Chapter 14

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"W-w-what?" I stuttered.

"He hanged himself Charlotte." It can't be..

"No way..." I said still being shocked.

"Look at this post" Aiden said as he handed his phone to me.I looked at the post and it was a photo of him hanging in his room.

"I can't believe it either.I never thought Ethan would do this to himself." He continued as he was still terrified of this sudden news. 

I looked at the photo closely and it seemed that the rope is so strong that blood was coming out of Ethan's mouth.

"Why would he even...?" I couldn't even finish speaking because of how shocked I was.

"I know he was depressed over Jennie's death but this....this is too much."Aiden stuttered as he started crying. I quickly walked towards him and gave him a hug.

"Let everything out.You can cry on my shoulder." I assured him.He held me tight as he was crying on my shoulder.I then realized he did the same thing when I cried.I pat his back as he continued to cry.




Me and mum were eating dinner as usual.Neither of us spoke a single word.We were just eating.In silence.

"You did it,didn't you?" I asked.Mum stopped eating and looked forward to look at me.She gave a confused look.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"Don't act dumb with me.You killed Ethan,didn't you?" I said being pissed off.

"What made you think that?" She asked again.I swear this psycho...

"The post everyone got.The picture of Ethan hanging himself.He didn't do it to himself.You did." I snapped.

"I still don't get what you are trying to say sweetie" She innocently said.

"Don't think I haven't noticed.I saw the small bottle of chloroform behind him. You've used that to make him pass out.You then took the rope and hanged Ethan which caused him to cough blood .Don't even deny saying you didn't do it.I mean,who else would take the picture?" I explained. After a moment,she just scoffed and smiled.

"So what if I did?" She asked.

"Why?Why would you do this? Wasn't killing Jennie enough for you?" I asked desperately wanting to know the answer.

"Well,I just find it sad that he is all by himself you know.He lost his girlfriend which made him depressed.So I thought...why not make him join his dead girlfriend? At least,he isn't miserable anymore.He is.." She pointed upwards "up there with her now." 

"You psycho....what the heck is wrong with you?" I shouted at her as I stood up.

"Be glad I didn't take his organs.He is happy now.You shouldn't be feel sad instead you should be happy.She isn't alone anymore." She said still smiling like a freak.

"That isn't the point! How could you just kill somebody and feel nothing but pleasure? You even promised not to kill anyone who's close to me.I don't understand you or your obsession of killing people." I complained.

" don't need to understand me.You just need to obey me okay?" She says as she walks in front me and grabs both of my shoulders.She then whispers "My beautiful daughter... you wouldn't want anyone else to die,do you? I can always target that know Aiden?" My eyes widened.I moved her hands away from my shoulders.

"Don't you dare hurt him.He didn't do anything wrong.Also don't call me your beautiful daughter because I'm not your daughter,you fucking kidnapper." I snapped again

"Oh no, my daughter swore at me.You shouldn't swear at your own mother.It's bad manners.Also,that is something I should decide." She then patted my head and said "Alright it's late.I need to go to sleep.You should go to sleep.It may be Saturday tomorrow but you should still sleep on time.Goodnight!" She then left me all by myself.

I walked to my room and sat on the bed.I started to cry.

"I'm sorry Jennie..Ethan...this is all my fault.If only I never brought my mum with me to that party.The only person you should blame is me.." I said while crying."I promise.I will get justice for the both of you." 

I had to do something.But what can I do? 

I finally decided to do something I never thought I would do in my whole life.

I'm going to run away.

Yes that's right.I'm going to run away from this place.I went to my closet and got myblack suitcase and packed all my clothes and necessities.When it was 1 am, I slowly walked to the front door while trying to make no sound.I opened it and closed it when I was finally outside.

I was finally out.It was really dark but I could still see where I was going.I kept walking ahead until I realized something.

Where am I going?

I had no place to go to.I could go to a hotel since I have a bit of pocket of money with me.But it's going to be expensive and I will run out quickly.I had no choice but to ask Aiden. He wouldn't mind right? I took my phone out and texted him.

"Hey can you tell me your address?" It took a few minutes for him to text back.

"Sure." He texted back along with his address.

"Thanks" I texted back.I put my phone away and walk to his house.




After 10 minutes,I arrived at his house.I ring the bell and waited outside his house.The door then opened.It was Aiden! He saw me and gave a surprised face but smiled.

"What are you doing here Charlotte?"

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