Chapter 2:Charlotte's backstory Part 1

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This incident happened 7 years ago.I was only 8 years old at the time.My name was Charlotte Wilson.I had two loving parents:David Wilson and Emma Wilson.They always loved me and cherished me.They made me have a great childhood.We used to go to the park and have picnic together.We even used go to on holidays to travel.I remember the time when we went to France, dad was taking a picture of me and Mum standing in front of the Eiffel Tower but the car behind dad started to drive backwards and we screamed at Dad to turn around and get the car.There was another time where we used to make donuts together and throw flour everywhere and make a mess in the kitchen.We had fun together and I wanted the moments we had together to last forever.But sometimes in life not everything you want works in your favor.

We were driving back home from shopping.

"Honey what do you want for dinner?" My Mum asked my Dad.

"I don't mind anything.Whatever you cook is delicious to me." Dad replied while driving the car.

"Hmm...if that's the case then..."she paused to think"how about roast dinner? We haven't had that for a while" Mum suggested.

"Sure I don't mind!" Dad answered.Dad turned around and saw me looking outside.He smiled and said "Just you wait Charlotte,Mum is going to make the best roast dinner!" I turned to face Dad and smiled back.

"I can't wait!" I said excitedly.When Dad was looking behind me, a big red truck was driving right towards us with no warning as if it wanted to drive right onto us."DAD WATCH OUT!" I screamed.I closed my eyes and hoped that it was a nightmare and everything will be fine once I wake up.Dad turned around to look forward and tried to avoid but it was too late...

My vision was blurry.I woke up in a room which looked like a hospital room.I got up and started to get light headaches."Ow..." I said to myself.I looked around and I was right.I was in the hospital."It doesn't seem like Mum and Dad are here.Are they in a different room?" I thought to myself again.I could hear doctors and nurses screaming outside.I slowly walked up to the door and opened it .I saw doctors running around and ordering things from the nurses.Out of nowhere, two trolleys were pushed past me.Two people covered by a white silky blanket were taken to a room.As they were sent to a room, i saw one of the person's hand come out of the blanket.I noticed it was wearing a purple bracelet.It was the same bracelet I made for Mum for her birthday! If that is mum, then that must mean the other person in the other trolley is...Dad!I started to panic.I didn't know to what to do.I started to cry.I didn't want to lose them..I need them with me.I can't let them die like this.The doctor next to me saw me crying and came up to next to me.

"Hey what's wrong kiddo?" the doctor asked." I don' lose my parents." I cried."The two people on the trolleys are your parents?!" the doctor asked.I nodded.He looked at the ground and looked at me again."Don't worry your parents will okay."He reassured me that they will be alive.I nodded while crying.A nurse suddenly came out of the room my parents were in.

"Doctor, there is an emergency!" the nurse shouted as she ran up to the doctor."What happened?" The nurse quickly stated the emergency."The two patients are losing blood too fast.We need someone with their same blood type as them.But their blood type is AB-negative.Their blood type is so rare.There is no way we can find a blood donor in time!"The doctor paused to think."We can't give up yet.Search for anyone who has AB-negative blood type and fast!" He ordered.The nurse nodded and ran back inside.The doctor started to get worried."Damn it, if we can't find a blood donor on time then..!" He angrily whispered to himself.I then remembered what Mum told me.I tugged on the doctor's white coat.He looked down and saw me."What is it?" he asked."Doctor take my blood!" I said."What?" he asked again. "Doctor I have the same blood as them I can save them.Please take my blood!"I said being determined.He looked at me and crouched down at my height and said "I'm sorry I can't take your blood.You are too young.Also you have a small body so taking blood from you won't be enough for them."I couldn't believe it."Doctor please I don't care what happens to me.Just please save them!"I begged and begged but he wouldn't let me."Listen kid you can't okay.You are too young to give blood.We will find another donor and save them."

I believed him and prayed that they will be safe.I hoped that they found a a donor.I waited and waited outside their room for a long time.Then the same doctor came out and saw me waiting.I stood up and ran to him."Doctor my parents are okay right?You saved them right?"He looked at me sadly and said "I'm sorry kid there was nothing we could do."He then started to walk past can't be.I walked in front of the doctor and stopped him."What do you mean?Are they okay?"He looked at the ground and said "They are gone.We couldn't save them...." He walked past me again and left.I fell onto the floor.No...Mum...Dad...why did you leave me?I thought we will stay together forever.I started to cry again.Tears fell like a waterfall.It wouldn't stop.I kept crying and crying nonstop.Who else will love me and take care of me if you're gone?That night was the worst night I had ever experienced.




It's been a week since that night and I had been staying at the hospital ever since.Day and night.I had no where else to go.I didn't have anyone to take care of me.I didn't even have relatives to take me in.I was practically homeless with no food and water.The only thing that kept me going was free food from the hospital.Other than that I had nothing.Until one day, someone came up to me.I looked up and it was a woman.She had black silky hair and hazel brown eyes.She looked really beautiful.She crouched down to my height and looked at me.

"Hi.What's your name?" The woman asked.Her voice was really angelic to hear.I know you aren't suppsoed to talk to strangers but she seemes friendly to me.I snapped out of it and answered her question."My name is Charlotte Wilson...".She then asked "Well my name is Rosie Smith.Do you mind telling me why you are here?".I then replied by saying "I lost my parents in this hospital.I don't have anywhere to live."
She looked at me with pity in her eyes.She spoke again."I'm sorry for your loss.But what if there is a place you can live?" She asked.I looked at her confused.A place where I can live? Is there really a place for me to stay? I then asked her "Really?Where?" I was desperate.I wanted to restart and have a fresh new start.That's what Mum and Dad would've wanted me to do.The women smiled and said" You can live with me! I will take care of you!" I had to think for a bit.I don't know anything about this women but..she could help me."Well?" She asked.I sighed and said "Okay!".She smiled again and said "Great!follow me.We are taking you home!" I smiled for the fist time in a long time.I was FINNALY going to have a new home and someone to cherish me as their child.I then realised that if she is going to be my new mum then that means I'm going to be adopted.Then shouldn't we be doing the papers?I stopped walking and the women looked at me and asked worringly "What's wrong?".I dodged her question and instead asked her "If you are going to adopt me,shouldn't we be  signing the papers for adoption?" She stared at me for a while which gave a weird feeling inside me.I shrugged it off and the women just smiled and said " We can do that later!" And continued to walk while holding my hand.Oh well if she says we are doing it later then we are doing it later.I trusted her.

Little did I know...This nightmare was just getting started.

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