Chapter 2: The train ride over

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(A/N if wattpad tells me a person voted for my story I will give you a shout out. I also reply to comments. Love yall)

I had just gotten to my room when effie found me. She started to talk, but I couldnt process it.

"Effie. I just volunteered my self in a fight to death. Give me five minutes to process the unavoidable fact that theres a 23/24 chance I die!" I snap.

"Who is it we have here?" A drunken voice drawls.

"Jasmine," I tell Haymitch.

"I think I like you. Take all the time you need sweetheart," he said walking away laughing.

I go into my room and collapsed on the bed. The same thoughts keep going through my head. I'm gonna die. Eventually I crawl out of bed to the bathroom. It takes me a minute but I figure it out.

As I wash myself i decide to use lavender scented things, as they are supposed to be calming. I get out and dry my hair and body. I put on a simple dress and braid my hair into a simple braid.

I walk out to meet effie and Haymitch for dinner. Only haymitch isnt there but Peeta is.

"Hello Effie!" I said with a smile.

"Hello Jasmine," she replied back as I sat and looked at all the food.

"Theres so much!" I said in awe, grabbing some bacon.

"Of course. The capital wants you to be happy!" She said," and at least you two have manners."

"I've never eaten bacon," I said still in awe as I took a bite.

"What that?" I pointed to a dark glass.

"Sweet tea," she told me.

"You have stuff to sweeten it!" I said drinking a full glass.

"Oh my god this is amazing. I havent been this happy since gale gave us bread!" I laughed wating another peice of bacon, not noticing Effies shocked face.

I ate a full meal of things I've never eaten. Effie helped me discover the names. I liked the rice or the mac n cheese the most. I skipped to my room for bed, peeta following.

Effie's POV

"About time you arrive!" I scolded Haymitch.

"Didnt want to be here to hear how much they have starved," he simply answered grabbing some food.

"She didnt know what sweet tea was. Or rice. Or anything. What do they eat!" I exclaimed.

"What ever they are lucky enough to find," haymitch answered taking a bite of food.

I just sat there shocked.

Jasmine's POV

I woke up a little late. I didnt care about my looks really. My hair was still in a braid and I put on some sweat pants and a shirt. I walked out to breakfast.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just catching up on sleep. What have I missed," I asked sitting.

"Just giving some life saving advice," haymitch said.

"Oh. That could be helpful. What about, O great mentor," I asked buttering a peice of toast.

"Make people like you," he told me.

"How do I do that?" I asked taking a bite.

"I dont know if you will have an issue with that," he said.

"Make people like me to get sponsors," I said and he nodded.

"I'll make you two a deal. Dont waste my time and I stay sober enough to help," he told us.

"Deal. I made a promise to go home or die trying," I said making everyone laugh.

"That's it sweetheart. Win em over with dark humor," he said with a smile.

"Always have," peeta agreed.

"Damn straight!" I laughed finishing.

Then we passed the capital people. Me and peeta ran to the window to look and wave. People blew kisses and threw Roses. I pretended to catch em and blow kisses back.

We went to our rooms to wash up one last time before seeing our stylist. I washed my self down really well and washed my hair a ton. I stepped out and dried off. I decided to leave my hair alone and just put on a black dress.

Me and peeta met up and walked off the bus. We were immediately ushered in to the pre stylist people.

"Have you ever shaved you legs!" One complained.

"No. Not a luxury in twelve. Good luck I'm hairy," I said making them groan.

I sat there for what felt like hours until I was finally beautiful enough. Then I had to strip naked and wait for cinna to put me in a coal mining outfit.

Finally he walked in and said," I'm sorry this has happened to you."

"Most people just congratulate me," I told him.

"I dont see why. Now I'm just gonna give you a quick look, no touching and then we will get you in your outfit."

"Am I gonna be a coal miner?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I saw your reaping. Your very brave Jasmine. Do you think I'm gonna put such a brave girl in a coal mining outfit?" He asked with a smile.

"Damn, I sure hope not," I said making him smile bigger.

So he got to work. No letting me see what he put on me. It was a very light weight dress. He put something on my head, and did my hair on a braid. He then worked on my make up.

"Can I see it?" I asked him.

"You will out there," he told me.

"I would prefer to see it now," I told him.

"Sorry Jasmine. Let's go," cinna told me.

I walked out to the event that would change my life.

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