Second Year - Welcome Back

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"The girl with (h/c) hair!"

First chapter of Second Year. And I have two words..

Welcome Back.

(Y/N)'s POV





"Okay, I get it!" I yelled, smacking my hand at that stupid alarm clock. It smashed. "There goes my ticket to waking up on time."

I picked up the clock at eyed it carefully. It was definitely broken, but it had the time still etched upon its face. 8:00 am

I groaned, it was way too early, but I couldn't sleep anyways. I changed into some comfortable clothes, washed my face, brushed my hair and ran downstairs but not before grabbing my leather (and very well kept) book.

"Oh, you're down, are you?" came a cruel and cold voice. Prudence.

"Nice to see you too." I said, casually. "You called me down."

"What nonsense." she snarled.

I shrugged, "You must have short term memory then, cause you were the one who set my alarm clock."

She was red in the face. I don't know why she always gets angry, probably because of my sass, but she starts it, so she gets it.

"Where is that clock?"


"What?!" she exclaimed, "I payed good money for that!"

"Claud did."

"HE WORKED FOR THAT MONEY THEN!" she shouted, her eyes widening with rage, her face red with anger, her fist clenched in fury and her mouth, a thin line in irritation.

"It was like, what? Ten pounds? That's not much." I replied, coolly. I knew that if I raged, then my eyes would light up and the most baddest things could happen.

Last year was when I'd found out that I was a witch with extraordinary powers. But not just any power. Unlike other witches and wizards, I had what was known as, the chain of power. This is a rare sort of power that I've inherited from my deceased mother.

It's basically when my eyes light up in times of when I'm angry. And then horrible things happen to the person that makes me angry. It's beneficial, yes, and I've kind of grown to like it, but it scares me sometimes and that's what I'm famous for. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm famous?

I looked back at Prudence who was glaring at me with such force. I could feel my anger flaring but I forced it back down.

At that moment, an owl flew through, but not just any owl, it was Errol, Ron's family owl.

Ron, who was one of my best friends from Hogwarts, had invited me for a stay at The Burrow, his home with the Weasleys. I wrote to him telling him that I might not be able to go due to my foster parents here, and I guess this was his reply.

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