Chapter 22:

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He was standing there breathless while holding a metal crowbar.He picked me up and moved me a bit away from Rose.

"Charlotte are you okay? Did she hurt you anywhere else?" As he was asking me question, I just stared at his face.

"Why did you come back,you idiot?!"

"Why wouldn't I? You're the idiot for leaving me.You thought I wouldn't come back? Well you thought wrong!"

"But I left you to protect you! I didn't want you to get hurt!"

"Did you forget that we both planned to do this together? Listen Charlotte,I would give my heart, my life,my everything to protect you.So please don't do this by yourself anymore.You can rely on me now" He said.I suddenly felt sad for what I've done.

"I'm sorry Aiden.I actually never wanted to leave you at all.I thought that if I was going to go after Rose I would have to do this myself.I'm really sorry."

"It's okay.Now let's-"

Rose got up and looked at us.

"Boy you must be stupid to think hitting me with a crowbar will end me." She then looked at Aiden.

"I don't believe we met before.Well this is surely the worst time to meet."

"Charlotte told me everything and you might as well give up now.It's 2 vs 1." Aiden bluntly said.Rose started laughing again.

"Just because you are here don't think you can defeat me." She looked back to me."I can't belive you would go against me like this.I raised like you like a mother."

"You are wrong!I was raised by not only a kidnapper but a serial killer as well.The same person who killed my parents  and my best friend and her boyfriend.I will never forgive you for what you've done."

"You stupid bitch! How dare you!" She screamed as she grabbed something sharp which seemed like scissors and ran towards us.Aiden dodged her attack and got behind her.He grabbed her arms successfully and didn't let go.However Rose found a way and stabbed Aiden on his left leg making them both fall down but Aiden still didn't let go of her.

"Damn it!" His leg was bleeding alot.I had to help but how?I then remembered that I had a knife with me.As if my body was being controlled,I pulled it out and ran towards them and stabbed the knife in Rose's stomach.Blood was coming out alot and i still didn't get the knife out of her stomach.

" became like me now.You turned into a murderer."

Aftet what she said,I realized what I did."T-that's not true.I wasn't trying to..No.."

"Don't you feel pleasure and satisfaction too? Feels amazing right? Killing people is the best.I guess you got it from me.." and that was her last words.I was still zoned out.I didn't meant to kill her.I never meant to do this.Aiden put her head on the floor and placed his jacket over her dead body.He got a white cloth near him and used it to wrap his injured left leg.He stood up and saw me still being zoned out.

"Charlotte? Charlotte! Snap out of it!" He says as he shakes me forward and backwards.

"But I killed someone so that means I'm a killer too!"

"No you are not!You never intended to do this.I'm telling you this:stop blaming yourself.It's over now.It's finally over."I cleaned my tears.

"Yeah you are right."

"Hey,why don't we go into the secret room?" Aiden asked.I agreed and we went in and we saw a lady stuck in a dentist chair.Of course we removed the ropes and helped her.

"Ma'am it's okay now.You are going to be okay." I assured her.

"Thank you so much!" She said.

"No problem!"

After that, Aiden called the police and told them everything.While he was talking with the police,I went to the balcony.Aiden then joined me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just..getting some fresh air."

There was silence between us.

"It's finally over,huh?" I broke the silence as I sighed.

"Feels unreal,right?"

"Definitely.Never thought I would see this day ever.Until you entered in my life again.Thank you Aiden." Aiden grabbed my hand and squeezed it like he usually does.

"Like I said before and will say it over and over again,I will protect you no matter what.I love you Charlotte."I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Aiden"

Hello my dear readers! I hope you ejoyed this chapter! Well I guess you all do because the Rose the bitch is dead :)
As always please vote,like and comment and don't forget to follow me!

Just a disclaimer:
The next chapter will be the last chapter.I will be ending this book so stay tuned for the last chapter! Bye byeee and hope you have a good day!!!

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