Chapter 19

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*Aiden's POV*

The next morning came by  quickly.I opened my eyes and get up.I look at Charlotte sleeping peacefully.


I looked at the time and it was 10am and realized it was Saturday and thought of letting Charlotte sleeping in since she must've been tired of yesterday.I took a strand of her beautiful black hair and started to play with it.
After an hour I decided to make breakfast for her.I got up from the bed and placed the blanket over her and went downstairs to get started with cooking breakfast.

*Charlotte's POV*

I opened my eyes and yawned.I had a really good sleep.Maybe it's because I slept with Aiden.Speaking of Aiden,I noticed he wasn't here.He probably woke up earlier than me and went downstairs.I got from the bed and went to the bathroom to do my business. Afterwards I went downstairs.As I walked downstairs,I smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen.I walked to the kitchen and saw Aiden cooking so I walked up to him and hugged his back.

"Good morning Charlotte! Did you have a good sleep last night?" Aiden asked.

"Yep,thanks to you!By the way what are you making for breakfast?" I asked being curious.

"I'm making your favourites: pancakes!" Aiden happily said.

"Really?Thanks!" I said being excited and unable to wait for his delicious pancakes.

"You can thank me by giving me a kiss" Aiden smirked.Is he trying to flirt with me? How cute.

"Oh a kiss? Okay.Close your eyes" I told him and Aiden closed his eyes.He made a fish face and he looked so cute but funny at the same time.I then kissed him on the cheek.Aiden opened his eyes suprised.

"What? You never told me where you wanted me to kiss you." I innocently said.

"Hmm..this will do for now."
I sat at the table as Aiden placed the food in front of me.The pancakes tasted really good.While we were eating, I had a sudden urge to ask him about last night.

"Aiden?" He hummed in response as I said his name."About what you said last night, did you really mean it?" I asked.

Aiden looked at me and smiled.

"About us two running away together?Yeah I meant it.What about it?"

"W-well I think we should think this through.I-i mean, what about your dad?Wouldn't he be worried if his son ran away?"

"We aren't going to be gone for too long just for a while.Listen Charlotte.." He said as he grabbed my right hand with his left hand."As your boyfriend, I must protect you.You've gone through so much and you don't deserve all of this at all.I'm not letting you run away by yourself since it's too dangerous.I want to stay by your side no matter what.We will defeat that psycho together" He said to me.I put my left hand on top of his left hand.I smiled.

"Thank you Aiden.You are doing so much for me and I don't even deserve your kindness and protection." Aiden shake his head. "No problem.I promised you that I was going to protect you.Oh by the way you may want to get ready soon and start packing."
Aiden said as he took our plates to the kitchen.

"Huh?What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you.We are leaving today."

"Wait...TODAY?!? Like now??"

"Yes my darling now chop chop.We have no time to waste!"

"Okay okay!"

*1 hour and 30 mins later*

After packing our stuff, we left the house and arrived to the train station waiting for the train to come.

"Hey isn't your dad going to be mad when he comes back next week?" I asked.

"Nope because he is staying for another 2 months away."

"Oh okay.By the way where are we going to stay?"

"Hm? Oh we are going to the countryside for now."

After a few minutes the train finally arrived.Aiden opened the train door and puts his suitcase inside and gets on the train.He noticed me standing still looking on the floor.

"Charlotte what are you waiting for? Hop on!"

"I've decided..." I mumbled to myself quietly.


"Aiden...I'm sorry."

"Huh? Why are you saying sorry for?"

"The moments we had together was the best moments I had in my life.Being with you made me happy and safe even with all what's happening right now, you still tried to make me feel happy and I'm grateful for that...but I can't let you do this."

"Hey what are you talking about? Nevermind that, the train is about to go so hurry up and get inside."

"I can't..."


"I can't let you get hurt too!" I shouted as I closed the train door and locked it.

"Charlotte!What are you doing? Open the door!" Aiden shouted as he tried to open the door.Tears started form and fell down on to my face but I smiled.

"It's okay...I'm going to be okay.So don't worry about me.I will defeat her by myself.Thank you for everything."I said as I still held on the door handle .As I let go,I still smiled and looked at him..

"I'm sorry and I love you."

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