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Ring ring ,my alarm rang I woke I went to the bathroom and freshen up,I went downstairs Sayed morning to my uncle and Aunt ,the asked me where am going to ,I told them I want to go to school ,they were so happy gave me my lunch and gave me a peck ,then I went to school in my car,I reached school and said hi to Daniel ,Daniel said hey dude brand new day I missed you bro,I missed you too bro,so what are you going to do today,well am just going to go to class have my lunch and then go to the training class,ok dude so I'll see you in class then ,ok but before I could reach class the school bully came ,he said give me your lunch money or else he cracked his nuckels,then I said or else what ,he said is he talking to me as he was about to punch me in the face I just held his fist and a strong wind blew and then I felt more powerful than myself my eyes turned red and then my entire body became red and my fist started to feel a shock passing through and then I let the power out and boom I sent him flying through the wall and then I became normal he and his gang they ran I asked my self what was that I better go ask Daniel in his dugo I went to him and asked him when I got there he was training people and then he turned around and seensed that I have found out I have the power ,he said so you have found out ,I asked him found out what?,he said you have found out about the dark soul , what dark soul , long ago your parents were both black and Golden soul  until flames came his a fire soul he has destroyed lot's of worlds killed lots of men when your parents wanted to destroy him but they couldn't until they found away too destroy him but they had too sacrifice they're selves that's how your parents died and how the flames was destroyed so you are a red soul ,ok dude I do not understand any of this so you're saying am a red soul yes but I don't want to, your parents were once souls so it's up to you to continue the generation,ok ,am going to teach you how to use the power, when do I start,he said right now.



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