging by they way."Are you smiling over a piece of paper?" She says as she laughs.Oh god her laugh is worse than her voice.It's like she inhaled a whole bottle of helium and now it won't go away.Oh did I forget to mention she also bullies innocent people for no reason? Yeah sadly she does that too.Yeah she fits the title "Queen Bee".When it comes to me,she says hurtful things like I got a plastic surgery which isn't true.She is clearly jealous of my natural beauty and I'm not blaming her because if I were her,I would envy myself too.Bianca also throws stuff at me like paper or pens at my head. I just ignore her since she sits right behind me.But today was different...

During our science class,I felt something stuck in my hair.I touched it and it was a sticky notes.I turned back around and saw Bianca having gum and pretending to write.I took the sticky notes of my head."Hey Bianca why the hell would you put sticky notes on my hair?" I asked being pissed off what she did."What made you think I did it?I don't have sticky notes."She said acting innocent."There is literally a packet of sticky notes on your desk." I bluntly said."No there isn't." She said still acting innocently while quickly putting the sticky notes away."Sweetie please do you want me to take you to specs savers?I heard they are really good for helping people like you." Some people in our class started to laugh.Bianca started to get mad."Hey!Why are you so rude for?I didn't even do it." She started to fake cry.Honestly,I hope she doesn't get into acting."Hey what's going on?" The teachers noticed our little argument. I stand up and complained."Sir,Bianca left sticky notes on my hair and she keeps denying that she didn't do it."  "I have no clue what you are saying."Bianca argued back.This girl is seriously getting on my nerves.

I turned around to face her and said "You clearly have 67 protons and that's a fact." I stated.The teacher laughed getting my joke while everyone else didn't understand what I said.I sat back down and looked at the periodic table on my book.There was only one element which had 67 protons and that was holmium.Its symbol was Ho.I was proud of myself for thinking that on the spot.Perks of being a smart person.I then hear everyone now getting what I said and starts to laugh even Aiden. Bianca being the most clueless and dumb person she is,still had no idea.The teacher then told her to stop putting sticky notes on my hair or else she will be sent to the headteacher's office which he should've done in the beginning but I will let it slide just this once.

Class finally ended and it was home time.I remembered about the white note and headed towards the secret place.A few students knows about this secret place and I'm one of them.I walked behind the school and walked a bit more to find a a hidden tunnel.This is where it leads to the secret spot.The tunnel was really dark but I was only walking straight so there was no trouble walking inside.After a few minutes,I was finally out and I looked around.This place will always amaze me.

I saw a familiar figure in the middle of the pathway

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I saw a familiar figure in the middle of the pathway.He was standing waiting for me.

"Hey Aiden!" I shouted his name.He turned around and smiled and waved at me.I ran up to him and stood right in front of him."Why did you call me here for?Is it serious?" I asked worried.

"I need to ask you something important." I nodded signalling him to continue.He took a deep breath."Charlotte will you go out with me?" He asked."Huh?" I said being shocked."Please be my girlfriend!" He said with hope in his eyes.I want to say yes but if we are going to date,then I have to be honest.I can't keep it in any longer."Listen to me Aiden and don't cut me off when I say this..." I paused and he nodded gesturing me to continue."If we are going to be together,then we both have to be very honest and trust each other.I also want to be with you but there is something I need to tell you but you have to promise you can't tell this to anyone." Aiden then said "I promise not to tell anyone what you are about to tell me".I paused for a bit.I then spoke again.

"Aiden...I'm a murderer's assistant"

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