Chapter 5:

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"Alright let's go." I said wanting to leave this room quickly.I started to walk towards the door.But I slipped backwards by accident."Wait!" Aiden said while trying to catch me from falling but failed and falls with me onto the blue mat."Ow..."I slowly open my eyes."Are you okay?" He asked me worryingly."I think so.." I responded. I then realized what position we were in. Aiden was on top of me!Why did this have to happen?!




We were in this position for at least 5 minutes but it felt like hours.Not one was moving.His dark chocolate eyes was staring deep into my emerald green eyes as if he was looking directly into my soul.I snapped out of it and broke the silence.

"Umm..." I spoke first."Why can't I say anything? Aiden seem to get what I was trying to say and realized what position we were in."Oh sorry." He said as he got off me.He looked embarrassed too."It's okay don't worry about it! It was my fault anyway I fell backwards." I assured him.He just nodded and we both didn't look at each other nor did we say anything for the rest of the walk back to the other building.I checked at the time and it was almost class.I didn't even get to eat and I need to say sorry to Jennie for leaving her.Well she has other friends so she probably ate with them.While we were walking back, my tummy decided to growl.I hoped Aiden didn't hear that! Thankfully though we were walking towards to my next class."Aiden you can go to your next class now.Thanks for helping me!" I said thanking him. Aiden then said "Your welcome!You can call me for help anytime!Besides we're friends aren't we?" Friends,huh? Aiden noticed me not saying anything."Umm...Charlotte?" he asked.I just smiled and said "You're right we are friends!"Aiden said goodbye and started to walk towards to his next class.But then he came back."What's wrong Aiden?" I asked."It's just..." he said as he tried to get something from his bag.He then took my  right hand and put a small brown packet.I opened it and inside was CHOCOLATE DONUTS! "I thought you were hungry so I gave some to you." "But how did you know these were my favorite?" I asked wondering how he knew."Oh um... You just seemed the type to like these.I mean all girls love sweets right? I just thought you would like to eat sweets!"He nervously said as he scratches his neck."Anyway, I need to get to my next class! See you later!Let's hang out next time!" He shouts as he walks to his next class.I just stood there with chocolate donuts in my hand.Yes let's hang out next time...he must know something.That day when he joked about me being the murderer.There's no way anyone would just assumed that.I need to check if he knows yet. I walk into class and sat down and listened to the teacher as normal.




I opened the main the door and walk inside the house and closed the door."I'm home!" I shouted.I remembered that Mum wasn't home."Welcome back!" a familiar voice shouted back.Mum was sitting with dinner at the table waiting for me."I thought you weren't coming back home early."I said with a straight face."There wasn't much work to do." Yeah right.You just wanted to have your fun so you quickly finished your work.I rolled my eyes and went to my room to get changed."Oh after we finish eating clean the bathroom for me." Mum said while using her phone.I nodded and continued to walk to my bedroom.While I was heading to my room,the bathroom door was left open a bit.The scent of blood was not only devouring the small bathroom but was also spreading the whole house.I decided to take a peak and there was not only one not even two but three middle-aged soulless male bodies on the unclean bathroom floor.Great ... now I got to clean three bodies plus the bathroom floor.I stopped peaking and went to get change into my home clothes.After I got changed I went to the kitchen and sat down on the dining table facing opposite of Mum.We ate quietly.Not a word came out of either of our mouth.

"I heard you have a reward trip tomorrow." Mum said while eating her food.Oh yeah everyone in our year group gets to go to an after exam trip as a reward. "Yeah and?" I asked while continue to eat. "But you can't go because -" I cut her off. "You need me? Yeah I know" I continue to eat. She smiled at me and continued to eat as well.I hate her smile because of how fake it is. A murderer's smile always disgusts me."But I have to anyway.It's compulsory." I quickly stated.She stopped eating and thought for a bit and said "Fine you can go but don't do anything stupid or else..." I nodded and finished my dinner and went to the bathroom to clean the mess she created.I finished cleaning and go to my room.
I then remembered what Aiden gave me.I go to my black handbag and open the small packet and tasted one of the chocolate donuts. It was really delicious! I smiled.This time it wasn't a fake but a real smile.I was starting to looking forward to tomorrow's trip and realized that this was my first school trip I've going to.I was excited for the first time.

Author's Note:

Hello my readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I can feel the ship coming from you readers. As always like,comment and vote on what you though of this chapter!See you on the next chapter! Bye bye!

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