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- 3 weeks later -

"Tae, come downstairs! We need to pick a movie!"


Taehyung hurriedly changed into his pajamas and rushed down, meeting Jimin,  who was also dressed in his sleepwear. Jimin's eyes were wide, staring at the countless movies on the TV screen. Taehyung smiled at him and made his way to the living room. The lights were dimmed down and every plushy that Taehyung owned decorated the space. That was saying something. Taehyung owned a lot of plushies.

Rectangles of the setting sunlight stretched across the wood floors and the chill of winter flowed through the house. Taehyung grabbed the bowls of popcorn sitting on the kitchen counter and walked back towards the living room, making sure to increase the heat on his thermostat.

"Oh, did you hear?"

Jimin's distracted voice floated from the couch, his orbs still trained on the TV, going through the movies.

"Hear what?"

"Hoseok got a boyfriend."


Taehyung screamed and Jimin jumped in surprise, dropping the remote.

"Jesus, Tae. Calm down," Jimin clamped his small hand over the ear closest to Taehyung and picked up the fallen remote.

"He finally asked Yoongi out! I'm so proud!" Taehyung walked around the living room table in his joy and plopped down next to his best friend.

"And they are coming tonight! It's going to be so fun!"

And right on cue, the doorbell rang through the house, signaling them to someone's arrival. Taehyung shot up from the couch and practically ran over to the front door, making Jimin roll his eyes. 

Taehyung swung the door open fast, the hinges squealing. He felt happiness bubble in his throat when he saw Jeongguk standing in front of him. He was wearing a dark blue bomber jacket and black sweatpants. Taehyung waited for his stomach to finish its crazy dance before he reached out to hug his boyfriend.

"Gukkie, you came!"

Jeongguk chuckled, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's petite waist and pecking his lips. 

"Of course, love. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

- - -

The rest of them filtered in over the next hour. Hoseok and Yoongi showed up after Jeongguk and were immediately doted on by Taehyung, bombing them with questions. Jin walked in too, wearing a cute pink onesie, and as always, arms full of snacks. 

The six were having a nice conversation, but Taehyung couldn't help but notice something off about Jimin.

"Chim, what's wrong?" Taehyung sat up from Jeongguk's embrace to see his soulmate's face better. Jimin's voice was low and concerned.

"I invited another person to join us. I don't know why he's not here yet..." Suddenly, all attention was focused on Jimin.

"Oh? Who is this special someone, Jiminie?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin, only to be met with disgusted eyes. 

"Ew, no. He's my friend. He moved back to Seoul a few days ago and I wanted to show him around."

Taehyung huffed and cuddled closer to Jeongguk. For a moment there, he was planning a triple date. Jeongguk smiled at his baby's action and kissed the crown of his head. He was just too cute.

Halfway into the movie and an hour of Jimin's fidgeting, the doorbell rang out through the house. Jimin's face lit up as he went to answer it. Taehyung caught Jin staring at Jimin's back expectantly. Taehyung smirked and poked Jin's shoulder, snapping him out of his trance.

"What's going on, Jin hyung? You look eager?"

Then, the boy did something that Taehyung would never have thought would ever cross the face of his hyung. Jin blushed a deep crimson and looked away.

"Hello, you guys must be Jimin's friends!"

A tall, chinto-eyed boy stood next to Jimin. Taehyung had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing when he saw the height difference between the two as they stood side by side. The man wore a hoodie and sweatpants, hands casually tucked into his pockets. Overall, he looked like a nice guy.

"This is Namjoon, my friend. He's really smart and he just got here from America." The man smiled, showing off two dimples on either side of his lips. Jin's breath hitched next to him.

Taehyung felt a jolt from behind him. He looked to see Jeongguk's eyes wide, staring at the newcomer. He looked back to see Namjoon with the same awestruck look on his face. Jeongguk stood up, his doe eyes sparkling. Suddenly, he crossed over and gathered Namjoon in a tight hug.

"Joon hyung!"

The five others shared the same look of confusion etched over their faces. Taehyung cautiously stood up, watching the two as they stood in an embrace. A beat of silence passed through the seven before Jimin cleared his throat.

"So, I'm guessing you two know each other already?" Jeongguk and Namjoon looked to the short male and smiled. 

"Jeongguk is my little brother."


hi guys

....... half brother ? aha

im sowee for not uploading this weekend

but hey hey hey i saw that this story was #58 in topkook and I SCREECHED

thank yall soooo much i lub youuu

and stay gold pls bangtan had to come slap me like that

ive had it on loop its so good

okie bai <3

- cks

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