twenty seven.

9K 335 16

His dad? The one who beat them as kids?

Jeongguk felt memories of their date flood back. The ridge materialized, with both of them looking over the city center's lights. Taehyung was telling him about his childhood, his mother. He was..........crying.

Right now, Mr. Kim wasn't that high on the list of people Jeongguk wanted to meet. 

But being his boyfriend's only parent, the meeting must have been pretty overdue. And Taehyung looked happy, ecstatic almost. So Jeongguk met his gleaming smile and pulled him into a tight hug.

"That's wonderful, baby. I'm so happy for you," Jeongguk felt Taehyung's arms tighten around his waist and heard him giggle softly in his embrace. 

"He wants to meet me Mom's favorite park..."

Anxiety crawled up Jeongguk's spine and made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. It might have seemed selfish, but he didn't want Taehyung to be anywhere near his father. Who knew what happened to that man behind bars? People change. Some for the better and some for the worse. But Jeongguk was pretty sure he couldn't have gotten much worse, given what he was before.

And who was he to stop his lover from having a bond with his father? Jeongguk had a golden childhood, with his parents and brother by his side through everything. He didn't have the right to take away Taehyung's chance at the same thing. He just hoped he could keep him safe somehow...

"Angel...?" Taehyung straightened and hummed in response, his eyes still glittering. 

"Is there any way I......could come with you...?" Jeongguk gave him his biggest puppy eyes, orbs pleading for him to agree. Taehyung chuckled and leaned forward to peck his lips.

"Of course, bunny. I'm sure he'd like to meet you too..." Jeongguk grinned at that, pulling Taehyung up for another passionate kiss. 

"Now let's finish this movie! We still have the sequel," Taehyung widened his eyes and shook his head. He slowly pulled the remote out of Jeongguk's eager hands, keeping his gaze locked on his.

"I have a better idea..." 

Taehyung placed the remote on the table and turned his body to fully face Jeongguk. His eyes darkened and he slowly crawled onto Jeongguk's lap. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip and bit the corner of it, letting his fingers tangle in Jeongguk's hair. His gaze went sultry and coquettish, playing with the collar of Jeongguk's shirt. 

The younger gulped, catching onto what the latter was hinting at. He glanced at the clock on the wall beside him and made up his mind. Gaze coming back to his lover, he smirked at the aroused look in Taehyung's eyes. Slipping his hands under the hem of Taehyung's oversized shirt, he harshly pulled his lover closer, so that their chests were touching. 

Taehyung smirked and wrapped his arms tighter around Jeongguk's neck, pulling him beneath him, so he was hovering over Jeongguk.

"Is this okay...?" Jeongguk's voice went an octave deeper, looking at the beautiful boy above him hungrily. Taehyung smiled mischievously and started grinding on Jeongguk's bulge slowly.

"More than okay." 

Then, he pushed himself forward, meeting Jeongguk's lips in a heated kiss, feeling the familiar ecstasy flow through him like honey.


its up to ur imagination what they do ;)

it is short but my fvckin health teacher wants me to log in at an uNgOdLy hour

like bish what do you want me to do at fvckin 9 AM?!

feed the fvcking chickens?! 

bish we live in a city and its July get on with ur sad life

lol k bai <3

- cks

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