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Jeongguk smiled. He will not stop smiling. He gives the widest bunny smile and Taehyung has to kiss his smiling lips. They sat at a small booth at the edge of the wall in Euphoria. It was the prettiest Sunday morning, sunbeams decorating the walls of the vintage coffee shop. That's right. Jeongguk and Taehyung were on their first date. 

After being pulled around by Taehyung to every corner of the GUCCI store, Jeongguk had finally managed to drive him to the cafe. They were both starving from the activity of the day, so an order of every pastry makes it onto their table. They don't stop touching for the entire meal. They touch in between bites of cake and sips of coffee. Jeongguk touches the side of his neck, his cheek, his lips. Taehyung touches his fingers, his forearms, his chest. 

It might seem like they were going too fast. They just kissed and the next weekend, Jeongguk had asked Taehyung out on a date. But it felt like they had known each other for a lifetime. A pair of lovers' love story that they were continuing right now.

Taehyung looks at Jeongguk through the corner of his eye as he eats his meal. His cheeks puff out like dumplings and his eyes widen into full circles as he chews. He had never seen his boss in casual clothes before. Jeongguk was wearing a complete boyfriend outfit—a loose gray shirt, dark green cargo pants, and Timberlands. He had on a large black mask most of the time they were out, but he slid it down now that they were eating. 

Jeongguk catches Taehyung looking and stares at him. Taehyung stares right back. He cracks a smile and so did the latter. And then they were laughing loudly in the corner of the cafe. Laughing at everything and nothing at the same time. Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hand and kisses the palm. He cups his cheek and Taehyung blushes into his fingers.

"There's another place I want to show you," Taehyung looks up, pouting his adorable pout, asking 'where?' with his eyes.

Jeongguk smiles and gets up, pulling Taehyung's hand up with him. He digs out his card to give to the barista but Taehyung slams his hand down on Jeongguk's. 

"I'm paying," Jeongguk raises a single eyebrow, amused.

"You're kidding, right? I'm paying," Taehyung shook his head and suddenly fisted Jeongguk's shirt, pulling him closer. Jeongguk was surprised but he let himself drift closer to Taehyung's face. Their lips were inches away when Taehyung slyly snuck his card out and handed it to the barista, while Jeongguk still had his eyes on him. 

Taehyung smirked and said, "Can you get my card back for me, Gukkie?" Then he ran out the door, leaving behind a confused Jeongguk. He glanced to the side to see the barista holding a card out for him to take. Taehyung's card. Jeongguk huffed and left a generous tip, before following Taehyung outside.

He was met with a smirking Taehyung, head raised in victory. Jeongguk rolled his eyes and back hugged him like a koala, ignoring his squirming. 

"Gukkie, let me go!"

"Never. You smell so good." Jeongguk buried his nose into Taehyung's nape for a few seconds, breathing him in. He couldn't believe he had found someone so beautiful, so perfect. Especially after he had given up on love altogether. Guess it was just fate's way of letting him know that it wasn't done with him yet. 

"Come on, I have to show you that place..." Taehyung giggled and let himself be pulled into Jeongguk's shiny black Porsche. They head away from the busy streets of the center. Jeongguk holds Taehyung's hand in his lap the whole time. They head closer to the darkened forest at the outskirts of the crowded markets. Above, the clouds had hidden the setting sun. The farther they drive, the fewer people they see, until it looks they had left civilization behind. Jeongguk steered them to a secluded ridge and parked the car.

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