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"Are you almost done?"


"What about now?"


"Ok, what about now?"

"I swear to God! Hyung, shut up!"

Hoseok pouted and laid down, fluffing up one of the many pillows on Taehyung's bed. He looked up at his dongsaeng and frowned. Taehyung's eyebrows knitted together as he stared at the laptop in front of him. His back arched over the keyboard, his soft locks of hair falling over his eyes repeatedly, only for him to brush them back irritatedly. Hoseok huffed and walked over to where Taehyung was sitting.

"It's almost 11 pm, Tae. You should get some sleep..."

Taehyung let out a long sigh. He turned to Hoseok with a worried face. 

"Hyung, what if I don't get the job? And the boss is so strict,  I really don't think-"

"TaeTae, you're the best one for the job."

Hoseok interrupted Taehyung and took his hands in his. He dragged Taehyung over to his bed and told him to lay down. He then draped his blanket over him and tucked Taehyung in.

"Hobi hyung, I'm not a baby!"

Hoseok looked at Taehyung's adorable pout and soft puppy eyes. He smiled his bright sunshine smile and sat down next to Taehyung.

"I beg to differ, Tae. And it's way too late for me to be here right now."

Taehyung nodded and hugged Hoseok, nuzzling his forehead in his shoulder.

"I'm so nervous..."

"Don't be. I believe in you, our boss will hire you for sure!"

Hoseok's optimism was contagious and Taehyung felt a weight lift off of his chest. He smiled his boxy smile at his hyung and watched as he turned off his laptop and closed the door to his room. Right before the door shut, Hoseok poked his head in and whispered softly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Taehyung hummed in response and listened as the sound of a car pulling out of the driveway found his ears. Taehyung pulled his blanket closer to his chin, letting his worries and anxiety go, as sleep fogged his senses. He looked at his outfit for tomorrow and his bag filled with the things he would need. He looked at his laptop and thought of the company he was going to apply to tomorrow.

Jeon Corporations, one of the most famous businesses in Korea. It was a complete monopoly, rising far above any of its competitors. It's multi-million dollar chains made up most of the economy in Seoul. But what made it stand out was its young CEO.

Jeon Jeongguk, who singlehandedly handled the esteemed company and made it into what it was today. Jeon Chin-Hwa, who originally founded the company years ago, passed on the Seoul branch to his younger son, while leaving the USA branch for his older son. Since then, the company bloomed in prosperity and gained its high standards.

Taehyung softly squealed into his pillow. The man sounded so amazing and Hoseok's praises only added to Taehyung's expectations. And to think, Taehyung was applying to be his secretary. The thought sent shivers of excitement and nervousness up his spine. Well, only time will tell if he was destined to claim the spot. 

And Taehyung knew he shouldn't let this chance slip out of his grasp.

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my first chapter oml! how did you guys like it?

 i was watching Shrek and was struck with this idea for a book. i'm really looking forward to this one please show me ur support! 

i love youuuu <3


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