Chapter 12: The Feast

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Thresh pov

"You know I love you right," the sponsors gave me sleeping medicine last night.

I last an hour. Plenty of time for me to get her medicine.

"Yeah thresh. I love you to," she said drinking what she thought was water.

She gave me a look but in five minutes was asleep. I felt a little bad, but I had to. I started running through the woods to the cornicopia.

Please let me make it back.

I was at the edge of the woods when I saw clove. I was immediately infuriated. She almost killed Jasmine. If she saw her again she would kill her.

I ran out and tackled her.

"What the hell!" She growled.

"You would kill her," I said grabbing a rock and smashing her skull in.

The cannon went off. I grabbed both of our bags and catos before running into the woods. I felt something go through my stomach and I fell to the ground.

"What the fuck!" I groaned checking to see an spear through my stomach.

The boy from six was smiling at me before he grabbed a knife from his sheath.

"Goodbye eleven," he said but was pulled away and throw into a tree. There was a crunch and then a cannon.

"Hey. Hey. Oh god," cato said running to me.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"That way. The sleeping medicine I drugged her with should be wearing off. One of our packs has medicine for her. Shes dying," I told him.

"You drugged her, I gasped.

"I would be here right now if I didnt. Tell her that I'm sorry cato," i groaned.

"Thresh-" i cut him off.

"Tell her I'm sorry!" I cried," Tell her to win. Tell her I'm sorry we could be best friends. Tell her I'm sorry."

The world was going black and I didnt here what cato said. I felt my self being dragged. Then light filled the end of of my vision. There was a figure in the light.


"Come home thresh," she said reaching out.

I took her hand and the outside world fell around me.

Jasmine's POV

I woke up to hearing cannon after cannon going off. What is it thresh. What if its cato. I continued to throw up and blood and worry.

I saw cato run up to me.

"I have your medicine," he said handing me a pill.

I took it and immediately was feeling better.

"Wheres thresh?" I asked.

"He said hes sorry," cato whispered.

"No," I whispered as tears filled my eyes.

"He can't be dead!" I screamed.

"Your lying to me cato. Hes still out there!" I sobbed.

"Come here Jasmine," he said pulling me close.

I sobbed in his shirt. The same word playing over and over again. Dead. Dead. Dead.

We would never be best friends. I would never see him have a family. I would never see him have a future. I lost him. Dead.

I cried until I physically had no more tears.

"Rest tonight. The last one is foxface. Tomorrow the last day," cato said after pulled away.

I opened my locket and looked at the pictures. I will win for them. I'm going home tomorrow. Im have to. For rue. For peeta. For thresh.

I fell asleep being wrapped in catos protective arms. He would randomly kiss my head as I was falling asleep. Tomorrow is it. Tomorrow I win the games.

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