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Jeongguk pulled up to his house in his car. Well, house meaning mansion, and car meaning limousine. He sighed and turned the ignition off, walking into his humble abode.

The chandeliers, the marble floors, he had grown tired to the endless glamour of his life, wanting more than anything to live simple and uncomplicated.  But he was Jeon Jeongguk, the most famous young man in Seoul. And nothing could change that.


Jeongguk looked up to see his girlfriend, Miyeon, rushing at him. He gave a fake smile and hugged her back. At one point in time, this girl made his heart skip a beat and his legs turn to jelly. 

But her once dreamy perfume, turned into poison for Jeongguk, after he walked in on her having sex with a random boy. She was too drunk to notice someone was in the room with them, but the boy ran off, leaving a broken Jeongguk and his cheating girlfriend.

She woke up the next day and begged Jeongguk to forgive her. She sobbed until Jeongguk couldn't take it anymore and agreed to give her another chance. He couldn't take anyone crying in front of him. 

He hid his broken self every time she came home drunk with hickeys all over her neck and every time she would flirt around with other boys behind his back.

But his heart wasn't that big for his feelings to stay. He felt no attraction to her now, void of any romantic feelings. You can say he even gave up on love.

Miyeon pulled back and pecked his lips. 

"I made your favorite dinner, baby. It's ready on the table!"

Jeongguk nodded and immediately scrunched his nose in disgust as Miyeon swayed her ass and walked away. She was wearing jeans that were ripped in more spots than he could count on his two hands, and a tight black balloon top.

He nodded curtly and followed her through the mansion's halls. He saw that she was limping slightly and sighed, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Actually, I think I'll eat in my study tonight, Miyeon."

She turned around, long brown hair whipping over her shoulder. She looked at him with a look of strained concern.

"Are you feeling okay, babe? I can make you feel better if you want..."

Miyeon winked and bit her lip, her eyes going all the way down Jeongguk's torso and back. He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, trying to keep from shuddering. 

"It was a long day at the office today, I think I'm going to get some sleep."

Miyeon smiled and nodded her head in understanding. 

"That's alright babe, but if you don't mind, I have to meet up with Chanwoo. I promised I would visit this week."

Jeongguk fought back the lump in his throat and sting in his eyes as he nodded. He braced himself to see his drunk girlfriend limp back to his house, reeking of sex.

She went to others to seek what Jeongguk couldn't give her. He blamed himself for his destroyed relationships. He couldn't help his busy schedule and he had to sacrifice something for his fame.

Jeongguk heard the front door close and walked to his study, his escape. Here he could immerse himself in anything he'd like. He spent the most time here in his house. Shedding his coat and shoes, Jeongguk ran a hot shower and slipped inside. 

Feeling the steaming droplets soak his hair and run down his back always helped wash the brunt of the day away. Jeongguk finished up and clad himself in his robe, finding a little strawberry cupcake on his desk. 

Jeongguk smiled and mentally thanked Mina, his maid, for the little treat. She's the only one who knew his love for strawberry pastries.

"One day, you won't need me to make those for you. Your soulmate will be the one who makes you happy."

Jeongguk turned to see Mina in the doorway, holding his dinner. He smiled and took it from her, setting it next to the small cupcake.

"Thank you.."

"Of course, sir. I'll be right downstairs, call if you need anything."

She left and closed the door, leaving the darkness to envelop the young man. He looked at the time, and sighed. 

"I should get to sleep..."

He flopped onto his bed, face buried into the pillow. He huffed and turned over to his back, running his long fingers through his wet hair. He sat up suddenly as a thought began in his head. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Mmm, what?"

"Yoongi hyung, I need a favor."

The man on the other side groaned and Jeongguk heard rustling from the other line. 

"Did it have to be at midnight, Kooks?"

"It's 10 pm, hyung."

"It's nighttime. And you know what normal people do at night?"

Jeongguk smirked softly.

"Not that you pervert, they sleep."

Jeongguk chuckled when Yoongi read his mind. They had known each other for very long now.

"Please hyungie, it's urgent."

"Last time you said that, you woke me up for spicy ramen and banana milk."

"It's about Taehyung, my new secretary."

There was quiet on the other side of the call. Jeongguk was about to say something when Yoongi's irritated voice came again.

"You want me to spy on your crush?"

"Hyung, he's not my crush! And I just thought it would be helpful to know a bit more about him than his résumé."

Yoongi sighed.

"Fine. I'll find whatever I can."

"Thanks hyung! You're the best!"

Yoongi hummed and Jeongguk knew he was blushing. His hyung always loved getting complimented.

For the next hour and a half, Jeongguk researched the college Taehyung attended in France, growing even more impressed by the boy. He was quite famous there too, in a college where it was hard to stand out.

A soft knock was heard on his door.

"Come in."

"Sir, Miyeon is back. She's not in the best sta—"

"Just take care of her."

Mina nodded and closed the door behind her. It was nearly midnight and Jeongguk fell into dreamland, still thinking about his wonderful new employee.

- - - - - 

ayo ladies and gentlemen

okie just to put it out there, I mean no disrespect to miyeon at all 

and chanwoo is an ikon member but i literally searched Korean boy names and chose the one i liked  ಠ_ಠ

i just like those names and i think they fit my story

bye bye my lovelies 😇

- cks

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