thirty six.

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guys listen. i tried my very best to try to make this realistic. i've never witnessed a kidnapping and hope for it to stay that way. this is just from movies and shows... i hope you'll enjoy tho :) ......

A soft breeze rustled the leaves of a large tree, an owl seated on one of its branches, occasionally letting out a low hoot. It was a clear, moonless night, the only light coming from the windows of the house in front of them. 

The breeze tousled Jeongguk's hair as he crouched behind a wide tree.

The only sound was the faint crackle of radio interference from Seojoon's walkie talkie. He took it out and looked over at Jeongguk before speaking into it. 

"All units alert, we're sending him in."

Seojoon took a last glance at Jeongguk, nodding firmly and wordlessly handing over the forged papers and money. Jeongguk nodded back, standing up slow despite his stiff legs and shaking hands. He took a step forward, only to be stopped by a hand tugging at his sleeve. Jeongguk turned to meet Jimin's wide eyes.

"Listen Jeongguk, be careful... and," he paused, "thank you.... for all you've done for Tae. He's lucky to have you..."

Jeongguk's face was blank. "Save your thanks, he still isn't safe..."

He looked back at the looming house. 

"I'm coming, Tae. Just hang on...."


Jeongguk took wobbly steps towards the house, the grass rustling under his feet. It was a two-story, the ground floor lit up dimly by a few lamps, while the upstairs was pitch black. 

He rapped his knuckles on the mahogany door, and after a minute or so, and five more impatient knocks, a burly man showed up in the open door's threshold. His eyes were shaded behind sunglasses, and he stood cross-armed in front of Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk cleared his throat and spoke in a loud, unwavering voice. "Miyeon? I'm here with the papers and money. Let me in."

A very faint voice spoke through the earpiece lodged into the big man's head, and he stepped back, letting Jeongguk into the dim room before the door shut behind him. 

Jeongguk looked around with his tired eyes. The house was in disarray, beer bottles and wrappers littered the scratched-up floor. The drywall was peeling off of the walls and Jeongguk caught the faintest tinge of blood in the air. 

Loud clicks sounded from in front of him, as Miyeon made her way into the room. Her lips stretched out over her teeth in a mocking smile. 

"Jeonggukie, you came! And just in time too, I was wondering if your poor toy had to be thrown to the dogs if you didn't show up."

Jeongguk grit his teeth and balled his fingers into fists. He took a threatening step forward, only for the men around them to close in and draw their knives, in case Jeongguk did something.

"Where is he? I have what you wanted, let him go." Miyeon raised a threaded eyebrow at the bag and binder clutched in his hands, signaling for one of the men to take them.

"Check if it's the right amount, but I'm sure our Jeonggukie wouldn't gamble now..."

Jeongguk looked down, willing for Miyeon to let go of her antics already. This evil mastermind role didn't fit her, as much as she tried to indulge herself in it. 

"Bring that slut out, I think he's had enough..." Jeongguk snapped his head up, about to yell at Miyeon, but he was cut off by the loud stomping of one of the men's boots as he went up the stairs. 

Jeongguk swung his head back towards the girl in front of him, eyes burning with rage. "I swear Miyeon, if you hurt him—"

"Miss Cho, there are cars parked outside and there are people coming towards the house!" One of the burly men held back the blinds to the front window, catching sight of Seojoon's officers ambushing them. 

Jeongguk widened his eyes, his frightened orbs meeting Miyeon's glare. She smirked and spoke low, so only Jeongguk could hear.

"Wrong choice, babe. Now you'll pay the price for leaving me."

The door burst open, men clad in dark blue bulletproof vests flooded in like a torrent into the dusty house. Miyeon ran upstairs, soon followed by a handful of officers. 

Jeongguk turned to run up too, but he was held back by Seojoon's strong, gloved hand. 

"Get to safety, we'll get Taehyung."

"Don't kill Miyeon, she doesn't deserve such an easy death."

Seojoon smiled under his helmet. "Of course not. She has a cozy jail cell waiting for her."

Jeongguk was herded out of the house, immediately pummeled into hugs by all of his hyungs.  

"You were so brave, Jeongguk-ah!"

"Don't worry, Tae will be with us soon!"

Jeongguk allowed himself to smile, watching the bright flashlights scour the house for his love, knowing it was only a matter of time before he was back in his arms.

Seojoon and his men came out, shoving several handcuffed men out onto the lawn and into a police van. Then Miyeon's bright red dress came into view, she was squirming against her handcuffs, letting out shrill cries.  Jeongguk and the others breathed a sigh of relief. 

Good always wins. 

But never without a fight.

A hunched figure was pushed out of the house, from the door that lead to the basement. Another followed it, pointing a shiny gun to the head of the kneeled frame in front of him. 

Mr. Kim looked to the officers with a menacing smirk. He dug the gun into Taehyung's soft locks of hair, willing with his eyes for anyone to give him a reason to shoot. 



im back

frick frack

big mac

jins a snack

ok ik some of y'all thought i dropped off the surface of the earth or smth

but i finally got my shitshow of a life together


- cks

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