thirty four.

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The cloth of the couch had shaped itself around Jeongguk's body as he sat dejectedly in his living room, staring up at the ceiling. A grandfather clock ticked in the next room, providing the only noise that rang through the open space. 

Dark rings blackened along Jeongguk's eyelids, giving proof to all the tears that had left his eyes. 

The gashes on his heart hurt, filling him with a pain so wounding, it filled his body with an agonizing ache, stemming from his chest and spreading down to every finger. 

Is this what it means to feel shattered? 

Jeongguk let another tear slip down his cheek, turning his head to look at the time. He widened his eyes, realizing that he had been sitting here for two hours now. He groaned softly, feeling the misery dig deeper into his bones. It closed like a vise around his head, soaking in through his ears and digging its claws into the pink flesh of his brain.

Since Taehyung had left, Jeongguk spent some time crying in his apartment, then realizing that it wasn't the best place for him to be at, he moved his grieving self to his house, where he had remained until now. 

He looked over at his phone, to see if Taehyung had answered any of his countless missed calls or text messages. God, that name sent a burn through his veins, Jeongguk's eyes threatening to spill once again. 

The emptiness had made itself a permanent home inside of Jeongguk, and with the antidote nowhere around, he just had to bear it. 

He managed to change into sweats, leaving his upper half bare. His sadness was like a cloud, hanging over him and pulling the light from everything he passed. 

His phone lit up in his pocket, sending vibrations along his leg. Jeongguk flinched, but let it go to voicemail, focusing on seeing through his teary eyes. 

But when his phone lit up for the third time, he held it to his ear and tried his best to speak with his stinging throat.


"Jeongguk-ssi! You picked up! Finally.."

Jeongguk frowned before recognizing who was on the other side of the line.

"Mina? What happ—"

"Ok, I was at the cherry blossom park in the central part of town, and I saw Taehyung, I think. I'm not sure, but that silver hair looked pretty familiar..."

Jeongguk widened his eyes and held the phone closer to his ear.

"What? What happened to Taehyung?!?"

"I don't know! He was with this old man and then he punched him and there were these other three and..."

"And what?! Mina, tell me!"

"He was unconscious. They took him away. I was following their van, but I lost it."

"M-mina, was he in a brown t-trench coat, with a white mask?"

"That was him, Jeongguk..."

Jeongguk's mouth was agape with terror, his face frozen into one of bewilderment. He backed up until he was against the counter in his kitchen, breathing heavy but not getting enough air. 

"Jeongguk? Sir, are you there?"

"Oh God, Mina, what do I do? His father... how could he..."

"Find him, Jeongguk. You have to save him, or else I don't know what will happen..."

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