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* surprise im not ded . im sorry for disappearing for two whole ass months but i had way too much going on and i rlly had to put this on hold for myself to get my shit together. i lost people close to me the last three months and i rlly couldn't take it. but im better now and closer to some version of normal. anyways enjoy. (oh also imagine joon can drive for the sake of this ff :)*

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Taehyung felt his eyelids tremble as he lifted them, seeing a hazy picture of the room around him. An oxygen mask was strapped to his face, the elastic gripping too hard against the sides of his head. He looked down and saw his breath fogging up against the inside of the plastic, before quickly fading away. A soft sound was heard from next to him, and a nurse, clad in white, sat down to his side.

"How are you feeling? Can you talk?" The nurse opened her mouth, but only muffled syllables came out. He strained to hear her, but she seemed to grow ever faint, hazy around the edges. 

The ends of his vision fell to darkness, his breathing growing deeper again. He felt the comforting embrace of sleep wash over him, letting his eyes succumb to the darkness once again.

- - -  

Jeongguk sped through the halls of the giant building. His shoes squeaked impatiently on the marble floors, as he rushed past the few that were littered around. 

"Mr. Jeon!" A winded voice sounded behind him. 

A man with crooked glasses was close behind him, finally catching up. Jeongguk waited for the man to regain his composure, already feeling better now that he was away from there. 

The man straightened and held out his hand. 

"Congratulations, Mr. Jeon. We have brought her to justice." He beamed shyly.

Jeongguk smiled back and took his outstretched hand, giving it a firm shake. 

"Thank you Mr. Kang, for taking this case." The man looked down and shook off his black robes, straightening his tie. 

"It was an honor, Mr. Jeon. I hope this is the last time you'll be in need of a lawyer..."

He bowed deeply and excused himself, walking past swiftly. Namjoon slowly walked towards Jeongguk, as the latter faced the lawyer's back. He placed a hand on his shoulder and both watched the figure as he turned the corner. 

Jeongguk sighed and turned back towards his brother. 

"Thanks for coming hyung, I really needed somebody..."

Namjoon smiled softly, his dimples appearing on either of his lips. 

"Of course Kooks, I know work is at a complete standstill, but you always come first."

Jeongguk felt his eyes tear up and he embraced Namjoon in a tight hug. 

It was the last of a series of court hearings of Taehyung's case. After two weeks of being pulled back to the enormous court room, Miyeon and her accomplices were found guilty and were sentenced to a lengthy time in prison. 

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