forty four.

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^^ i had to ;)) anygays here's some fluff to confuse our inner demons

"Gukkie, how much longer?"

"Just a bit more, love. I promise it'll be worthwhile..."

Taehyung huffed and shifted his weight onto his other leg, listening to Jeongguk shuffling around the room. He leaned back, keeping his eyes closed, his hand resting on the plush fabric of the sofa. A beam of light warmed his face as he leaned farther back, resting his head against the back of the couch. 

"Don't fall asleep on me now, Tae..." A body of warmth materialized next to him on the couch, and Taehyung opened his eyes to a pair of ebony orbs. 

Jeongguk smiled and turned his gaze to the living room in front of him, Taehyung following, a gasp leaving his lips as he did so. 

The luxurious room was littered with small toys and bedding. A roomy crate and exercise pen were at different corners of the space, and a food and water bowl sat a few paces in front of Taehyung's feet. 

"Gguk, what's this...?" He looked over at his lover with a confused glance, his wide innocent eyes never failing to make the latter melt. 

Again, without a word Jeongguk lifted himself up off the couch and made his way over to the other side of the room, returning with a decorative red gift box, littered with holes on every side.

Taehyung's eyes lit up, and he took the present delicately in his pretty hands. He settled it on his lap and opened the lid, frowning softly as he looked at the still patches of pelage inside. 

A look of horror crossed his beautiful features as he rose his fingers to his mouth. 

"Gguk, it's not moving! Wh-what happened?! I-I di-didn't—"

Jeongguk carefully took the roomy box from Taehyung's hands, reaching in to curl his fingers around the still figure and lifting it to face his terrified lover. 

The furball gently opened its chocolate eyes, its mouth stretching wide in a yawn, its peach tongue automatically greeting the two with a curious lick. 

Jeongguk set the puppy down, and it immediately launched itself towards Taehyung, the latter tilting back, both of them lost in a flurry of yips and giggles. 

Taehyung cradled the furball in his elegant arms, its paws placed on his chest, reaching up to lick at Taehyung's face. His gorgeous boxy smile was on full display as he lovingly scratched behind the puppy's ears. 

The pup settled down in Taehyung's lap, muzzle resting in his hand, as he let Taehyung run his slender fingers through his thick coat. 

Patches of black and peach fur intertwined along the puppy's back, the darker shades lightening as they turned into blonde at his tiny paws. 

"He's beautiful..." Taehyung looked up to Jeongguk, who had been watching the two with a giant smile plastered on his face the entire time. 

"What do you want to name him, baby?" 

Taehyung paused and looked down at the small figure in his arms with a smile. 

"Yeontan, maybe?" The small dog barked excitedly and looked up at Taehyung with pebble-black eyes.

"You like your name? Do you, Tannie?" Taehyung ran his fingers over the fuzzy fur coating Yeontan's belly, making the puppy yip and vault over at him again.

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