Third Year - Greetings

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"Don't worry. We can die together."

Woo! Third Year, off to a start! And one word I'd like to say..


(Y/N)'s POV

Tap, tap.

I dashed over to where the tapping was coming from to find Hedwig! Opening the window carefully, I let her fly in and she stood on my nightstand, holding a letter.

"Good flight?" I asked, stroking her snowy white feathers.

She twooted in response as I retrieved the letter marked with my name in the messy scrawl of his handwriting.

Tearing open the envelope, I read the letter eagerly:

To (Y/N),

I've been doing alright. The Dursleys are the same usual moody people. They just told me Aunt Marge is coming over next week, you know, the one I told you about, obsession with her dogs and all. Thanks for the framed picture and the broomstick model. That was brilliant! Are you going to see the Weasleys when they come back? Just thought I'd ask. See you.

From, Harry.

Harry's birthday is a few days later but I thought I should just give his package early.

Just a second later, (O/N) flew in, bringing Hermione's letter.

As soon as he saw the sight of Hedwig, he bounced off and flew towards her. I grinned.

Dear (Y/N),

How are you? I hope you're doing fine and also keeping up with your studies. Ron's still in Egypt I expect, and I'm so jealous! What a wonderful place to be in, and exploring all of it's history and arts, he's really lucky. You said you'd be in the Leaky Cauldron at some point, I thought I'd meet you there sometime soon. Just wanted to let you know really quickly. Hope the Muggles aren't treating you horribly, and remember to control that power of yours, it's really very dangerous.

Love, from Hermione.

I sat at my desk realising how much homework I had, and started working through them.

"Here, have some of these." I offered some food to the two owls, who were happily twooting to each other.

"You should fly back to Harry, he'll be wondering where you've gone." I said to Hedwig, who refused. "(O/N) will accompany you?"

Hedwig happily obliged. I sighed. If I'm going to send the two off, may as well write a quick letter to the clueless boy. And so I did, attached it to the leg of (O/N) and sent the two off.

While working through my sheets (and having already completed the subjects that I'm quite strong at), I found my letter from McGonagall about trips to Hogsmeade. I needed permission to go, but I knew, that the Fishers would never sign it. I could ask Dean to forge a signature? But I also knew all too well McGonagall won't be fooled that easily.

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