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Taehyung pushed the door open, revealing a tall man standing with his back facing him. Softly closing the door behind him, Taehyung cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"Hello Sir,  I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm applying for the secretary role."

Taehyung smiled and inwardly congratulated himself for not stuttering, a skill he had since his childhood. The man stared at his bookshelf for a few more seconds before turning around. 

Holy shit...

Soft black hair fell in curls around his head, shading the top half of his face. His muscular arms were clasped behind him, making his chest look large, the buttons on his dress shirt struggling to stay put. His face was set and casual, his soft, pink lips pressed in a thin line, as his doe eyes scanned Taehyung's appearance. God, he had seen pictures of this man before, but he looked almost angelic in person.

Taehyung gave a soft smile and bowed his head slightly, making sure as to look as unaffected as possible.

Jeongguk smirked and—

Wait, did he just smirk?!

walked towards his desk. He sat down in the chair and Taehyung took soft steps to the desk as well. He kept his eyes trained on the young CEO—he wasn't one to crumble easily.

Jeongguk looked up when he realized that Taehyung was still standing. He smiled and gestured for Taehyung to take a seat, glad he didn't just plop down at his desk without permission. 

Taehyung smiled and pulled the chair out, sitting on it comfortably. As Jeongguk looked over his résumé, Taehyung felt boredom fall over him and he busied himself by looking around the room. There were two bookshelves in the room: One with pristine trophies lining the organized shelves,  and the other was more cluttered, with books that looked almost ancient. 

Taehyung smiled to himself, finding out that the young man liked reading, just like him.

"So, Taehyung...?"

The sudden voice snapped Taehyung out of his thoughts. He directed his attention back at Jeongguk, whose eyes were back on him now.

"I must admit your résumé is very impressive, having studied at a very famous college in France and all..."

Taehyung sat up a bit after he heard the praise. He beamed a smile at the man in front of him. Jeongguk smiled back and opened his mouth.

"But I really don't think you could handle the job."

Wait... WHAT?!

Taehyung couldn't keep the shock off his face. He looked up to see an amused, but serious Jeongguk meeting his eyes. Taehyung straightened and composed himself.

"May I ask why?"

Jeongguk gave him a lofty look and continued.

"I saw how you were basically having a panic attack outside my building earlier. And if you couldn't even handle a simple interview without almost pissing your pants, then I doubt you would do very good speaking in front of the Board."

Taehyung cracked a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm sorry, sir,  but anxiety is a common emotion for anyone in an unfamiliar situation. Please forgive me, since I don't run a billion dollar company."


"Yes, that."

Taehyung knew that running his mouth like that in front of the very one he was trying to convince into hiring him was probably a bad idea. But seeing that smug look of Jeongguk made him want more than anything to wipe it off of his face and prove him wrong. 

"I think it's a bad idea to judge me this quick, sir. Surely you don't treat your clients this carelessly."

Jeongguk stiffened slightly but only for a second before regaining his calm composure again.

"I can see you don't take defeat that easily, Kim."

"Only when I don't see the reason behind it, Sir."

Jeongguk smiled, more to himself than to Taehyung, and started talking again.

"The secretary before you, Yugyeom, was one of the quietest people I've ever met, but he got work done. But the load was too much for him and he left after about 9 months. Such a shame, I actually liked him for a change."

Jeongguk turned to the obviously uncomfortable Taehyung.

"And that work load is what I have been living with for years now. So you have to essentially take a fraction of my work, and if that was too much for Yugeom, I doubt you would last a week."

Taehyung curled his fists underneath the table, a soft pink haze on his cheeks from the anger and embarrassment. He slowly lifted his head to look the cocky CEO in the eyes. The star-studded aura he had first seen around the young man had disappeared now, leaving only a boy who thought way too highly of himself. Taehyung took it upon himself to fix his little misconception and bring him down to his place. 

Ignoring the fury bubbling in his stomach, Taehyung gave Jeongguk a soft sincere smile, which caught the CEO off guard.

"Give me a chance to prove you wrong sir. You'll realize there's way more to me than what's on the surface."

Jeongguk looked at the man in front of him confused. Normally, they would be almost in tears by now and slowly making their way to the door after being rejected by the Jeon Jeongguk. But this one was......different. 

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung and returned his smile, rising from his desk. He slowly walked over the boy and smirked again.

"Alright, I'll give you another chance. Come back tomorrow if you really want this job."

Jeongguk bent down to Taehyung's ear and the poor boy tried not to shudder from his proximity. 

"Convince me."

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yoooo hello again! what do you think of our cocky af ceo?  and damn this is so long

lol I can't for tae to whoop his ass

love y'all mwah <3

- cks 

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