Chapter 10: Are You On My Side?

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Rues POV

I watched the faces across the the sky. The career girl from one and a girl from ten were in the sky. I put some leaves on Jasmine to draw out the poison.  I wish could tell thresh where she was, but he will just have to be happy that she isnt in the sky.

It took three days for her to wake up. I kept praying she would die and I changed her leaves daily.

"Where am i? How long have I been out?" She asked me.

"The woods. Three days," i told her.

"Who's dead?" She asked.

"Glimmer. A girl from ten. Cato and thresh are still out there," I told her.

"Come with me. You hide with us," she offered me.

"Really?" I asked with a smile.

"Really, we can go tomorrow."

I fell asleep with a smile. I'm going to be okay.

Jasmine's pov

Rue slept first and I munched on berries. I opened my locket to look at the pictures. I smiled looking through the photos. I hope thresh and cato are okay.

I was up all night. I let rue sleep the whole night away. Then I woke her up so we could start on our day. We were talking through the woods when we heard footsteps. I drew out my knife and was ready to throw when marvel stepped.

"You killed her!" He snarled at me.

"You left her," I said calmly.

"I'll kill you!" He released his spear and I threw my knife.

I hit him in the heart. He hit rue in the stomach. Marvels cannon immediately blew. I grabbed my knife and ran back to rue.

"We-we can fix it," I stuttered out.

"No we cant," she whispered.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"You betrayed your boyfriend to get me out of tree. Dont be sorry," she gasped out.

"What do you want me to do," I asked her.

"Can you sing?" She asked sweetly.

"I cant try," and I started singing a song could safe and sound.

"Thank you," then her eyes glossed over.

Her cannon sounded. She was dead! I sat there and cried till I heard more footsteps.

"You bitch!" I heard clove yell falling by marvel.

"I'll kill you!" She screamed drawing a knife.

"Go ahead. I can throw to," I said drawing on of mine.

"Cato," clove said to the blonde boy.

"I had to do it. He was after me," I told cato.

"Kill her!" Clove yelled.

"Who's side are you on cato? Do you actually love me?" I yelled my eyes brimming with tears.

"Let her go. This time only, twelve," he told me.

As I was running I heard another cannon.

Dont be thresh. I found the river I followed to find Rue. The girl who was dead. Her family is watching right now, crying.

"Thresh!" I started yelling getting closer to our hide out.

"Thresh!" I sobbed out.

I ran to where we were but he wasnt here. All of our stuff was. No thresh.

I fell against a tree as tears racked my body. I grabbed my knife and made a few cuts. The blood fell down my arm and stained the ground around me.

"Jasmine," a deep voice said.

"Oh my god thresh!" I yelled hugging him.

"Wheres rue?"

"I-I couldnt save her," I sobbed out.

"Its okay. You tried. Its okay," thresh said hugging me, tears slipping down his cheeks.

"Ever cannon I thought it was you. Every night I though you wouldnt come back. I thought I was gonna lose you," he whispered hugging me.

"Clove will kill me next time she sees me," I told him.

"I thought-"

"I kill two careers. Glimmer helping rue escape. Marvel for killing Rue. Cato let me go, but I dont think she will be controlled next time," I told him.

"Its fine. You will be fine. We will be fine," thresh whispered, not letting me go.

"By the way I killed a bird today. I will cook it up," he said.

I nodded to him and stayed by the tree.

"Attention tributes. There has been a slight rule change. One boy and one girl same district or not can leave the games. Thank you," we Senica Crane anounce.

"We could both go home, " I whispered.

"No. You and cato can go home. You love him," he said and I smiled and blushed.

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

"Remember, when it came down to it. He chose you," thresh said handing me the bird.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Had one this morning," he said.

"That's why your bigger then when you came in these games," I said and he nodded.

I devoured the bird. Me and thresh walked to the lake and bathed. I went first and he turned around, Visa versa. We then filled out water bottles and cleaned the water. We walked back to camp and talk for a while.

"You sleep first, " he told me, and I nodded.

"Goodnight, Thresh," I said.

"Goodnight Jas."

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