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First - I want to say that the First Bodyguard has gone up 5,000+ reads since May, 2020 and has reached another #1 under the #undercover. This all blowing my mind. I hope to post the new version of The First Bodyguard this summer and I hope you will follow me through that journey 🙂

Second - Although I doubt anyone remembers (except those who just finished TFB - Hi) BUT I am changing Melody's background in the new rewrite and that is what I am basing it off of in this chapter and moving forward. This would just better for me editing wise. Melody was oginally hired as the president's bodyguard and trained at a type of training camp. This has changed drastically. In the rewrite she will be asked to go undercover at Jasper's school to do intelligence and try to find out who is the 'inside man' sent to gain Jasper's trust. She has her training from her spy school, which we go into this chapter and in the first few chapters of the rewrite. All seniors do an internship with an agency their spring semester, so she was told in lieu of that she could claim this mission as her internship and she would be the first student to graduate a semester early. I hope this clears up any confusion you may have while reading. If you have anymore questions, please ask away I will answer! 🙂

Third (wow I'm annoying) - I go into a new side character - October - in detail this chapter. This is because as I decided to rewrite TFB, I also decided to combine it with a few of my other book ideas. October is one of them. So, as she may not be the main character in this novel, she will be the main of her own novel in the future and we will be visiting this spy school again 🙂


*dedications made to fans who were asking for updates, no matter how long ago! :)


    For years, Reyna Academy for the Gifted and Talented was my home away from home. When I was dropped off here at 13, I hated it. I thought my dad was pushing me away so he can pretend he didn't have a daughter anymore.

But I was wrong. And although I missed it, I missed it like crazy, a part of me felt weird being here.

After everything I went through last year, it felt silly. Silly to be going to classes and drills and doing homework. I was the only student who was going to be working on cases on my free time instead of doing what regular teenagers do- or at least what us spy teenagers do.

    But that was my deal, right? A semester in Jasper's school and I didn't have to do my last semester internship here.

    The fall semester will be my last.

    I should've been sad. But I couldn't stop thinking about Jasper.

    He was going to be at Jefferson Prep for the first time after Homecoming and I wasn't going to be there for him. I arrived at Reyna via helicopter at 6 a.m, when students were just finishing their morning workout routines and Jasper was still sleeping. I didn't even get to talk to him since last night.

    I spent the first hour at the library, staring at my phone waiting for an update from Dylan on his condition.

    But all I got was "Enjoy your day back. Stop worrying about him. Call him at lunch."

    When I reached the dining hall, I could feel people staring at me. At any other school, the stares would be the result of being held at gun point at a school dance and killing members of a group planning on killing the President and his son.

    Bu not my school. The stares were because almost everyone in the dining hall had the magazine with my face and Jasper's plastered all over it.

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