Chapter 12

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"Aiden...I'm a murderer's assistant"

I said it.I finally said it.I was prepared for him to freak out and scream.But he never did.He just stood there with sadness in his eyes.

"So it really was true.." He whispered loudly.I gave him a confused look.He knew about it the whole time? "I kind of knew.I followed you and Mr Johnson to your house after the reward trip because I got a bit suspicious and was curious.I waited for sir to come out but he never did.Also when I was walking home,I saw your mother handing a black bag to some guy and she got money afterwards." I stared in disbelief.So I was that obvious to him? Wow.Well he is a son of a police officer but I still didn't expect him to find out like this. Aiden then unexpectedly hugged me."You can tell me everything." I never hugged a boy before but I felt safe in his arms."I know and I will.Right now." We broke the hug and sat on the wooden bench near us.

I explained everything.How my parents died.How I met my kidnapper.How I found out her addiction.How I was forced to be part of her murders.How I had to suffer living in the same roof as her.How she was behind all those murders.How she takes the organs from the dead bodies she killed and sells them Every.Single.Detail.Once I finished telling the story of my life,Aiden sat there next to me being shocked."Wow..I have no idea what to say.You were forced to help your 'mother' and had to carry all of this pressure and stress on you." He said still shocked."I wish you told me sooner Charlotte." I finally looked at his face.He was really sad and had pity in his chocolate brown eyes."Aiden.." He squeezed my hand.He then turned to look at me."You didn't exactly kill people right?" He asked.I shake my head "No I just knock them out and my mother does everything else." Aiden sighed in relief."We could tell the police..ah what's the point? Your mother could have ruined the evidence in case you ever do tell the cops.You also probably be in jail for helping her even though you were forced the whole time.Then again you were technically kidnapped by her." Aiden thinks out loud."You don't have to help.I can handle this by myself!" I said reassuring him he didn't need to."No you are not alone Charlotte...You have me and I can help you just trust me.We can think of a plan to stop her.Together." When he said together,I smiled a bit.That reminded me..

"Hey we are a couple now right?" I asked changing the topic.I didn't exactly say yes but I didn't say no either. Aiden blinks twice and said "Didn't we establish that already?" He asked thinking we already went through this."Nope.Though there is something we need to make sure.The fact that we are dating has to be a secret.No one can know about this especially my mother.If she finds out,she will kill you.She forbade me not to date boys." I stated."I want this relationship to work but for now we have to keep a secret.I hope you understand.I'm sorry you probably didn't want our relationship hidden."I gave a sad face."No it's fine I completely understand and I'm not upset.You wanted to this relationship to be hidden to protect both of us." He smiled.I had a relief face.

"Oh by the way Charlotte,are you going to Jennie's birthday party? I heard she invited not only students but parents to come as well." He asked.Oh yeah she said invited the parents as well."Yeah I know.I have to make sure my mother doesn't do anything.I'm going to keep an eye on her." Aiden nodded agreeing what I said."I'm going to keep an eye on her too.If the two of us keep an eye on her the better.But I don't think she would do anything in a place full of people.It would be too risky.Then again we still have to keep an eye on her just in case." I nodded in agreement.

My phone then vibrated.It was a message from my mother.Where are you?Come home now."Seriously why now?" I whispered to myself. "Did something happen?" Aiden asked."It's my mother.She told me to come home." I said standing up."Then you should go.We don't want to make your mother suspicious.I will see you tomorrow anyway." He then stood up and gave me a hug."Take care okay.Don't do anything reckless.Remember we are in this together." I hugged him back "I know.I won't do anything stupid." We broke the hug and I went home.

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