twenty two.

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Taehyung sighed as he shut down his computer for the day. It gave a soft hiss and the display dimmed, giving way to a black screen. His face reflected back at him from the surface and he scrunched his nose at his tired eyes.

"Ready to go, baby?" 

Butterflies rioted in Taehyung's stomach when he saw Jeongguk leaning against the door to his office. He softly smiled and nodded, making his way towards the latter. He pecked his cheek and buried his face into Jeongguk's chest.

"I missed you, Gguk," Jeongguk chuckled and pulled back to take his boyfriend's hand, leading him through the labyrinth of hallways.

Hoseok had gone home without Taehyung; Jeongguk wanted to drive his lover home today, plus he said he had something to tell him. Taehyung hadn't forgotten. Ideas of what his boyfriend wanted to say were pinging around in his head. He was relentless, asking everyone in the office if there was something wrong, and trying to get hints from Jeongguk as well. But his boyfriend had smiled and shaken his head, just saying...

"You'll like it. I promise," 

The cold winter air billowed around the pair as they walked down towards Jeongguk's car. It was one of the dwindling few left in the parking lot. Taehyung felt weariness creep into his bones as he practically dragged himself through the biting wind. The day's work had weighed him down and he fought to keep his eyes open. He wanted more than anything to get back to his apartment and collapse on his bed. He just hoped Jeongguk's surprise wouldn't take too long. 

Taehyung laid his head on the window of the car, watching the streets fly by. He slumped in his seat and tucked his chin into his chest, making himself look cute and tiny. Jeongguk internally chuckled at his lover's action and placed a hand on Taehyung's thigh, drawing circles with his thumb. His dark brown eyes looked at him and Jeongguk saw the exhaustion etched in his orbs. 

"What's wrong, baby?"

Taehyung shrugged and felt another wave of sadness crash over him. The feeling of Jeongguk's warm touch lifted him up a bit, but the sadness kept pulling him down. Jeongguk's voice drifted from the driver's seat.

"If nothing's wrong, why do you look so sad?" Jeongguk felt worried when he saw Taehyung's blank face wasn't going anywhere. He took his boyfriend's hand and squeezed it softly. Taehyung's voice was low and hoarse when he spoke. 

"I just feel a bit tired, Gguk. Don't worry..." Jeongguk nodded and silence pushed itself into the corners of the space they shared. It was a comfortable one, and they both didn't mind it. Nothing, in particular, was wrong, but Jeongguk hoped what he was going to say to his lover would cheer him up. 

They pulled up to Jeongguk's house and Taehyung's orbs immediately lit up at its magnificence. He got out of the car and he tried to gather the sight before him into his eyes. Jeongguk smiled behind him and locked his car, trailing Taehyung to the front door. He didn't see Miyeon's car in the driveway so he assumed she had gone out. The silence stretched on until Mina opened the door for them. 

"Welcome back, sir." She pushed the door wider for the two males to enter. Taehyung flashed her a smile and followed Jeongguk into the door. His eyes immediately lit up again as he saw how pretty the house looked on the inside.

"Mina, this is Taehyung, my boyfriend. Taehyung, Mina." She smiled softly and gave Jeongguk a knowing look. Jeongguk returned it and watched as Mina gestured Taehyung to follow her. Taehyung shot a nervous look back at his boyfriend but complied when his lover sent him a nod and a warm smile.

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